Cherry, Blackberry and Almond Crisp

I have been a bit under weather ever since our trip back and have not been able to spend much time in the kitchen. But the first cherries of the season have started to arrive and although I love eating them raw as they are, I had a craving for a simple fruit crisp.

I remember cherry season as a time of joy, first days of summer, school year coming to an end, days becoming longer and time of picnics. That has all changed now because leaving in the Southeast, that means the beginning of the rain and hurricane season.

This crisp is as simple as can be and any fruit can be used. That’s what I love about crumbles and crisps, they are so versatile. In this case, I made an almond topping but you could use any nut or even oatmeal or a combination of both.

Almond Crumble

100 grams butter
100 grams sugar
100 grams flour
120 grams almond flour
80 grams raw almonds, chopped
pinch of salt

Cream the butter and sugar together. Add the flour, almond flour, chopped almonds and salt and mix until combined. This mixture will be sandy. Refrigerate for at least one hour.

Cherry and Blackberry Filling

160 grams blackberries
250 grams cherries, pitted
10 grams flour
20 grams vanilla sugar
zest of half a lemon
juice of half a lemon
pinch of salt

Toss all ingredients together. Divide amongst ramekins and top with crumble.

Bake at 350F until juices start to bubble up and crumble browns.

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62 Responses to “Cherry, Blackberry and Almond Crisp”

  1. Ria says:

    They look so goood!Slurrp!! Lovely pics!! I loved the one with the cherries the best! :)

  2. wow even a simple dessert you make it look gorgeous ! I love cherries !

  3. Alicia says:

    Scrumptous recipe & photos. The cherries in the double is fabulous.
    You should sell your images for framing.

  4. Irene says:

    This is just wonderful, Aran, I love the cherries with the almond topping! I can only imagine how incredibly delicious it was. I feel so at home with this kind of a dessert.

  5. What a delightful combo! Your pictures are really pretty!



  6. Dominique says:

    wonderful pictures! I love cherries and this recipe is simple and surely delicious!

  7. kim says:

    Great, I was looking for a good crumble topping. I agree with the other commenter, you should totally set up a web shop to sell your pictures (a la Smitten Kitchen)

  8. Aran, que delicia, y las fotos preciosas, frescas, con vida, me encanta la combinación de colores de los trapos con las cerezas!

    Un beso! Beth

  9. Fra says:

    I love crumbles and this one looks very yummy. Great shots!

  10. Cookinette says:

    Thanks so much for reminding me of this simple, but oh-so-delicious dessert! My favorite version is to use apples and add a touch of cinnamon to the crumble. But with those cherries, I would give it a try.

  11. when i opened this post this morning i heard myself whispering NO NO NO not something else i want, i need and must have. beautiful pictures!

  12. MISSANILLOS says:

    Que pinta tan buena, pero los boles donde estan las cerezas son preciosos!!!

  13. Olciaky says:

    Woooow beautiful pictures!:o!

  14. How I love cherry season! I just bought a new, fast pitter. I pit cherries and freeze them for use all winter. This crisp is such a classic. Gorgeous photos, as usual.

  15. Cerejinha says:

    This one is a “must try”

  16. Yum says:

    Easy but delicious! Beautiful pictures, as usual ;)

  17. Charlotte says:

    That looks absolutely scrumptious. Though I don’t use blackberries much the combination of fruits that you chose sounds wonderful.

  18. ibb says:

    Look tasty. And can be made with strawberries?
    Love more strawberries…since I was a child I love them more, it was easier to pick them up.

    Argazkiek izugarrizko argi majikoa dute.

  19. K.Line says:

    Oooh, beautiful. I make a similar crumble with pistachios which is excellent. I’m totally going to try this version.

  20. Tartelette says:

    You know that’s the kind of dish I could eat for breakfast everyday. How many stomach aches can we predict from eating cherries?!!….sweet ramson!

  21. Marta says:

    Espero que te mejores pronto Aran! Estos postres de frutas simples y caseritos reconfortan mucho, ademas esta bello!

  22. cindy* says:

    i love crisps and crumbles for the same reasons. these look fantastic and i love that shot of the cherries in the bowls…so summery!

    i hope you feel better soon aran!

  23. erica says:

    Beautiful photography! I’ve seen some bad cover photography in Gourmet and Bon Appetit magazines. I really think they need to hire you as you have the skills in both food styling and photography!!

  24. Miss Lyss says:

    Where did you get those beautiful bowls in the cherry photo? I am coveting them…!

  25. Aran says:

    Ibb- edozein fruta erabili dezakezu eta malukiekin be ederto egongo zan. eskerrik asko!

