Forelle Pears

My friends know me well.

I received these as a gift a couple of days ago and today I poached them in a spice sugar syrup and served them with maple syrup and homemade yogurt panna cotta. It really put me in the holiday mood as I realized there are only two weeks left before Thanksgiving.

I am getting the house ready for my parents to arrive this weekend and then just waiting for life to happen. And thank you everyone for your emails and comments with all your well wishes!

Will be back with the recipe and photos soon!

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52 Responses to “Forelle Pears”

  1. I love the photo you took. I can’t wait to read the recipe. Sounds delicious.

  2. The yogurt panna cotta sounds very good. I have never made yogurt.

    Anyway, lovely little pears. I hope everyone enjoys their holidays.

    Amber @ Native Food & Wine

  3. Frida says:

    Beautiful colors and shapes.

  4. Can’t wait for the recipe! Sounds really delicious!

  5. ibb says:

    Dena ondo joan dadila!
    Zaindu, mimo asko eskatu eta zoriontsu izan.
    Hemen egongo gare itxoiten, berrien zai.
    Patxo haundi haundi bat.

  6. I can’t wait to get the recipe! Best wishes to the coming baby :-)

  7. Dajda says:

    I don’t know what’s the proper way to wish someone expecting a baby, so I’ll just say: good luck, and you’ll be in my prayers!

  8. cindy says:

    enjoy your time with your family as you get ready for the next phase of your life. all the best, aran!

  9. Deeba PAB says:

    Good wishes, sunshine & happiness coming your way Aran. Those are some beautiful pears indeed.Thanks for the sneak peek! Even that is beautiful!

  10. Y says:

    What beautiful pears. We get a similar product here when the season is right, though I think they’re known by a different name. Looking forward to seeing the final dish :)

  11. Jennie says:

    Beautiful pears….lovely friends to have given them to you. :-) I’ve been on a pear “kick” lately too as they are so indicative of the autumn season in my mind. I just put together a recipe for a very easy rustic pear tart that you could surely use to feed your hungry family when they arrive. Makes the house smell great too!

  12. Anonymous says:

    All the best to you for your upcoming ‘event’ ;)

  13. Love pears and love them cold from the fridge, ha!

    All the best.

  14. life is going to be happening, that’s for sure!!
    enjoy this time, Aran, and relax and have fun.

  15. Beautiful! A nice shot too



  16. Zerogluten says:

    Sales ya de cuentas Aran?
    Ay, qué nervios! Ojalá te vaya todo muy bien. Te lo mereces. Estoy deseando verle la carita a tu pequeña.
    Besitos sin gluten y todo lo mejor para tí.

  17. cindy* says:

    those pears are lovely!

    i have no doubt you and your family will enjoy this time together aran!

  18. You capture the beauty and miracle of everyday things so well! I hope you are doing well in your late stages of pregnancy!

  19. wooo! yay that board again :P

  20. Beautiful gift.Happy Thanksgiving.

  21. jack bespoke says:

    i want to eat your whole blog. definitely have to get to work in the kitchen, will be following!

  22. Valentina says:

    Cant wait for the recipes.Hope you manage to do everything in time – no stress.

  23. Raru says:

    Great photo… as usual :)
    Thanks for sharing.


  24. Aran says:

    Zerogluten- me queda una semanita!

    Thanks everyone! Will share the recipes soon!

  25. juliana says:

    Forelle pears are also some of my favorite. I hope you have a wonderfull time with your family and wish you all the best for your next phase in life.

  26. taranii says:

    Mm, these are my favourite type of pears to poach. Though we don’t call them forelle pears here, not I finally know what kind of pear all those recipes that call for forelles want now!

    Good luck.

  27. What a beautiful gift. There sometimes really isn’t anything better, is there?

  28. Asha @ FSK says:


    Have a great time with the family .. :)

  29. que bien, Aran, debes estar ansiosa por verle la carita! te deseo lo mejor, te esperamos pero tomate tu tiempo, besos

  30. shaz says:

    Warmest wishes to you Aran as you wait for the very important arrival. How exciting!

  31. cobrizoperla says:

    I love your colors and mood, here.

  32. El says:

    Beautiful. Have a great time this weekend.

  33. Barbara says:

    Aran- can’t wait to see the recipe.
    Saw Ina Garten poach some pears on her show yesterday.
    Have a great visit with your parents!

  34. Anita says:

    Love your photos and recipes A LOT, but shouldn’t you be resting and “not blogging and running around?!”. Sleep as much as you possibly can while your parents are visiting. I just spent a year of not sleeping because my one year old Sophie just wouldn’t !! Ughhh, love her to pieces though :)

  35. Nagore says:

    Astero parebat aldiz irakurle nauzu, eta den-dena ondo joan dadin desio dizut. Euskaldun ttiki bat gehiago ameriketan.

    ea dena ondo doan eta laster batean hemen zaitugun gure egunak goxatuz.

    muxu bana,


  36. Aran says:

    Ibb eta Nagore- ez dakizue zenbat pozten nauen EH-tik datozen mezuek. Mila esker!

    Thanks everyone and have a great weekend!

  37. Joshua Wait says:

    While you’re keeping us in suspense, have you ever tried Warren Pears? They’re absolutely creamy when ripe and have a wonderful sweetness. They are very hard to get.

    From what I understand, these heirloom often need to be hand pollinated or mechanically pollinated because they don’t attract bees as well as more modern fruits.

  38. PheMom says:

    I’m just so excited for you and so glad that you’ll be surrounded by family while life happens. :)

  39. jojo says:

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  40. I also just blogged a poached pear recipe! So did David Liebovitz! Must be something in the air.

    Here’s mine:-

  41. Forelles are so delicious and beautiful. Your photo reminds me of my days in a professional pastry kitchen when I would receive them in a box, all tucked away in their lovely tissues. Delicious days.

    You are in my thoughts, sending you lots of warm wishes and joy for your new arrival. Abrazos!

  42. Oh how I love pears…nothing else compares! Sorry I didn’t mean to ryhme!

  43. Choco_lemon says:

    I’m exiting about reading your recipe and looking at your photos!

  44. t does wool says:

    oooh…they sound wonderful!

  45. cookeaze says:

    Beautiful gift.Iam very eager to see the recipe..

  46. James says:

    Great blog and wonderful recipe ideas. I teach on a few cooking holidays around the world and I will definitely be recommending this blog to my students.

  47. Looks gorgeous as always! Panna cotta is divine, loving the yoghurt touch! x

  48. Anonymous says:

    Those pears sure look beautiful and I am thinking they are not organic which is not great. There is this great video I just watched that talks about the state of the food and organic in the US:

    I was surprised when I saw how little food in the US is actually organic. The video says only 3.5%. I think it is us the foodies that really need to change this.

  49. S says:

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  50. S says:

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