Soothing Potato, Celery Root and Sunchoke Cream with Purple Potato Chips

When I took these photos last week, I had a different story to tell you. A story about autumn and potatoes. But things changed.

It all started last Friday when J. was complaining about a stomach ache. Then, on Saturday, this stomach ache turned into full blown nasty virus that had all of us bending over with pain. Even poor M. who is not quite one year yet, could not keep anything down. Needless to say it was a rough weekend.

Saturday, I could barely move, but I was the least affected of the four so I somehow managed to make some soup. Soup was the only thing I could picture myself eating. Not this exact one, as I had made and photographed this a few days earlier, but a second batch.

Celery root, sunchokes, potatoes, leeks, thyme, coconut milk… Creamy and light soup that takes no time to make to get us going. It seemed to be the only thing that really helped.

Sunday afternoon, C. and I managed to take alternating naps. I woke up after my two hour siesta revitalized. Nothing some sleep cannot help, no?.

I woke up to an anxious boy in a ninja costume ready to go trick or treating. “is it time yet?”, he asked. I got up, took a shower, got dressed and miraculously felt like a new person.

We grabbed some of these leftover pistachio, oat and chocolate shortbreads, which I had been testing the week before and headed to our friends’ house where it as all happening. Cookies went down great, but kids were looking for their packaged candy fix.

Oh how I love Halloween.

Potato, Celery Root and Sunchoke Cream with Purple Potato Chips

makes enough for 4 servings

3 Tbs olive oil
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 leek, diced
1 medium celery root, peeled and diced
2 sunchokes, peeled and diced
4 medium potatoes, peeled and diced
2 springs of fresh thyme
1 1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 qt chicken or vegetable stock
1/4 cup coconut milk
1 purple potato, thinly sliced
olive oil to fry

In a large pot, sauté the garlic and leeks in the olive oil for about 1-2 minutes. Do not want to brown them, just sweat them. Add the diced root vegetables, thyme, salt and pepper and saute for another minute.

Add the chicken stock (enough to cover) and bring it to a boil. Simmer and cover the pot. Cook the soup for about 20 minutes and then puree it. Add the coconut milk and adjust seasoning.

In the meantime, slice the purple potato with a mandolin or a super sharp knife (mandolin works best). heat the olive oil and fry the potatoes for about 1 minute until they crisp up. Drain them on paper towels and season with salt and fresh thyme.

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103 Responses to “Soothing Potato, Celery Root and Sunchoke Cream with Purple Potato Chips”

  1. Eliana says:

    WOW – what glorious food and glorious photography. And love the burst of color on those purple potatoes.

  2. Such lovely food and pictures! Delightful.



  3. Sorry to hear about your family’s recent bout of sickness. Ick.

    As always, your pictures are stunning. And you’ve inspired me to make blue potato chips (like I really needed the push). Thanks!

  4. Stunning shots as usual, Aran. Your work is always so inspiring.

  5. Buff! Espero que ya estéis recuperados…
    Nunca he probado las patatas violetas, el otro día compré porque tengo dos recetas pendientes pero no me imagino el gusto que tienen.

  6. Begoña says:

    No sé que tenéis las madres vascas que siempre acabáis tirando del carro cuando nadie más puede hacerlo (y lo digo pensando en la mía que es de Bilbao y es una campeona de capitanear la familia cuando estamos todos enfermos). ¿Sabes que me gusta mucho de pasar por tu blog? Que siempre veía leche de coco en el súper y nunca sabía qué hacer con ella y aquí siempre encuentro mil opciones. Un beso!

  7. pity says:

    menos mal que estos virus tan fastidiosos son pasajeros, por aqui en londres estamos todos igual aunque afecta mas al pecho y la voz, tu sopa un reconstituyente marvilloso y las galletitas deliciosas! Por cierto que vi el programa de Robin Food, felicidades! estuviste genial! besitos,

  8. Junglefrog says:

    I hope you’re all feeling better now as I do hear that there is a nasty flu going around. Your soup however would be perfect for these fall days!

  9. Your photos are beautiful and make me hungry! The recipe looks great. My next purchase is a mandolin- so good for all the roots around at this time of year.

    Thanks for the inspiration.

  10. abby jenkins says:

    Being sick stinks. being able to spend time napping is not so stinky. Glad you are feeling better. Lovely photographs!

  11. Coses de Llabiro- pues saben parecido pero un poco mas “profundo”. la textura es un poco diferente y se deshacen muy facilmente. Cuando se hierven, pierden ese color tan fuerte (que es una pena).

