a peruvian adventure with Gentl & Hyers – chincheros and ausangate

Peru | Cannelle et Vanille Peru | Cannelle et Vanille

If you follow me on Instagram, you probably saw that I traveled to Peru last April for a workshop with Gentl & Hyers. I am so excited to finally share some of my images from that adventure.

The 10-day long trip was divided in three sections. We first spent a couple of days in Cuzco acclimating to the high altitude. There we visited the old city, the markets, Chinchero and ate delicious food. After this, we climbed up into the Andes and spent another couple of days underneath Ausangate mountain. Here we learned about alpacas, natural fabric dyes, weaving and experienced my first-ever despacho or offering.

I was really taken by the hospitality of the locals, the colors, the breathtaking landscape, the simplicity of life, the craft and mostly, the smiles. People smile a lot in the mountains!

The photos in this blog post are from our time in Cuzco, Chinchero and Ausangate. Hope the convey the emotion I felt when I was there. I will share some more from the last part of our trip with the people of Q’eros.

Peru | Cannelle et Vanille Peru | Cannelle et Vanille Peru | Cannelle et Vanille Peru | Cannelle et Vanille Peru | Cannelle et Vanille Peru | Cannelle et Vanille _Day 2_420Peru | Cannelle et Vanille Peru | Cannelle et Vanille Peru | Cannelle et Vanille Peru | Cannelle et Vanille Peru | Cannelle et Vanille Peru | Cannelle et Vanille Peru | Cannelle et Vanille Peru | Cannelle et Vanille Peru | Cannelle et Vanille Peru | Cannelle et Vanille Peru | Cannelle et Vanille Peru | Cannelle et Vanille

Thank you Andrea and Marty for such a wonderful experience. If you want to stay informed about their future workshops, sign up for their newsletter at This Is The Wanderlust.

Thank you Hannah for making it all happen. Learn more about Hannah’s organization Willka Yachay.

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