Pistachio and Grapefruit Macarons and a Pot De Creme Craving

When I was thinking about my Paris inspired post for Deb, I immediately went to the refrigerator and started separating eggs and scaling the ingredients for macarons. I later decided to go with croissants, but made the macarons regardless. How could I have a dessert related post about Paris without macarons?

It seems like there is always a large crowd of friends ready to taste whatever new flavor combination comes out of my kitchen. Although, I have to say, my macarons are pretty conservative compared to the new trends and all the experimentation that is going on in the world.

The filling on these is a white chocolate, campari and a citrus ganache that I adapted from Pierre Herme’s “Macarons”. I am not a big fan of white chocolate, but I do enjoy it when paired with citrus or any sour fruit. I added a bit of grapefruit zest to the shell along with pistachios.

Because I have been in an inexplicable craze for all things custard, I made small pot de cremes scented with lemon thyme. It is time for me to replant all my herbs. Unfortunately, the chamomile plant I very much love didn’t make it through the winter, but the lemon thyme is still hanging in there.

Grapefruit and Pistachio Macarons

180 grams almond flour
240 grams powdered sugar
140 grams egg whites, aged
3 grams egg white powder
2 grams fine sea salt
80 grams sugar
1 tsp grapefruit zest, finely grated
few drops of red food coloring
few drops of yellow food coloring
chopped pistachios

Make sure that the egg whites have been separated from the egg yolks at least the night before. This bit of aging really makes a difference in the macarons.

In a large bowl, sift together the almond flour, powdered sugar and sea salt. Set aside.

Whip the egg whites with the egg white powder until very fluffy, almost fully whipped. Start adding the sugar slowly while whipping. Add a few drops of red and yellow food coloring and continue whipping to stiff peaks.

Add the dry ingredients and the grapefruit zest to the meringue and fold with a spatula until a shiny mass forms. We want to achieve a batter that makes ribbons. You might have to test it to see if it’s done. Pipe a small amount on your sheetpan. If it keeps a little bit of a top when piped, then you have to mix it a bit further, if it spreads really fast, you have gone too far and your macarons will turn out flat.

When you have the right consistency, place the mass in a pastry bag with a number 5 tip and pipe small rounds onto sheetpans lined with parchment or silpat. Sprinkle the tops with chopped pistachios. Let them dry at room temperature for at least 45 minutes to an hour. The tops must be dry when you touch them.

Have the oven preheated to 350F degrees. Place one sheetpan in the oven at a time and reduce the temperature to 300F degrees. Bake for 10 minutes and rotate sheetpan and bake for another 5 minutes.

Let the macarons cool on the sheetpan.

Grapefruit, Campari and White Chocolate Ganache

adapted from Pierre Herme’s “Macarons”

10 grams lemon juice
55 grams grapefruit juice
22 grams orange juice
25 grams campari
210 grams white chocolate

Melt the white chocolate over a double boiler. Make sure not to heat it too much or it will burn.

Combine the juices and campari and warm them to about 110F (45C). Add the juice mixture slowly into the chocolate while whisking. Mix the ganache with an immersion blender for about 3 minutes to obtain a good emulsion. Pour onto a quarter sheetpan or square cake pan. Place plastic wrap directly on the ganache and refrigerate overnight.

Lemon Thyme Pot de Creme

1 liter of heavy cream
10 egg yolks
200 grams sugar
Zest of 1 lemon
2 grams (about 3 Tbs) of fresh lemon thyme leaves

Place the heavy cream, lemon thyme leaves, lemon zest and half of the sugar in a medium saucepan.

In a separate bowl, whisk together the egg yolks and the rest of the sugar. Temper the hot cream over the yolks and whisk until well mixed. Strain the custard through a fine sieve to get rid of any coagulated egg yolk.

Place the ramekins you are using on a roasting pan or a sheet pan. Pour the custard into the ramekins and bring them close to the oven. Pour hot water in the roasting pan or sheet pan and place in the oven.

Bake in the water bath at 300ºF until the center of the custard doesn’t giggle when we shake the pan.

Let the ramekins cool a little bit, cover them with plastic wrap and refrigerate for a few hours.

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93 Responses to “Pistachio and Grapefruit Macarons and a Pot De Creme Craving”

  1. Tartelette says:

    Lovely flavor combinations! My dad, the grapefruit fiend would be all over this one!