    Begona- pues como cualquier madre del mundo la verdad. echadas pa’lante!

    Thank you all!

  12. Nisrine says:

    Comforting soup. I love the crunchy purple potato chips on top; they add a nice touch!

  13. that soup looks so rich and comforting…would love a bowl right now!

  14. Y says:

    How awful that everyone got simultaneously sick! Seems like you are all on the mend however, which is great to hear :) The soup looks fantastic – I always crave soup when I have a cold.

  15. Allyson says:

    So sorry to hear about the illness! As always, these are stunning pictures and soup sounds fantastic!
    I have to admit, some of your recipes seem a little daunting, but the pictures are always so lovely that I’m inspired even if I’m not quite feeling brave enough to try the recipe! :)

  16. Teresa says:

    I’m glad you’re all doing well now. The soup and cookies both look amazing. Always such lovely pictures.

  17. Eva says:

    I watched your Robin Food clip the other day, it was adorable! Y que personaje el tipo! So I saw the pictures of the oatmeal chocolate sandwich cookies and was so looking forward to the recipe below. Any chance you´ll be posting it anytime soon?
    Saludos desde Argentina

  18. Kim says:

    As usual, you pictures are lovely! Your soup looks so creamy, yum!

  19. Gemma says:

    Absolutely beautiful! I love the chips.

  20. Marina Mott says:

    I hope everybody is better now!! Wonderful post!xx

  21. Bridget says:

    your pictures… i love. your recipes… i love. your blog… love!

  22. Jennifer says:

    Sorry to hear you’ve been unwell.

    The soup looks so beautiful and colourful. I love the purple potato chips. As always, your photos are so stunning.

  23. oh no to being so sick!!! poor everyone! but that soup looks magical. and delicious. i want. now.

  24. Melissa says:

    Visit often but rarely comment. I have to say I love the color and contrast of the puree and purple potatoes. Such beauty!

  25. those are the prettiest potato chips i’ve ever seen!

  26. your photography still so inspiration, lovely work indeed.

  27. May Brady says:

    Oh YUM! Looks and sounds gorgeous!!

  28. That’s the way to serve purple potatoes! I cooked them and since they never looked so attractive, I decided not to post my recipe.

  29. Marinka says:

    It looks so good..I love the presentation too ^^

  30. Poor you – and well done for carrying on and producing such a beautiful post as usual.

  31. Your soup looks wonderful; satisfying without being too heavy, and I can imagine the wonderfully creamy texture. The purple potato crisps on top are the perfect garnish. How I wish could make all of my meals look so beautiful!

  32. oh the same virus is going on around where I live! Feel better, the four of you. Delicious soup and cookies can only be a wonderful help! This one reminds me a lot of the soup I made here:
    Reminds me to get sunchokes, but have not been able to buy them this year yet. I wonder why…

  33. I´m glad that you´re all feeling better now! This cream with chips looks soooo beautiful.

  34. Sini says:

    I’m happy that you did beat the nasty virus. Hope you all feel better!
    I actually was thinking of making a soup today so your timing was perfect. Haven’t used sunchokes before.

  35. Kruzon says:

    Touristas and stomach viruss require not eating solids to like them or in many cases one immodium or its generic lapiderm? will usually take away the cramps and the loose stool. Carbonatred charcoal is another handy item for this situation. We always said, when eating around the campfire, that a little charcoal on your food is good for your digestion.

  36. Espero que hagais superado el virus y os encontreis mejor.
    Fantastico post, los chips de patatas violeta son un toque perfecto para esta sopa.
    Te vi en el programa de Robin Food, felicidades!!!

  37. Fragolina says:

    This soup and cookies will definitely make you feel good again. The pictures are so beautiful!!

  38. Judith says:

    todo tiene una pinta bueníssima! como siempre. Besos

  39. Wow what beautirulf pictures again! I love your photography!

    Can you please post the recipe for those adorable cookies? They look delicious, especially in the shot one can see them at the side.

  40. Nicole says:

    I feel for you, caring for the family, while being sick yourself. My baby is 13 months and I’ve only been sick once (knock on wood) but it went away quickly, as if mom’s aren’t allowed to be sick!
    Gorgeous, restorative soup.

  41. Love the photos! I just got a new camera and learning to take better photos, maybe one day I will be as good as you ;)

    Everything looks so good!!! YUM

  42. I always love YOUR soups, they all look so delicious! The cookies look wonderful, too. I hope you’ll post the recipe!!!

