Food styling demo & book signing at Tatte Cambridge December 8

Over three years ago, I learned about this cute little bakery in Boston called Tatte. I was intrigued by the beautifully styled tarts and cookies and I knew this was a place I had to visit during my next trip.

And I did.

I visited Tatte the first time I ever met Nadia. We walked into the Brookline shop with the beautiful tall biscotti, the rectangle nut tarts and the welcoming aroma of freshly brewed espresso. We were smitten by its charm and instantly became a favorite. In 2012, Tatte Cambridge opened with a full service restaurant and an even larger pastry shop.

And today, I am very excited to announce that I will be hosting a food styling demo and book signing at Tatte Cambridge on Saturday, December 8th.

The event will be free and open to the public, but rsvps are much appreciated. We will have copies of Small Plates and Sweet Treats there for you to purchase and for me to sign.

Tatte Cambridge
318 Third Street
Kendal Square
Cambridge, MA

Saturday, December 8th
4pm – 5pm Food styling demo
5pm – 6pm Book signing

please rsvp

If you live in the Boston area, I would really love to see you there.

Stop by and say hello!

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31 Responses to “Food styling demo & book signing at Tatte Cambridge December 8”

  1. Marie says:

    …just wondered if you gave away those ten copies of your book yet. =)

    • Aran says:

      Hi Marie,

      I did and I announced them in the comment section of that post. But just so you see, here is the list.

      -Kristin McNamara Freeman
      -Megan Fleiner
      -Tammy D
      -Stephanie (number 452 in comments)
      -Sarah (Stir it up)
      -Sophie (Le Doux Mits)
      -Hannah Beth


  2. Hi Aran,
    I have your book, and want to let you know that the first recipe I tried was the chocolate pots de creme. I made it for a large gathering (14 people) last sunday. It was such a great success. Everyone really really loved it! Next recipe I’d like to try is your frozen nougat. Thank you for the wonderful book.

  3. I wish I am in the area, I would have love to meet you in person :)

  4. I’ve just received your book and I must say that it surpassed my expectations: It’s gorgous! I especially like the tips you give throughout the book, always very appreciated; I think I’ve bookmarked every single recipe, and already made one, delicious :-)
    Wish I could have attended, but USA is a bit too far for me now!
    Best wishes for your book and your family,

  5. Iratxe says:

    Me pilla un poco lejos… ¡qué bueno que vas a hacer tu demo y tu firma de libros en esta bakery tan especial para ti!. Un besote,

  6. Leslie Plumb says:

    Hello Aran,

    My husband and I look forward to meeting you on the 8th!!! We’re looking forward to the food styling demo. Your photographs are always so beautiful.

  7. Connie B says:

    I live in RI and I’m looking forward to see you! I so enjoy reading your blog and admire your photos. My birthday is on Dec 08th and this would a great treat for me.

  8. Hello Aran, any chance you would be doing a book signing in Montreal soon? I would really love to meet you in person. I know they sell your book at Indigo Chapters in Montreal. So thought i would ask. Please let us know if you are planning on visiting us soon for a book signing. Can’t wait to read your book.

  9. Miren Begoña Idigoras Mugerza says:

    Zelan poztuten naizen jakiteaz Taten egingo dozula liburuaren aurkezpena.
    Badakizu Bostoneko bakery bietan egon ginela ezta? Ze gustora egon ginen, pastel eta txokolate gozoak gustora hartu ginduzen, argazkiak atera eta atera ibili ginen, dekorazioa oso polita iruditu jakun, eta bertakoak oso otseginak.
    Ondo pasa eta enbidia apur bat emoten dostezu, ze, hain gustora ibili ginen…..
    Besarkada bat eta gorantziak.

  10. Maria says:

    Hi Aran,
    Sadly I will not be able to make your Boston fete. Any plans to come to NYC?? If you do,count me in! Can’t wait to purchase your book and try those recipes.

  11. Roxana C. Alvarez says:

    Aran, your book is an inspiration! Tell me, do you have any plans to visit Miami? Books & Books, possibly? I would love to meet you in person.



  12. Anis says:

    i’d like to ask you if in the different posts by the ladies who attented your Dordogne worshop is the cake with strawberries your gluten free brioche? Because in the book there is only the picture of the chocolate version
    I am SO frustrated because I ordered the book through amazon US and it has shipped first week of october and then never made it to my Po box here in UAE! amazon refund me and even offered me the book That is if it shows up someday… SO I ordered once again trough amazon France as my husband was there on business trip and even if this Time it was delivered my husband come back was delayed ahh SO I asked him to take and send me a picture of the brioche and its recipe being French this is the recipe I wanted to make first what I did this morning but not SO sure I achieved the correct texture
    Thank you for your help

    • Aran says:


      So sorry that it is taking so long for the book and yes, I can see how frustrating that has to be. That is not the recipe in the book as that brioche was not gluten-free (we purchased it from a local boulangerie). The recipe in the book is plain brioche but then there are options of incorporating chocolate, quinoa, etc. So the main recipe is plain brioche. Hope you get to try it. Aran

  13. Anis says:

    Thank you for Quick answer as usual!

  14. Ashley says:

    Saw your book at Anthro. It is gorgeous. Congratulations!

  15. LindaS says:

    This sounds so appealing. Wish I could be there but it’s a little ways from Dallas. Maybe next year.

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