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34 Responses to “Merry Christmas”

  1. Giulia says:

    Merry Christmas to you Aran and a Happy New Year! May all the joy and happiness from 2013 be magnified in 2014 and that your first full year in Seattle is what you imagined it to be.

  2. Rosa says:


    Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2014!



  3. tammy says:

    Merry Christmas!!

  4. Itxaso A says:

    Jai zoriontsuek eukin deizuezala zeuek be ta urte barrie ondo hasi!
    God Jul och Gott Nytt År Suediatik!

  5. Deborah Carter says:

    Aran, i have enjoyed your blog so much, not just the yummy food, but the beautiful photography and appealing styling, that I have just bought two copies of your book from a local bookseller in Melbourne, Australia. I bought one for my son’s girlfriend, who is a naturopath student and a keen follower of eating healthily and well. I also decided to treat myself!
    Wishing you a very happy Christmas!

  6. Merry Christmas to you too! And thank you for all generous recipe sharing.
    P.S. I bought your book this year and it has quickly become one of my most used recipe books. I find so often I buy recipe books and after the initial excitement of a new book I rarely use the recipes. I suppose we just share a similar appreciation for real food that tastes great (and is gluten free). And I get so much inspiration from your photos. Happy holidays Aran and look forward to seeing your New Year recipes.

    • Aran says:

      That is so wonderful to hear Nicola and thank you for taking the time to share that with me. It makes me so tremendously happy to know that. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  7. Merry Christmas to you and yours…

  8. Cheryl says:

    Merry Christmas to you and yours…..

    Can’t wait to see what beauty you create in 2014…..

  9. Denise says:

    Peace to you and yours as well Aran. Enjoy the warmth the holidays begin.

  10. Tracey says:

    Merry Christmas to you and your family, Aran. We must must must meet up in Seattle for a visit! All the best for 2014.

  11. Thomas says:

    Merry Xmas to all. Have a great year ahead!

  12. Marga says:

    Felices Fiestas desde Vigo, Arán!

    estoy encantada con tu libro, disfruto mucho con tus recetas y fotografías.

  13. Callie says:

    Merry Christmas, Aran! Hope to see you again soon. Sitka & Spruce! xo, Callie

  14. Queridísima Aran,

    Felices Fiestas para ti y tu familia!
    Y gracias por ser inspiración para muchos, me incluyo entre ellos, y por buscar en cada detalle esa casi perfección que no sólo disfrutamos, a veces creo que nos hace también un poquito más felices…
    He comenzado mi blog leyéndote, viendo lo que haces, ensayando con las fotos. Hoy, puedo asegurarte, es mi mayor motivo para sentirme feliz. Cómo no agradecerlo…
    Te dejo de nuevo mi link, algún día de pronto tendrás tiempo para darle una lectura rápida.

    Gracias y ojalá nos conozcamos en el 2014! Es un deseo muy preciado para mí.

    Con mucho cariño!


  15. idu says:

    Jai Zoriontsuak eta Urte Berri On Aran!

  16. Eva says:


  17. Mommy G says:

    Thank you for your beautiful posts! Hope you are having a great New Year already!

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