The Manuscript and the Scones that Will Take Us Home

“I feel like I am forgetting something” I emailed my agent Judy on Thursday. I had just submitted the manuscript for my cookbook to my editor. It was time to celebrate, yet I felt as anxious as ever. “Yes, you forgot to celebrate!” she wrote back. I laughed.

So true.

After months of working on this manuscript as if it were my third child, I am done. I have created it, now it’s in someone else’s hands. Of course there will be revisions and edits, but the recipes are set, the images captured, and the stories told. And here is a small sample of the images you will find in it.

These props will finally have a home and some order.

C. will thank me.

I am looking forward to the promise of time off with my family back in the Basque Country. I am ready to relax, cook with my mom, drive along the coast while stopping for a pintxo or two, pick apples from my uncle’s orchard, and sit under ancient oak trees while the children play.

The last thing I baked this weekend were scones. Three batches of them to be exact; until my oven finally gave up. It has had enough. Almost like life telling me it is time to stop baking compulsively.

I got it. It’s time to stop.

We will take these with us on the plane. Full of black raspberries, red currants, quinoa, and oats.

I leave you with this recipe and soon I will be back from images from our trip. In the meantime, I hope you are enjoying your summer with your loved ones, cooking, and eating away.

See you soon!

Black Raspberry, Red Currant, Quinoa, and Oat Scones

adapted from Dorie Greenspan

makes 10 (2-inch) scones

1 1/3 cup (140 g) gluten-free oats

1 cup (140 g) superfine brown rice flour

1/3 cup (70 g) natural cane sugar

1/3 cup (45 g) quinoa flour

1/3 cup (40 g) tapioca flour

1 Tbs baking powder

1/2 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp salt

Zest of 1 lemon

10 Tbs (140 g) unsalted butter or non-hydrogenated shortening (I used shortening)

1/2 cup (125 ml) unsweetened almond milk ( you can use whole milk)

2 eggs, divided

1/2 cup black raspberries

1/3 cup red currants

Demerara sugar, to sprinkle on top

Put the butter or shortening in the freezer for 30 minutes.

In a large bowl, whisk together the first 9 ingredients. Take the butter out of the freezer and grate it into the dry ingredients using a box grater. If you don’t have a box grater, then just cut it into small pieces (no need to freeze) and work it into the flour. Coat the grated butter with the flour and spread it throughout.

Whisk 1 egg and almond milk together and add it to the flour mixture. Fold using a spatula or your hands until flour moist. It will be lumpy and chunky. Just press it together with your hands. Add the black raspberries, red currants, and fold.

Transfer the dough to your work surface and knead a few times until it comes together. Pat to a disk that is about 3/4-inch thick and cut scones using a 2-inch cookie cutter. Place the scones on a baking sheet and brush with beaten egg. Sprinkle with demerara sugar.

Bake at 400F (200C) for about 18 minutes or until golden. Let them cool for 5 minutes on the baking sheet before lifting them. Serve while warm. They can also be frozen for up to 1 month.

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156 Responses to “The Manuscript and the Scones that Will Take Us Home”

  1. how i cannot wait to get a copy of this book; the photos your are sharing here are so delicious i am sure the food will be even better!
    enjoy your trip, and a well deserved rest, x sandra

  2. Katie says:

    Oh gosh, those scones look so good! I’ll be making these for sure! xo

  3. A huge congratulations to you Aran. I know all your hard work will be worth it and look forward to getting my hands on a copy of your book.

    I very much hope you relax and enjoy your days away!

  4. Bev Weidner says:

    Absolutely beautiful! And a huge CONGRATS on the manuscript. You’re so rocking it, girl.

  5. Have a fab time in the Basque country. Look forward to seeing photos of that oak tree. I love yoru prop cupboard BTW :) and look forwrad to seeing more images when your book gets released!

