Milk Chocolate Cream with Milk Cloud

When I was little, before I ever visited any foreign country, I remember being fascinated by eating habits and foods I would see in foreign films. I remember wanting to try English tea the first time I went to Dublin when I was 11. I later learned they were not very fond of the English so they didn’t like it when I called it “English” tea. I remember wanting fast food hamburgers the first time I went to Sterling Heights, Michigan. I was fascinated with food.

I remember watching two British shows called “Upstairs, Downstairs” and “The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin” (anyone remembers?). They showed soft boiled eggs served in the eggshell and I thought that was the strangest thing I had ever seen. “They are eating raw eggs for breakfast? How brave!”. That topped eggshell has stuck in my brain.

When I thought of making something inside the eggshell, I thought of baking milk chocolate custard, like a pot de crème. However, after thinking about it, I thought that once refrigerated, it might be too stiff to eat and it might crack the eggshell in the process. I’m not sure. I should just try it just for the sake of it. This time, I made a cream and filled the empty eggshells with it. I was going to buy an egg topper but when I went to Sur La Table, I found that a good one costs almost $60!! Not today… So I just did it with a paring knife and lots of patience. It was ok topping 4 but I’m not sure if I’d do it if I had to top a dozen or more. Too much work!

Prepare the Eggshells

Tap the top of the eggshell with a paring knife and slowly break off small pieces of the shell with your nails. Empty the egg into a bowl and reserve for next time. If you can separate the yolks from the whites in this process, use the one yolk for this recipe.

I used organic eggs so I am not worried about salmonella but if you are, you might just want to avoid using the eggshells all together. I suppose they can be sterilized but I’m not sure how.

Milk Chocolate Cream

Makes enough for 8 eggshells

100 grams half and half
10 grams sugar
1 organic egg yolk
200 grams milk chocolate
175 grams heavy cream, whipped to soft peak

In a saucepan, bring the half and half and the sugar to a boil. Temper into the egg yolk. Return this mixture to the saucepan and cook for a minute. Strain the custard and pour it over the chopped milk chocolate. Whisk until all the chocolate is melted. When this mixture cools a little bit (cool to the touch), fold in the whipped heavy cream. Pour into the eggshells and refrigerate until it sets.

Milk Cloud

Heat some whole milk in a saucepan. Submerge a hand-held mixer in the milk and mix it until foam starts to form on top. Take small spoonfuls of the foam and place on top of the eggshell. Serve right away.

The milk foam looked a little deflated… I don’t know that I am very happy with the result. I liked the idea of the foam with the eggshell. I was picturing cotton candy.. Maybe I should have made cotton candy now that I think of it!

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18 Responses to “Milk Chocolate Cream with Milk Cloud”

  1. I was rather confused why the hard boiled egg had white foam and the title of the post was about milk chocolate. I *never* would have thought to do this. How creative your mind is! Great thinking! Hope you perfect it to your liking!

  2. Tartelette says:

    I can vouch that creme brulee i egg shells work great, one of the best seelers at the restaurant. I digged up this one if you are interested.

  3. Ann says:

    Lovely! I love sweet things hidden in egg shells!

  4. Veron says:

    I think this is a grand idea. I think your foam looks great.

  5. Cakespy says:

    This is wonderful–it brings the joy of a performance to the table! Beautiful presentation, nice sense of whimsy, and of course–awesome foam and chocolate cream!

  6. B says:

    What a combination, be creative, be innovative, not just in the content but also in the continent, in the presentation! Those management/marketing studies are really paying off here! Mr. Hudson and Mrs. Bridgets (Upstairs, downstairs) would be highly and deliciously surprised at breakfast!

    One question, how easy/difficult is it to eat the milk chocolate cream from the egg shell?

  7. Thats really cool how you presented it!

  8. Aran says:

    It was actually really easy to eat the cream out of the shell because I didn’t add any gelatin or anything like that. It was pure creaminess!

  9. i love seeing all of the different interpretations of this dessert. my boss’ signature dessert is “the egg” which consists of milk chocolate pot de creme, caramel sauce, caramel foam, maple syrup and maldon sea salt (the sea salt is really key!). and i am responsible for making 90-120 of these each day! my oh my what a labor of love and torture.

  10. Ashley says:

    These look so beautiful. Delicate and fun to eat.

  11. mari says:

    Your husband must be so happy that he found you! I love your egg cups, they’re adorable!

  12. PheMom says:

    I just came across your blog. This is perfect for my little event this month. If you are interested in entering this go to

    I know I will be trying this soon.

  13. Y says:

    Oh, so cute! I can’t believe an egg topper costs $60! Oh wait.. maybe I can. I saw a set of lovely measuring cups in a kitchen shop recently, and they were going for about the same price so I hurriedly put them back (not before accidentally dropping them with a loud clang.. very embarrassing!).
    Anyway, your egg creation reminded me of a different dessert-in-an-egg I saw in Michael Richards’ book. He called it “Reconstructed lemon egg”, and it was lemon curd between layers of meringue, inside the egg shell, so when you ate it, the yellow and white made it look like you were eating an actual egg.

  14. Hi… I did a white chocolate mousse filled egg with a brandied marmalade centre which was cool. I injected the eggs with the mix so you had a whole egg that you cracked open to get the mousse. very impressive.

    For your cloud, see if you can get hold of some lecithin and play with that; you will find that it will give your milk stability to make wonderful fluff.

  15. Anonymous says:

    what I don’t understand is how organic eggs are salmonella-proof. Salmonella is a bacterium, so how can an organic diet for the chickens prevent it? When chickens eat non-organic diet, they are not fed salmonella bacteria. They may be eating non-organic grain and so on. But not bacteria. So your comment is 100% lost on me. Could you please explain what you mean? I am sure that organic chickens get salmonella sometimes too.


  16. Aran says:

    Hi Robert-

    Thank you for your comment. I am not trying to clain that organic eggs are 100% free of any risk of salmonella. I understand that it is a bacteria. I said “I am not worried about it but if you are…” However, it is my understanding that eggs from free range chickens that have been fed an organic diet have a smaller risk of being contaminated.

    Here is a link that backs this up.

    But I also found links that said the contrary:

    Yes, you are right. Organic eggs may contain salmonella but I still feel safer eating them. I feel organic farms are usually better shield from possible contamination.

    Thanks again for pointing this out.


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