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42 Responses to “For the love of pie”

  1. Girgeous! That has to be one of my favorite summer pies!



  2. Iratxe says:

    OMGOMGOMG!!!, pero qué cosa tan ricaaa, qué pinta tiene, se me hace la boca agua… ¡qué colorrr, qué texturas, qué saborrr… oso delicious!. Esperamos el post pronto… Muxuak.

  3. This looks like the perfect thing to rescue me from the blazing heat outside and makes me remember that yes, I actually do love summer.

    Can’t wait to whip this up!

  4. nazli says:

    Beautiful, it inspired me not only to bake but also to eat! :)

  5. Hola Aran,
    Ondo pasa Vermonten, gu be laster goaz horrantza, zelako gogoa!
    Oraindik hemen ez dauz masustarik, baina bai franbuesak, laster egingo dot pastel hau, itxura oso ona dauka.
    Argazkiak eta koloreak betiko moduan ITZELLLLL. Banabil argazki makinagaz, apurka apurka,baina oraindik asko falta jata, egunen baten….. lortuko dot!
    Espero zure aita errekuperauta egotea, gorantziak eta besarkada handi bat danori.
    Miren B.

  6. This is just beautiful! Hope you had a lovely vacation! :)

  7. Oh you inside me to bake! Everyday! And you inspire me to make my photography better! Your pie looks amazing as always. It looks like you had a wonderful vacation :)

  8. Sweet inspiration…you and Nadia are bound to create something this lovely. My favorite delights of summer come together here.

  9. Anaise says:

    Yogurt in a tart is genius. Beautiful!

  10. Min Min Tan says:

    Love the first picture~
    What a beautiful pie! I’ve never eaten a pie like that~

  11. Eileen says:

    That is one perfectly gorgeous pie! Tart? Whatever. :)

    Pie pie pie pie pie…

  12. Juliana says:

    Beautiful, of course. And it just solved my problem of deciding what to do with all my berries. I just had too many things to choose from, but this is the answer. Delicious!

  13. What a stunner of a pie! Seriously … you make me wish I lived somewhere colder, and more berry-laden …

  14. Sini says:

    Oh I LOVE pies! Really, who wouldn’t?

  15. Joy says:

    Beautiful as always! And I have access to plenty of fresh, lovely Turkish yogurt here in Istanbul. Great idea!

  16. Miren- laster egongo zarie zuek be han. Uda ondo paseu. Eskerrik asko eta gorantziek danori.

    Thanks everyone!

  17. Gorgeous! To me pies are one of the most beautiful desserts there are!

  18. Riley says:

    This looks beautiful! I would kill for a nice big slice of this right about now!

  19. What summer is all about. A feast for the eyes!

  20. It is so inspiring … I want to cook a pie. Pictures are lovely as always. Have a good day :)

  21. This pie looks divine – and reminds me of my favorite Strawberry Custard Pie:

    Bon Appetit recently inspired me to throw a pie party – where everyone brings pie and shares – so that’s on my calender! This might have to be one of the choices!

  22. Katherine- I love pie parties. Sounds perfect!

    Thank you guys. Soon I’ll post photos of our VT trip.

  23. Jaime says:

    It’s looks delicious! I bought nectarines, raspberries and blueberries today with plans to bake a pie…and maybe a crumble cake. Definitely have to up to walking now… :-)

  24. Kathy says:

    This is almost too pretty to eat!

  25. That’s a lot of berrys for a very berry pie!

  26. The tart looks great. I just love blackberries.

  27. That looks amazingly too beautiful to eat, Aran :)

  28. So lovely!!! It looks awesome, feel like having a bite!!

  29. I love the pie season: so many beautiful pies! :)

  30. Sam says:

    I am for sure going to make this! I have a fairly new tart pan, and I love almost any recipe that allows me to use it!

  31. steph says:

    i bet it tastes as good as it looks!!! YUM

  32. Hi Aran: lovely pics! Can’t wait to meet you in NY in October…So excited!

  33. Bua, bua, bua, Aran!!! ze polita dan Vermont, urrian ezagutuko dogu, irrikitan gauz hor egoteko, paraje horrek ezagutzeko eta horko koloreak ikusteko.
    Jon eta Miren majo ikusten dira.
    Zure argazkiak zoragarriak dira, gusto handiagaz nahastuten dozuz koloreak. Benetan ze politek!!!!!
    Besarkada handi bat danontzat.

  34. Miren- Urrien konteko dostezue zelan ibili zarien. Eder ederra da Vermont. Oneo ibili eat mosu bet danori.

  35. OrGreenic says:

    This berry pie looks absolutely delicious. It seems like the perfect time of year for this creation.

  36. anne says:

    Absolutely stunning Aran! – Such beautiful photos this summer.
    xo anne

  37. Christian says:

    i love all the photographs :)

    it is appreciated if you take time to visit my blog and follow me :)
    christian | my blog :

  38. Amazing pictures, yummie recipes…wat can I say! Thank you for this experience!

  39. […] is another Aran Goyoaga beauty. You can add whatever berries you like – frozen or fresh, strawberries, cherries or […]

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