  6. Serenity says:

    Congratulations on this amazing feat! The pictures are stunning, the recipes delectable –I look forward to seeing more when the book comes out. Enjoy your well deserved celebration and vacation with family and friends!

  7. Only if we could have saved all the money we bloggers spend on photo props we could have easily fed a small country :-) SO loving that prop collection of yours! I wanna be your neighbor so that I can borrow them whenever I can.
    Gorgeous photos and lovely post as usual!

  8. LOL! congrats. you really need to celebrate.

    Those scones sound and look amazing!



  9. Coco says:

    Well done Aran and congratulations on the finish of your manuscript! I’m just itching to see the final result!

  10. Wow, these scones look absolutely gorgeous – as with all your posts :-) I love the way they’re packed with all that juicy fruit and grainy goodness!

    Huge congratulations on getting your ms sent off – can’t wait to see how it turns out!

  11. meesch says:

    your photos literally make my mouth water! love your blog!


  12. Eva says:

    Congratulations! I can’t wait to see the book!
    The scones look delicious, I’ll have to try those one day!
    Have a nice trip home and enjoy your stay there!

  13. Congratulations!
    Bon Voyage!
    Thank you for leaving us with something this beautiful and delicious. I’m sure your visit home will inspire your next book!

  14. Page says:

    aww soooo delicious looking :D

  15. How wonderful to soak up a long rest after all of that hard work. Congratulations!! Can’t wait for your trip photo tour.

  16. Yay! Congratulations Aran, it’s truly time to celebrate! I can’t wait to make these scones, they sound perfect!

  17. Monica says:

    congrats on finishing your manuscript! can’t wait to get the book and see all the beautiful work!!

  18. I love the ingredients in these scones. It feels so good to take a break!

  19. Mary Sanavia says:

    Congratulations!! now relax and enjoy your vacations…and eat!

  20. Kristy Lynn says:

    i’m so incredibly jealous of your prop collection – where do you find such cute bowls, plates, cutlery, etc…???

  21. Dzoli says:

    Congrats is in place.
    Have a good time and don’t forget to celebrate!

  22. Latoya says:

    Congrats on your accomplishment! It’s hard to let go when you’ve dedicated so much time and effort to something. Can’t wait to see the images you bring back from Basque Country!

  23. Mapi says:

    Can’t wait to buy your book! Congratulations and have a great time!

  24. london bakes says:

    I am so excited to see your book – your images are so wonderful. I can’t wait! Enjoy your time at home and congratulations on submitting your manuscript!

  25. argone says:

    oh la la ce livre a l’air trop bien ! je bave devant ta collection de vaisselle, Anthropologie entre autres ! bizzz

  26. Maïlys says:

    Definitely a great reason to celebrate (if you ever needed any (-:)
    You’re making me in the mood for pintxos and xagarnoa
    enjoy and please, come delight us with many pictures from there, this year again!

  27. Emma says:

    Ah, I would love to have a different bowl to eat breakfast out of each day of the year:)

    Relaxing under old oak trees sounds dreamy… enjoy your dream of a vacation!

  28. alice says:

    Congrats Aran! I can’t’ wait for your book to come out.

  29. Di-licious says:

    It’s cold and drizzly here in Melbourne, Australia but when I look at your photos I want to slip on a summer dress and drink iced tea. Simply gorgeous. Enjoy your well deserved holiday!

  30. I appreciate all your kind words. Now that the manuscript is in, I’ll have some down time until it’s time to edit, so I Will be able to spend more time here, this space I love. Thank you. The book wouldn’t happen without your support!

  31. Congratulations on the completion of your book. I so hope I will be able to buy it in Australia. Not only for your cooking, but as someone new to food photography your images are an inspiration. I wish I could get the soft lighting you bring to your pictures. Enjoy some time to yourself and your family.

  32. chelsea says:

    SO exciting! Congratulations to you!!