    If I had known, I would have put some chamomille seeds into my package! How funny that my lemon thyme tanked on the other hand :)

  2. Vanille says:

    Aran, your pictures are so fresh and really smell Spring! Beautiful and great styling…

  3. Y says:

    Oh you’ve got the book? I’m still waiting for mine :) Would be interested to know what you think of it! I’m not a huge fan of white chocolate either, but I love how it carries other flavours, like citrus!

  4. What pretty macarons! A wonderful flavor combo! Your pictures are so Spring-like and really amazing!



  5. Mercotte says:

    Absolutly perfect !I love the colour seems to be spring !!!

  6. Mobula says:

    Tus macarons son un espectáculo para los ojos y supongo que también para el paladar…menuda combinación exquisita!!! Yo tampoco sou muy amante del chocolate blanco pero esa ganache seguro que es riquísima!!


  7. Aran, is powdered sugar what we call castor sugar or icing sugar. Here in the UK castor sugar is still granular whereas icing sugar is dust.

    Hope you can help as I want to make these today in order to make me feel like spring has sprung

  8. Inés says:

    Pis-po: pistacho y pomelo. Qué combinación tan del Mar Negro. Transmediterránea y preasiática. Ahhhhh no puedo más. Voy a pedir un catálogo de cruceros a través del Nilo para poder oler ambos productos desde el canal…Aran, no puedes hacernos esto. Son las 9 y casi enloquezco al ver los macarrones.

  9. Anonymous says:

    So nice! i was longing for this book to be release i even withdraw my copy directly in a pierre herme boutique in france the day of the lauching read it and reread it and shame on me i didn’t even try a recipe from it i will keep my macaron recipe with italian meringue but no tant pour tant which is perfect for me wich make me feel like i find out laduree’s secret and i will try his fantastic fillings !

  10. FeeMail says:

    i’m still hoping that one day you’re gonna launch a shipping service to germany and i can have all this lovely macarons in my stomach ;-)!

  11. Aran says:

    Carole- yes, powdered sugar is icing sugar.

    thank you very much for all your comments!

  12. lisa says:

    What a lovely combination! I know how much you love pistachio. For me, anything grapefruit flavored is heavenly. Would flavors like this be found in Paris?

  13. Aran says:

    Lisa- i think so. these and a million unusual combinations!

    thank you!

  14. Bea says:

    They are so beautiful! whishe mine could be like that one day… ;)

  15. al says:

    my mint haven’t survived the winter either :/
    beautiful pot the creme and macaron as usual

  16. veron says:

    this looks fabulous ,Aran. I need to make this for the Hubby as these are two of his absolute favorite flavors…grapefruit and pistache.

  17. VeggieGirl says:

    INCREDIBLE combination of flavors!!!

  18. Ash says:

    What great flavors!! I love the soft spring colours!

  19. Natalie says:

    wow. just gorgeous. is that sea green background added in on the computer or did you actually shoot with that color behind?

  20. Dominique says:

    Tes macarons me font tellement envie! je vais de ce pas séparer mes oeufs pour pouvoir en faire en fin de semaine. Quelles jolies couleurs… c’est vrai qu’il flotte comme un air de printemps ces jours-ci. Pourvu que ça dure!

  21. heather carr says:

    looks so yummy and beautiful, as usual! who ends up eating all these creations???

  22. Aran says:

    Natalie- that is a backdrop that i had when i took the photos.

    Heather- well i ate the pot de creme (only made two) but the macarons were for everyone, neighbors, husband, son, friends that stop by…

    Thank you!

  23. Another gorgeous shot and these macarons look completely delicious!

  24. awwwww i love that perfectly little perched flower twig. trop mignon.

  25. ohhh! these are so so beautiful and sound so delicious! i love the idea of combining pistachio and grapefruit! i thought of you in paris on our last night–my friend went to ladurée and brought us home some macarons–the flavor is my new favorite: l’oranger–the outside was pale pale orange-almost white and the inside was the freshest palest green–the flavor-orange flower water…so simple and so delicate–i wish i had 10,000 right now to share with you…or 10,000 of these!
    xoxox, deb

  26. franci says:

    I discovered your blog a week ago, and I’m addicted to it. So beautiful! :)

  27. Zerogluten says:

    Y digo yo? para la comida salada también tienes es mano maravillosa?
    Es que no dejas de hacer cosas además de ricas, absolutamente preciosas y fotogénicas.
    A mi el chocolate blanco también es el que menos me gusta de todos, pero seguro que si me pongo a comer tus macarons, no dejo ni uno.
    Besitos sin gluten

  28. This sounds like an outstanding flavor combination, along with the beautiful presentation. I am taking a macaroon class, to get the basics. Once I do this, I will make these.