  43. i never knew food could look so pretty! you take such beautiful photos! :)

  44. caroline says:

    I love the pop of color from the purple chips! Do you think the coconut milk could be omitted here? It always makes me queasy (too rich, I think).

  45. Caroline- yes, you could omit it although it’s not much and you can barely taste it. it’s there mostly for creaminess. but you could just not use anything or add some yogurt or cream… but plain is great also. thanks!

  46. a. maren says:

    what a fantastic recipe! those are all vegetables i’ve been dying to get to know but haven’t known what to do with. and soup – perfect for winter. and for sickness. sorry about your illness!

  47. Sounds delicious. I don’t know if I have seen celery root or sunchokes in my local markets, but will have to look for them.

  48. Mels says:

    Maybe not when you have a sick tummy, but have a quick recipe for roasted purple potatoes.

    Slice and steam to half way done. Drain and spread on baking tray. Sprinkle olive oil, course sea salt, and lots of fresh rosemary. Toss until coated and bake in a hot oven until roasted. Lots of rosemary, so it roasts too.
    I’ve lately been adding fresh beets — purple potatoes and lovely purple beets.

    Finish with fresh ground pepper and maybe a dab of Greek yogurt. Yum!!

  49. Sini says:

    Made it, loved it!

  50. ibb says:

    Patata more horiek izugarri bereziak dira. Ez ditut hemendik ikusi. Baina bereziak behar dute.
    Hemen dator jada negua.

  51. Oh yesss, nothing like sleep to cure & this soup sounds wonderful too. Beautiful photos.

  52. Liz says:

    Soup looks amazing, even more so since you were not feeling well. Glad you were able to enjoy Halloween

  53. Shuku says:

    It must be one of those universal things, getting sick – I’m still recovering from a horrible bout of food poisoning I contracted in Hanoi.

    The soup looks marvellous and healing – I’m so glad you’re feeling better and I really would like to try making some soon.


    PS: The brioche is STILL marvellous even after three days!

  54. pinky black says:

    yummy recipe. and very delicious looking photos. you really did capture it so well. anyway, are you a Filipino or with a Filipino blood? is it sweet potato or plain purple potato?

  55. lucy says:

    foto fanastiche e ricetta assolutamente gustosa.mi ispira tutto e m olto.complimenti!

  56. shaz says:

    Oh no, sorry to hear about the virus. I hate that particular type, and it’s so easily picked up from school/ kindy, yuck. Glad to hear everyone’s mended and trick or treating was managed :) Love the purple potato chips.

  57. Shuku- that’s wonderful!

    Pinky black- it’s a purple potato not a sweet potato and no, I’m not filipino.

    Thank you!

  58. This looks divine! I love sunchokes, I love celery root and potato! What a better idea then combining them all with rich and delicious coconut milk. I love love love the idea. thanks

  59. Susan Burke says:

    Hi! Yum Yum Yum! Makes me want to dance around the kitchen! I am hoping so much that you will post the recipe for pistachio, oat and chocolate shortbreads!
    I would love to make those for our little girls birthday! I think the kids love to have food they can hold in their hand, just the right size! Thank you!

  60. Susan Burke says:

    Oops! Forgot to ask for the recipe for the chocolate cream inside the cookie sandwiches too please!
    Thank you!

  61. Susan- i’m tweaking the recipe and will share t when done. the filling was actually a ganache i made with coconut milk and dairy free and soy free chocolate chips from Enjoy Life. then chilled and whipped. will share soon. thank you!

  62. Shelby says:

    This soup recipe looks just delicious, I can’t wait to try it! There is nothing like hot soup and fresh bread on these colder days… thank you!`

  63. sam. says:

    vos photos sont vraiment très très belles !!!!

  64. Gorgeous! I LOVE finding new ways to use celery root. Can’t wait to try this soup!

  65. Anne says:

    Such a gorgeous cream!

  66. Bake5! says:

    i think the cookies look awesome! very rustic, just the way i like it

  67. How beautiful, and the recipe sounds delicious. I hope everyone’s feeling better. I rarely think to cook with coconut milk, but I recently used it to make some Thai curry and it left me wanting to incorporate it into more recipes. This kind of soup sounds like the perfect place.

  68. Lizzy says:

    I am not sure of how the food would taste..but the look of it for sure churns my appetite…The purple potatoes are some rare species

  69. your photography is stunning. makes me want to eat my computer screen!