  33. deelynn says:

    Congrats to you Aran!!..I cant wait to buy your work of art! You are amazing…enjoy your trip home and say hi to your parents:)

  34. Sami says:

    Congratulations Aran, enjoy your holidays back home. Many years ago while living in Portugal we visited San Sebastian in the Basque area, and it was a beautiful place…I love your photos too!!

  35. MeeLi Lee says:

    Congratulations, Aran! Eagerly awaiting your book. The photos are stunning, and the scones look delicious.

  36. messimami says:

    breathtaking pics! i want the book.

  37. Pera Chapita says:

    Felicidades! you will get a well deserved break, can´t wait to get the book!!!

  38. Hope to be able to find a copy of it in Italy!

  39. Hi,

    Congrats on the book. I would love to have it. Photos and the food are fantastic!!!!Wishing you a lovely time off!!!

  40. Carmen says:

    Ayyyy que ganas de ver el libro!auqnue solo se apor las fotos…o por las recetas…o por lo que cuentas. que difrutes un monton en tu tierra, con tu familia.

  41. Carmen says:

    Ah!! wau que de platos, y vasos y tazas y de todo tienes!! no te imaginaba yo coleccionando cosas (buenos son cosas de cocina que no es coleccionar no?):D

  42. Congratulations! Enjoy a well earned rest and I look forward to seeing the book!

  43. Gary says:

    The photos look amazing. And I aspire to have a collection of props to rival yours one day!

  44. notyet100 says:

    Gorgeous clicks :) enjoy ur break,,

  45. Lissy says:

    Wooow, so pretty photos! Awesome)
    I like black raspberries, we have season in Russia now:)

  46. Of course you have to celebrate! Your pictures are beautiful, like always and I’m looking forwards to seeing more when your book comes out! Congrats’!

  47. Mrs. J says:

    Oh my gosh!! Really when I read your post I felt the smell of this sweet))) I am a begginer cook, and sometimes I am trying to do something like that! Thanks! Sorry, who is photographer???)) The pics are amazing!

  48. Mrs J- i am the cook, stylist and photographer behind this blog. my sweat and tears as they say. thank you very much!

    thanks guys! leaving for airport in only 1 hour… i’m giddy :)

  49. Nieves says:

    eeeeeeeyyyy felicitaciones!!! y descansa en tu tierra que te va a ayudar a recargar las pilas para seguir haciendo este blog que tan lindo te sale. Ademas de ricooooo

  50. Congratulations of completing your manuscript. I can’t wait to see the book. Have a great time with your family back home. You definitely deserve a break!

  51. mango says:

    Have a great time away, and congratulations!

    I’ve been a long time reader but have not commented until just now, when I saw your beautiful collection of food styling props – AMAZING!!

  52. mika says:

    hi :) ,your blog and pictures are so beautiful
    i hope you can visit me at:

  53. tea_austen says:

    Congratulations, Aran! Just thinking about what a BEAUTIFUL book yours will be makes me excited. Rest, relax, you have earned it! xox

  54. Congratulations on the manuscript completion – can’t wait for the book! Just need to let you know, Aran, I have prop envy. Your dishes, bowls and spoons and all of your items are beautiful!!!

  55. Super Tomato says:

    Love your blog, the photos are beautiful, the food looks scrumptious, make my mouth water!

  56. Paoo says:

    Loooove your blog and your work… How exquisite the photos, just amazing!!! Congrats

  57. The most extraordinary photography and I’m about to go and try out your Scone recipe! Thank you for sharing, have a wonderful holiday!

  58. Stephanie says:

    Experiencing major prop envy :)


  59. Agnès says:

    congrats !! and have a great holiday back home. The zarzamoras look amazing. sigh.

  60. tartedujour says:

    I really look forward to your book!! Congratulations!! Celebrate and enjoy your journey. And your luscious scones will be a delightful treat on the airplane. I can just see the faces of the other passengers when you whip out these beautiful scones and they are holding a bag of dry airplane pretzels.