  29. Oh how beautiful! I love your bowls too. The flavor combo sounds wonderful – tart with sweet.

  30. idu says:

    Berriro ere macarons-ak. Egiten dituzun bakoitzean, ea noiz probatu behar dudan errezeta gogorarazten didazu.. gainera holako itxura ikusita!
    aste hau oso lanpetua dut, asteburu honetan proba egin behar dut!!!

  31. Bridget says:

    I am not surprised at all that you have a large crowd of friends waiting to try your new flavors! If I were anywhere closer, I’d be right there with them!!!

  32. Marta says:

    Que delicadeza! Que elegancia! Se ven hermosos los macarrones, pero ademas la composicion fotografica esta particularmente primaveral y cuchi!

  33. Anonymous says:

    Zure makarroiak oso onak dira, zure argazkiak politagoak eta zure sensibilidadea goienengoa.

    Bihotzez, amatxu.

  34. Aran says:

    Amatxu- bihotzetik eskerrik asko. zuekaz egoteko gogo itzela dekogu. mosu handi bet.

  35. Maya says:

    LOvely! I am bookmarking this recipe :)

  36. Julia says:

    Just beautiful…. I aspire to produce beautiful macarons like you. That may take lots of practise, I think! Thank you for sharing and inspiring.

  37. heartkorean says:

    your photos are beyond-belief gorgeous

  38. K.Line says:

    Pistachio and orange is the best combination! And I have an inexplicable love for all things custard too. Beautiful recipes.

  39. Erin says:

    Your photos and treats are always impressive looking. I can’t wait to try my first round of macarons. Thank you for sharing!

  40. Anonymous says:

    Hello there, I’m from all the way across the globe in Singapore and happened to stumble across your wonderful blog. I must say, I’m truly inspired by all your photos and recipes featured in your blog. Food photography and styling is something which I’ve been interested in for a long time. I just got a new camera and I’m so motivated to start clicking away! Your blog will be a daily read for me=)

  41. Style Guide says:

    Would you PLEASE consider baking hot cross buns soon in anticipation of Easter. I would love to know your secrets to keeping them light and not like the rocks I tend to create.

  42. Foodie says:

    Lovely. This has some 50’s style to it – maybe it’s the colours? These would be perfect for UK Mothers day this weekend.

  43. Cakebrain says:

    The colours here are so gorgeous! I love your aesthetic. It’s calming and welcoming…welcoming me to eat it all up!

  44. C.L. says:

    Arab, beautiful as usual and what wonderful flavor combinations! I have my whites aging as I type. I may have to hunt down a grpaefruit :)

  45. Maybe says:

    The shape of your macarons is just perfect ! If wish I could do the same ! PS : I love your little green bowls :o)

  46. They’re so beautiful, Aran. Gorgeous spring colours and the lighting is just incredible in all the pictures. I envy you all your sunny days!

    Quick question—why have you added some egg white powder to the macaron shell recipe? Is that to ensure a stronger structure when baked?

  47. Anonymous says:


    I like your blog a lot, and I just wanted to let you know about a new food website (foodsoftheweb.com) that I believe would be great for you to possibly feature in a future blog post. Below is a link to a press release about the website launch. Check it out! Thanks for your time.



  48. Aran says:

    Angela- that is exactly why. one of the most important things in baking is the ratio of solids to liquids. adding egg white powder makes a more stable meringue structure.

    Thank you1

  49. lis says:

    so pretty, perfect for spring!

  50. perfect and yummy as always! i’ll take it all including the mint polka dot bowls!!!!! LOVE!

  51. Irene says:

    Wonderful flavors! They look so spring and happy!

  52. Takeaways says:

    Looks very yummy… and simply stunning photography. Congrats!

  53. cindy* says:

    all of my herbs died in the fall :(, i have to replant soon too.

    gorgoeus aran and the colors are so fresh…that peachy-pink grapefruit color with the white and green is just blissful.

    haha, and my word verification just now was ‘sping’…almost spring!

  54. Oh my gosh – citrus and pistachios; how can you go wrong. What a lovely confection and what fabulous images.

  55. Christy says:

    Very refreshing, Aran! I can see myself eating a a couple (or more) of the macarons, then lunging in to shove the pots de creme all over my face.

  56. It’s so springfull. Wonderful.

  57. Katie says:

    Only one word required ‘stunning!’

  58. lynda says:

    What a great kick-off to spring! Heavenly photos and presentation as always. A treat to visit here!

