Archive for appetizer

Burnt carrots with yogurt inspired by Sunday Suppers’ Simple Fare

Burnt carrots by Aran Goyoaga

Last week I announced I will be teaching a food styling and photo workshop at Sunday Suppers in Brooklyn 9/30 and 10/1. Any chance I have to visit the studio I'm there. And did you know that Sunday Suppers just realized their second book Simple Fare? It is beautiful and I truly encourage you to ...

A recipe for eggs with dukkah and a Sunday Suppers workshop | 9.30 & 10.1 Brooklyn

Eggs with dukkah by Aran Goyoaga

I'm happy to announce a food and photography workshop with me at the Sunday Suppers studio in Brooklyn on September 30th and October 1st. You can sign up for one or both days. Here is a brief description. FOR TICKETS, GO TO SUNDAY SUPPERS. An intensive Food + Photography Workshop with Aran Goyoaga Day one: Sweet This ...

Dacor’s Modernist Collection at Pebble Beach Food & Wine Festival

Aran Goyoaga

A couple of weekends ago, Dacor invited me to the Pebble Beach Food & Wine festival to experience their new Modernist Collection. There were many cooking demos, dinners and cocktail parties to attend that showcased the new design and features of the Modernist Collection appliances. I have cooked with Dacor appliances in the past always ...

gluten-free puff pastry video for chefsteps

Gluten-free puff pastry | Cannelle et Vanille

Here is the final baking video for ChefSteps. The best of them all... Gluten-free puff pastry. I really how this recipe and visual cues turned out so I hope you will give it a try. The most versatile dough. Give it a try and let me know how it turned out for you. And follow ChefSteps on Twitter ...