  61. Maia says:

    Congratulations on finishing that labor of love! Enjoy Basque country – some of my favorite meals ever were consumed in San Sebastian, Spain. But I’m sure you’re more excited about seeing your family! Have a great trip.

  62. Livia Luzete says:

    Aran just relax and enjoy your new son!!!Congratulations.

  63. Barbara says:

    Congratulations Aran. You must feel a great sense of achievement…and now you have your Basque holiday to look forward to. One of my favourite parts of the world, and such lovely people. Have fun.

  64. Tairay says:

    Amazing as always! Enjoy your trip and your family. I cannot wait for your book!

  65. Deeba PAB says:

    What an achievement Aran…and I know this is going to be the best cookbook ever! Can’t wait to see it in print. You are my favourite food stylist and blogger {and one of the best folk in the blogosphere too}. Congrats on completing such a major milestone. Have a wonderful vacation in Basque country … truly well deserved! Those scones look amazing!

  66. Shelby says:

    Congratulations Aran, what a joy! I can’t wait for your book release…Cheers to hard work and well deserved rewards :)

  67. Beth says:

    Your pictures are beautiful! They’re clear and bright and I think I could look at them all day. I also love all the props you use, they’re so adorable! My dad is really into blogging and came across your blog, which he sent to me because he knows I’m really into baking. I will definitely subscribe and check out your book when it comes out!

  68. Angelika says:

    Congratulations on the finished manuscript! Enjoy your holidays! I love your blog and can’t wait for the book :-)

  69. Lovely scones! And how I envy your bowls, cups and everything, your so called “props”. Congratulations on your book!

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  70. I, too, can’t wait for the book! And photos of Basque country!

  71. Dita Maulani says:

    Congratulation! You really deserve it! I love the berries and that cabinet full of bowls is rad!


  72. Congratulations Aran.
    I love your beautiful blog and look forward to having your cookbook in my kitchen.
    Enjoy your vacation!
    Michele M.
    Montreal, Canada

  73. Congratulations! You really deserve that vacation!

  74. Mila says:

    Thanks for the beauty you share with all of us! Can’t wait for your book!
    Wishing you a wonderful time away with your family!

  75. ibb says:

    Maitemindua nauka katilu kolekzio horrek! Zelako politak, zenbat!
    Ongietorria izango zara hemendik!
    Gasteizetik hurbildu eskero…eta ez dago hain urrun…badakizu non topatu.
    Ondo ibili
    Patxo bat,

  76. Congratulations!!! I have just recently found your blog and I am pleased to tell you that it is delicious!!! I want the book as soon as it is published!!! Have a wonderful time with your family, family is EVERYTHING!!!!
    Shirley@ Blue Gate Farm

  77. a. maren says:

    i am so going to buy your book for my gf mom! gorgeous, gorgeous photos.

  78. oh my gorgeous! I love your props cupboard with all your beautiful crockery and I can’t wait for your book, it’s going to be stunning and delicious… enjoy your holiday and relaxation.

  79. Mollie says:

    Oh my goodness your photography is astoundingly beautiful. CONGRATS on a new cookbook and all the best!

  80. LatteLisa says:

    love that reply of your agent ;-)

    Congratulations, now we’ll just have to wait for the book!

  81. What are you going to do with all the bowls and plates and glasses and and and….

  82. megcjones says:

    congratulations! these photos look beautiful – i can’t wait to pick up a copy of your shiny new book :)

  83. Jaime Lee says:

    Have a wonderful trip. Your pictures are lovely. Can’t wait for your book.

  84. SugarBeam says:

    Lovely food and beautiful photography- congratulations!

  85. Anonymous says:

    I can’t wait to buy a copy!!!