    Miss Lyss- those bowls are from anthropologie. I’ve had them for a couple of years now but I think they still carry them in the stores.

    Thank you everyone!

  26. Eralda LT says:

    This looks delicious, and those cherries are beautiful.

  27. idu says:

    Nire frutarik gogokoena, tripakominez geratu arte jaten ditut. Aii, baserriko gereziondora igotzen ginen, eta gero jeisteko komeriak! beti osabak erreskatera etorri behar. Probatu behar dut errezeta hau!

  28. veron says: and helen must be on the same wavelenght. Sorry you are under the weather, hope you feel better. These look fantastically yummy though…

  29. Juliana says:

    WOW, this crisp look just fantastic…really yummie. Love the pictures of the flowers as well.

  30. Log Homes says:

    wonderful pictures, they look delicious and I can’t wait to try the recipe! Thanks :)

  31. Seanna Lea says:

    That looks wonderful. I love the touch of making them in the smaller containers.

  32. Another sign that summer is coming in full force – crisps, crumbles, and cobblers coming out of the woodwork. Gorgeous! I hope you’re feeling better!

  33. anna says:

    Ooh, almonds and cherries are so lovely together! Once the cherries are ripe up here I’m going to try this!

  34. Helene says:

    C’est super que vous avez des cerises chez toi. Notre saison est plus tard. Quel magnifique dessert.

  35. morgana says:

    Mmmmm. Tienen una pinta deliciosa. Me encantan las cerezas (sobre todo las picotas) pero siempre las he comido crudas. A ver si este año me animo a hacer alguna preparación con ellas.

  36. Y says:

    I hope you’re feeling better soon! Fruit crisps would certainly put anyone in a good mood :)

  37. Christy says:

    Simple, comforting food is the best kind!! I think that the simplicity of this dessert really made the flavours of cherries and blackberries stand out. A real summer treat!!

  38. Camilla says:

    This is just stunning; I love simple desserts that, once made, blie their short list of ingredients and easy steps. Yum…

  39. Bev says:

    This looks so yummy!, I have been buying cherries up already. Can’t wait to try this because it is so summery!

  40. Laia says:

    mmmmmmmmmm tienen una pinta irresistibele me encanta tu blog i tus fotos magnificas. pero tengo un pokitin d dificultad en leer en ingles.. pero aun asi muy muy rico todo!!

  41. Cakebrain says:

    such pretty pics! they evoke summer to me! lovely lovely!

  42. Ohhhh, just lovely. It’s coming into winter here and a crisp couldn’t be more perfect for those cold, chilly nights! :)

  43. Aran,

    Believe me they tasted so good. I tried them out and am gonna continue making them. Thanks for the recipe.

  44. Amanda says:

    looks absolutely amazing!! your photography as stunning, and the recipe sounds delicious!

  45. Jack Fussell says:

    This looks amazing! I just bought cherries, so I may have to try it. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  46. Reginald says:

    Aran, this seriously stunning. A simple dessert that is both delicious and respects the integrity of the key ingredient. As a new blogger, I am constantly inspired by your posts. Thanks.

  47. Eileen says:

    I am so glad we’re on the cusp of cherry season!

  48. Cherries, blackberries, almonds–what a perfect combination!

  49. SPACE LOVER says:


  50. Zerogluten says:

    Sigo convencida de que lo tuyo es un don que se llama perfección. Felicidades, estoy enganchada a Cannelle et Vanille. Nada comparable.
    Besitos sin gluten

  51. simplesong says:

    yum! love the little cups … hope you’re having a great weekend! xo

  52. These look amazing. Can’t wait to try them. I love the little cups they are in! Really cute!

  53. Patricia says:

    That picture of the bowl of cherries is so beautiful..thank you! May I please put a link on my blog to yours using a picture link? Merci beaucoup…Patricia

  54. Jeff Stern says:

    I love the almond flour touch. This is the best!

  55. Your cherries look so perfect. I can’t wait until I find some – I’m hoping that will happen tomorrow. This is one of the best desserts with fruit, especially cherries. Fabulous with almonds. Mouthwatering!

  56. Elizabeth says:

    Lovely photos Aran. I absolutely cannot resist a crumble, and I’m so glad it’s fruit season again!

  57. Lameen says:

    I just made a version of this from Bill Granger’s new book, “Feed Me Now ! which is on my blog, . Your pictures are really nice and I think I’ll put you on my blog roll.

  58. A bowl within a bowl with beautiful cherries – you have the most amazingly wonderful photographs on your site. Thank you.

  59. rhid says:

    I totally wait for cherry season every year… and then I eat as many as I can…and use them in as many ways as I can. Oh cherries!

  60. Thanks so much for the delicious recipes..

  61. Thiep says:

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