  59. That’s so beautiful I almost can’t take it!

  60. Alger says:

    Exquisite and delicious.
    Thanks you for sharing.

  61. WOW!
    It’s so fresh…
    Wonderful idea grapefruit and “macaron”

  62. Helene says:

    I’m drooling again over your beautiful pictures.

  63. Aimée says:

    I could eat custard three times a day and yours would top the list! I must add lemon thyme to my list of herbs for the garden this summer.

  64. Indie.Tea says:

    What beautiful photographs…I love macarons, beautiful-looking and beautiful in taste as well. These sound rather exotic and intimidating.

  65. Jabien says:

    These look SO good! I tried to make them with another recipe but I wasn’t pleased with the result so I search online what went wrong and that’s how I came across our blog! It looks great! I have a question though for you: how did you get your macarons to have such a nice round shape ?

  66. Aran says:

    Jabien- piping takes practice but if the macaron batter is the right consistency, they should keep their shape pretty well. if they are overmixed, they tend to spread and they lose the shape.

  67. Jinnie N. says:

    wow – you’re making me scream here! :D

  68. Liz says:

    I just baked these maracons and they came out wonderful. But I have a question about the white chocolate, grapefruit, campari ganache. I left it in the fridge overnight, but i’m concerned about the consistency. It seems a bit liquidy. I’ve never made a ganache so perhaps this is the correct consistency. But is it supposed to spread out quickly or hold its form when piped?

    Liz in Chicago

  69. Anonymous says:

    Jabien, since this recipe is/was my first macaron attempt I cheated and piped them over a printout of circles to get them all the same.

  70. Chia says:

    I have never posted here before, but I have to say ‘thanks.’ I have tried a couple of your macaron recipes, including this one, and they both came out great. (I never made macarons before trying them.) This grapefruit ganache is surprisingly good. We, including my kids, loved it. You and tartelette have taught me a lot about making macarons. Thanks a lot!


  71. Aran says:

    Liz- Ganache can be very solid or soft. This recipe and most of white chocolate ganaches, tend to be softer. Did you mix it with the submersion mixer for 3 minutes? And did you spread it in a sheetpan in a thin layer? When I made it, it did get rather soft as it sat at room temperature but it should hold its shape for a bit especially when refrigerated.

    Thanks everyone!

  72. I need to try this, we grow it on the side of our house. Maybe this year.

  73. Jabien says:

    Thanks for your tip Aran. Love your blog :o)

  74. Philo says:

    Je découvre ton blog grâce à ma mère qui vient de m’en parler. Il est magnifique.
    dommage que nous n’ayons pas une traduction en français toi qui l’est !

  75. ProjectHope7 says:

    what absolutely beautiful foodie blog! your site is incredible, elegant, top of the line, great info and photos. You should be proud of what you have accomplished. Thanks for sharing with us such incredible recipes !!
    cathy b

  76. PASTAlila says:

    perfect looking macaroons. I will go and try again. I made before but they were turned up flat :(. I ll try your recepie now. thnks

  77. Amazing! I had no idea these could be made at home. I did a post about a place in Paris that is known for them last week. Alas, I think this may be a tad complicated for a beginner baker (like me). I haven’t been able to find them anywhere in the city I live in. Love your blog!

  78. Lara says:

    I’m absolutely desperate to learn the fine art of making Macarons… and these look spectacular.

  79. Bret says:

    Friends and I spent last Sunday making macarons. Needless to say, they were not very successful. Foot was too spread and they were hollow; so it’s back to the drawing board. Yours are in inspiration!

  80. mycookinghut says:

    Your macarons look absolutely gorgeous!! I like the shot a lot!

  81. Thank you for this fabulous recipe, i have made it twice now with great results! My favourite macaron flavour ever! x

    Here is a photo of my attempt:


  82. jhl says:

    I know this is an old post, but I’m looking for information on whether one can ship macarons … I’d love to hear your thoughts! Thanks!

  83. […] with grapefruit, campari + white chocolate ganache and served with lemon thyme pots de creme, {click here for recipe}.  I am an absolute sucker for macaroons and can easily make a meal of champagne and […]

  84. […] when I stumbled upon Cannelle et Vanille’s Grapefruit versions I thought it was worth a try, especially since I love all things citrus. Plus white chocolate in […]

  85. […] when I stumbled upon Cannelle et Vanille’s Grapefruit versions I thought it was worth a try, especially since I love all things citrus. Plus white chocolate in […]

  86. […] Grapefruit and Pistachio Macarons With Lemon Thyme Pot de CremesSource: Cannelle Vanille […]

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