  86. portakal says:

    oohhhh lol pretyy ı like=)

  87. your pictures are beautiful. congratulations on the cookbook…i can’t wait to purchase it! how often do you get to visit your family in the basque country? i was in spain for a while in 2007 to study art/architecture and politics, and i absolutely enjoyed every minute. i lived in sevilla and mostly visited the southern, coastal cities like marbella and malaga. i went to ronda a few times, rota several times (friends are stationed on the naval base there), cadiz, caceres, trujillo…i loved my time there. anyway, i’m rambling. congratulations again! i absolutely love your blog.


  88. Stonehead says:

    The scones look and sound superb. I’ve just make something similar but with freshly picked dessert gooseberries and raspberries. They went from the bushes and canes to scones in about 20 minutes. I love that sort of freshness.

  89. henzy says:

    Congratulations on the cookbook.. that is fantastic. Your images are beautiful.

  90. Kristýna says:

    Your photos are so beautiful! I can’t believe my eyes. I have such a wonderful mood right now. Thanks! Your blog is fantastic!

  91. Your photos are so great! This makes me miss my home back in the country!

  92. Jen Yu says:

    Congratulations! Have a wonderful wonderful trip home. You deserve it :) xoxo

  93. Elly says:

    I always love your stories and recipes…
    good luck for your new book and have a wonderful journey!!!!

  94. Y says:

    Congratulations! And hope you’re enjoying your well deserved holiday xxx

  95. Desserts are made for the people who are not satisfied in what they eat. It is one of my favorite dish. Desserts can be an ice cream, cakes, chocolates, or any sweets. The only thing that is important is you enjoy eating.

  96. amy says:

    Hello blog of my dreams. Your photographs are stunning– building a home in my heart. Stay beautiful and enjoy your escape!

    sweetness xx
    hope to hear from you*!

  97. veron says:

    Enjoy your vacation, Aran! Well deserved! I am envious of your adorable bowl collection. :)

  98. Maria says:

    It sounds fabulous…I cannot wait… Your recipes always have that touch of something special, fresh and healthy that I really look forward to having them on my shelf!!

  99. My girlfriend loves this blog :)

  100. Beautiful photos. I have no doubt the book will be a success!

  101. Can’t wait to try this recipe!

    Congrats on the completion of your manuscript! Lovely photos, too.

    Stacy Alexander Freed

  102. vladdiG says:

    I love this recipe. I must try it.

  103. Emmaobarnett says:

    That is possible the most beautiful cupboard I have EVER seen. omg. I want it, I want it. Well, the contents at least. haha.

  104. Anonymous says:

    Hi there!

    I am in love with your pops! Please tell me where you find those floral printed crockery?



  105. What delicious looking scones, only homemade one’s could be baked so delicious and crammed with juicy raspberry’s!

  106. Bazilevs says:

    Great clear and shiny photos! Thank you! I’ve added this blog to favorites!

  107. Diana says:

    I love the snapshot of your cupboard. Looking forward to your book.

  108. su says:

    Pásalo muy bien en tu anual retorno a Euskadi, come muchos pintxos y relájate todo lo posible con tu familia y amigos. Muxu bat

  109. ggshoe says:

    always the most gorgeous photography!
    I want to share with you a coconut basil cookie recipe I created. Since you are a master maybe you can make it even better : )


  110. Risa says:

    I want to frame the picture of your prop cabinet and put it in my kitchen!

  111. Simply love your photos – the colors, the light, the props – everything! I really hope I can get hold of a copy of the book from Norway.

    Best of luck! : )

  112. Congratulations Aran! I am so happy for you and will wait anxiously for your book to be published. I can’t wait!! Have a wonderful time of rest with your family.

  113. mlubbert says:

    wow, congratulations, your work it´s beautiful. I am food photographer too maybe you will like to visit my blog

  114. I’ve enjoyed so much catching up on all the posts that I have missed this last month and a half! Everything so beautiful as always. And due congratulations in submitting your manuscript! I will be taking a copy home for myself when it reaches bookstands. Enjoy your time, I am looking for a little of my own.

