Matcha Diamants and Unexpected Gift Giving

This past week, I woke up and decided it was time to thank some friends. No apparent reason, just the sheer pleasure of baking something unexpectedly and with full gratitude. These friends have brought me so much joy these last few weeks that it was payback time. Most of the time, I don’t need a big production or expensive gift to make me feel this way. A simple smile or some kind words are enough. Besides, there is nothing better than sharing with those that you know will be so grateful and appreciative.

Some of these friends live out of state so I had to take that into consideration when deciding what to ship to them. I thought about making macarons since all my friends seem to love them, but they are too fragile and I decided to go for cookies that would hold well for a couple of days. I made a batch of raspberry financiers, triple chocolate fudge cookies and matcha diamants.

Diamants are very buttery and crumbly cookies that are usually rolled out in a log shape, rolled in sugar, sliced and baked. The green tea is mild and subtle so it’s not too overpowering for those who do not like a strong matcha flavor. These cookies really hold well for a couple of days and if you ask me, they get better as they sit for a day.

One of the recipients was kind enough to blog about her little gift… thank you Nadia!

Matcha Diamants

200 grams organic unsalted butter
80 grams powdered sugar
1 organic egg yolk
220 grams unbleached all purpose flour
10 grams matcha powder
pinch of salt
egg yolk to brush the outside
sugar to roll the sable in

Cream the butter and sugar together. Add the egg yolk. Mix and scrape the bowl. Add the flour, salt and green tea. Mix until combined.

Roll the dough into a log that is about 2 inches wide. Wrap in plastic or parchment and refrigerate overnight.

Brush the outside of the log with egg yolk and roll it in the sanding sugar. Cut 1/2-inch circles and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment or a silicon mat. Bake in a 325 degree oven for about 12 minutes.

I also saw that Fanny made some beautiful ones. She is so amazing… Check them out!

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32 Responses to “Matcha Diamants and Unexpected Gift Giving”

  1. Christy says:

    Aran, they look beautiful!! Your friends must be delighted to receive them!

  2. nicisme says:

    I’ve still yet to cook with matcha powder, I’ll have to go on the hunt for some.
    Your cookies look really good – I especially love the sugar sparkling around the edges!

  3. These diamonds are beautiful!I’m addicted to matcha and i’m gonna try this recipe soon
    Your pictures are always stunning!

  4. nadia says:

    Aran The Matcha diamants are delicious. Thank you so much for that wonderful package. the photographs are beautiful the clarity wow!

  5. Wish I lived closer to enjoy these beautiful treats! I would love to try making these cookies, but do not have matcha. Would a powdered fruit be a good replacement? Or something else? Or nothing? Thanks!

  6. Aran says:

    Thank you everyone…
    Gretchen- great question. My favorite is plain vanilla. Just eliminate the matcha and add the seeds of three vanilla beans. It’s expensive, I know, but so worth it. Or you can make them chocolate adding the same amount of cocoa powder.
    as for fruit… i am not sure which fruit powder you have. don’t use anything that has sugar added as it will completely change the consistency of the cookie. you could try using pure dried raspberries, pulverized. that might work. hope that helps.

  7. Ann says:

    You have very lucky friends!

  8. Lucky friends. These look simple and delicious. I love buttery shortbread type cookies:-)

  9. Cakespy says:

    Diamants in the rough! What fortunate friends to receive these babies. Buttery and crumbly, they look exactly like what I look for in a cookie! :-)

  10. Tartelette says:

    Reminds me I forgot to blog about your madeleines…they were gone so fast :)
    Love matcha sables! Great gifts!

  11. Oh Aran these look almost better than real diamonds!

  12. Mobula says:

    Pues a mi casa no ha llegado ningún paquete… todavía!!!!! Jajajajajajajajajajajajajaja

    En serio, tienen una pinta fantástica y creo que te las copio porque por fin he encontrado el dichoso te matcha….



  13. What fun cookies! The photography is just beautiful!

  14. I went through your blog and I’m still stunned
    Really inspiring! I can’t wait until I’ll have vacation and a proper kitchen

    By the way, would you mind telling me what camera you’re using?

  15. Aran says:

    Royal Honey Milk Tea- I use a Canon Rebel XT that I have had for about 2 years but I am now learning how to use. My lens is a Canon 18-55mm 0.28m.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  16. Kim says:

    Aran- The photos are just stunning! I have never had matcha and so want to try it. Nothing like good cookies.

  17. I have seen such beautiful creations with green tea around but have never tried it myself. These are beautiful!

  18. Mrs.French says:

    Green tea cookies! I am all about that! Stunning color, stunning photos…ahhhhhh!

  19. I prefer to give than to receive as well. Although I wouldn’t turn down any of your glorious cookies. :)

  20. Matchless matcha, with stunning photography…it’s a peaceful feeling just staring at the screen! Beautiful!!

  21. Aran,

    What a thoughtful gift – I love doing this for people as well! The recipe sounds wonderful, thank you for sharing it with us all – that, too, is a great gift!

  22. *fanny* says:

    when I made some matcha diamant for the first time last summer, I loved them. the recipe I use is quite close to yours and comes from Kelli of

    yours look beautiful.

    xx fanny

  23. Naomi Devlin says:

    The colour is just incredible, I can imagine how beautiful they must look with the raspberry financiers too. I am fascinated to know how they’d taste – green tea-ish I guess? So Creative!

    x x x

  24. Y says:

    Those look very inviting. I never tire of seeing anything matcha flavoured. Will have to make them some time. Oh to have more baking hours these days!

  25. Brilynn says:

    I’ve been wanting to make these for a while now, they sound wonderful!

  26. Hillary says:

    What a nice gift! They look so gorgeous and delicious…nice pictures!

  27. Kevin says:

    Those look really good. I like baking with matcha.

  28. These cookies manage to somehow look both rustic and exquisite at the same time. Gorgeous photos. Anything that begins with sable dough has to be terrific.

  29. lucretzia-cs says:

    I baked these cookies today… these are so awesome. I love it.
    Thanks for making this wonderful site! :)
    Have a look at my cookies:

  30. morgana says:

    Ese maravilloso color verde me tiene loca, tengo que probar esta receta. Un millón de gracias por compartirla.

  31. Aran these are beautiful!
    Im going to bake these today.
    I love baking with Matcha.


  32. elena says:

    tanks for your receipt. i’m going to bake some biscuits tomorrow.
    I’m writing from Italy.
    are you sure I have to bake them at 325 degrees? It seems too much…

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