  70. Gen says:

    Hum une soupe réconfortante! J’aime les veloutés qui font du bien aux papilles et à l’estomac!

  71. Gen says:

    I’m stunned! I speaks for itself, a pure dreaming moment!

  72. Esti says:

    qué finde más horroroso, espero que no se repita nunca, Aran. A mí lo que me revitaliza cuando estoy pachucha es un caldito de pollo/gallina de mi amama… ;)

  73. Love these photos, I’ll definitely have to try making that soup! ♥

  74. dining table says:

    Your photos are always so beautiful! The soup looks really nice and delicious. It is really perfect.

  75. Those photos sure is pretty and stunning! I still haven’t tried using purple potatoes on my dish. This one is a must try!

  76. Susan Burke says:

    Aran, Ah ha! : ) ok, thank you! Can’t wait! Love those Enjoy Life chips! Ganache sounds delish!

  77. Glorious Images! I also enjoy using purple potatoes! We had a great organic selection this summer from the markets. I could do with some of the soup now!

  78. Ruth Ann says:

    Glad that you are all feeling better. The stomach flu is the worst.
    Your photography is absolutely amazing. I feel a sense of calm looking at your pictures.
    It’s funny that you have a post that includes purple potato chips because Charlie recently had a post on them too. I’ll show it to her after work today.

  79. Liz says:

    Wow, purple potatoes! Aren’t potatoes amazing.
    Hope you’re all feeling better now.

    Liz x

  80. Marina Heidt says:

    I can’t wait for more fall recipes from you. Please in the future add more food recipes from Basque Country. I really miss home (Bilbao) and you always remind me of it in your writing. As usual, I wish I could eat your postings!



  81. molly says:

    Oh my, Aran. You’ve outdone yourself once again. Those purple chips are GORGEOUS! Almost too beautiful to eat. I will have to try out your recipe.

    Thanks for being a daily dose of inspiration!

  82. Deeba PAB says:

    I do hope you are all feeling much better now. Tummy flu is nasty. The soup is wonderful however, and those purple chips are mind blowing! Love the shortbread too – very very pretty!

  83. Margaret M. says:

    Hello, I was just wondering what all you used for garnish on the soup? All those colors are so beautiful.

    Also, what kind of coconut milk do you use in this? The thick “coconut cream” you can get canned or the more watery coconut milk that comes boxed near dairy and soy?

    Thanks so much for all your beautiful and inspiring posts.
    - Margaret

  84. Margaret- for the garnishes I used yogurt or sour cream, the purple potato chips, pea tendrils and olive oil. the coconut milk i use is the canned kind as it’s thicker and has less emulsifiers. (i buy organic coconut milk). thanks!

  85. I agree, your photos are delightful. So sorry to hear about the stomach bug!

    Halloween is a hoot, isn’t it? :)

    Keep up the stunning posts, I love ‘em!
    Georgie Fear RD

  86. Anonymous says:

    Looks yummy! Can you tell me what is the equivalent of 1 qt chicken stock in the metric system ? Thank you very much in advance.

  87. Anonymous- 1 qt is almost 1 liter. Thanks!

  88. Anonymous says:

    Thanks a lot!

  89. EJB says:

    The photos of the soup are simply stunning. I wish I could just dive into that creamy goodness. Love the purple potatoe chips – such a refreshing and colourful idea to a typical chip!
    Well done!

  90. Anonymous says:

    Beautiful, and I loved the soup recipe! I would love to make the cookies too but can’t find the recipe- is it on your blog?

  91. Wow – beautiful pictures and tantalizing foods! Congrats. Thanks for sharing with all of us.
    I am Nancy from

  92. Love the images and can’t wait to make some recipes! Thanks. I am Nancy from

  93. I am an art historian and chef-instructor. I love to connect my two loves: art and food. Photos are key to “teasing” the palate. Check out my recipes at

  94. I found it hard to decide on what post to comment on…your pictures depict such artistry skill and your food inspires me to to try new ideas. I love the vintage feel of your food! So beautiful!

  95. hagarita says:

    this looks amazing!!!
    the pictures makes me droll. love it.

  96. David says:

    Absolutely stunning photography! I’d love to know what photographic technique you’ve used?

    Which camera/lens?

    Great compositions…

  97. […] of chicken stock. And if you’d like something a bit more adventurous, this version of the sunchoke soup, blended with coconut milk and topped with purple potato chips, is a surefire crowd […]

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