  115. Congratulations to you! :). I love the photos you posted here.

    Cant wait to have a copy of your book.


  116. Rachel says:

    Congratulations on your book! Seriously cannot wait to own it!!
    (also, amazing photos as usual)

  117. Jen says:

    I adore all of your amazingly cute dishes, saucers, cups, etc. Where do you find all of them?

  118. Mickii says:

    As soon as it is out, I’m going to buy it :)
    You are an amazing person with an amazing blog, it’s obvious that I want to support you by buying it!

  119. Irene Wibowo says:

    look delicious.. :) Love it picture… :)
    Irene Wibowo

  120. *^_^* says:

    Wonderful! Awesome!
    Congrats on your book! ;D

  121. Talerfuchs says:

    Congratulation for your book. I hope it is successful. Keep it up.

  122. rental mobil says:

    Very nice, thanks for sharing.

  123. Such a beautiful blog. I’m so happy that I stumbled upon it. Count me as a follower!


  124. Two Peas says:

    your pictures always look so fresh and summery–i love this blog. i can’t wait to try the scones, they look delicious.

  125. Kisiel says:

    CONGRATS! Now celebrate, have the best holiday ever and do all the stuff u forgot to do while working on ur book. Did I say Congrats? :)

  126. Franziska says:

    Oh how focusing to hard can make us forget the most basic things like celebrating what already is achieved. Those scones look like the perfect culinary accompainment though – lovely, nourishing, joyously simple. Just like you!

  127. Cassy says:


    Thanks for the recipe as well.

    Cass from Beginner Free Guitar Lessons

  128. Aran .. Yo HAVE to listen to me as I finished writing my Recipe book .. I was soooo emotional .. I recorded this literally as I put the last full stop on it !! With tears .. !

    Well done you !

  129. marla says:

    Enjoy the precious time away with your family. Girl you deserve the break. Congrats on turning in your manuscript. Huge accomplishment. Safe travels and enjoy those scones :)

  130. I love scones and yours look so YUMMY ! <3

  131. Eldrid says:

    Congrats on your book!! i can not wait to by it!!
    Thanks for sharing good recepies in the meanwhile!
    Best wishes

  132. michele says:

    I look forward to the book. The props look fantastic and I hope will be used again.

  133. Congrats Aran – I’m sure your book will be a beautiful piece of work! Enjoy and celebrate as much as possible. Gorgeous props by the way…

  134. Roberta says:

    Enjoy your trip back home! Enjoy, enjoy!

    The photos are awesome sparkling with joy and light as usual. I am sure the book will be fantastic, can’t wait to see it and grab a copy!

    Our summer was just great, thanks!
    Lots of love

  135. I can only agree. I think this book will be amazing. And how i just LOVE your pictures. I really think it is kind of meditative to look at your blog. Thank you :)

  136. I want a copy of your book! remember to send me why is it possible to buy

    ciao marica

  137. Laranjinha says:

    Hi Aran,

    Congratulations! I am looking forward to reading your book. I always love your photos, food styling and recipes.

    Best regards from a fan of yours and a Portuguese food blogger,


  138. Talerfuchs says:

    The little girls are so cute.

  139. Seanna Lea says:

    These scones look beautiful. Please take time to celebrate, and we look forward to your book being released (next year?).

  140. Your photos are wonderful… a very fast summer!

  141. tracy says:

    These scones look beautiful,and LOVE your photo collage.

  142. Everything looks fresh and slicious!

  143. Dreambox says:

    Great post.. I am really impressed. I like a creation of your blog which you did very nicely. Everything you have shared really bang on.

  144. Anonymous says:

    Hi, I came accross you & your blog from current Whole Living mag, your “3rd baby=book” is on my wish list and I can’t believe those lovely bowls/props that you own, I am soooooo envious, where did you get all of them? I love colors and everything that you create is rich feast for my eyes!!! Thank you, good luck, Sonja

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