Candied-apple île flottante for a winter-inspired cooking class

Candied-apple île fltotante

Candied-apple île flottante

PNW winter

PNW winter

Winter hit us with full force in the new year.

Not the blizzard, blankets-of-snow kind of winter, but in a very Pacific Northwest way. Drizzle, fog and grey skies. There is ths ghostly beauty to them. Very moody – inducing lots of soup-making and coffee drinking.

Hygge, as they say in Denmark.

I wanted to also let you know that we will be hosting a winter cooking class in the studio January 26th, followed by dinner. Time to gather around the kitchen with me for some gluten-free cooking and we will sit down to a beautifully styled table by my dear friend and stylist Jenn Eliott-Blake. Her work is amazing.

Please see the menu below, which includes of course, this candied-apple île flottante as the dessert.

And who says January has to be slow and boring?

Beet, apple, lentil and speck salad

Beet, apple, lentil and speck salad

PNW winter | Cannelle et VanillePNW winter | Cannelle et VanilleBeet, apple, lentil and speck salad | Cannelle et Vanille

The cooking class is on January 26th from 4 to 7pm at my studio in downtown Seattle.

The tickets are $125 per person and the completely gluten-free menu includes:

Cranberry and ginger beer (non-alcoholic)

Mushrooms and eggs tartine on hazelnut pastry

Salad of bitter greens, beets, lentils, speck and local cheese

PNW melange of fish over roasted cauliflower cream with garlic aioli

Apple and Oregon cheddar scones

Candied-apple île flottante with pistachios and vanilla bean

Coffee and tea

I hope you can join us.

You can purchase the tickets HERE.

Candied-apple île fltotante | Cannelle et Vanille

Candied-apple île flottante

serves 6

Candied-apple anglaise

2 cups (500 ml) unsweetened apple juice
6 egg yolks
1/3 cup (70 g) natural cane sugar
1 cup (250 ml) heavy cream
1 cup (250 ml) whole milk
1 vanilla bean, split legthwise and seeds scraped

Pour the apple juice in a small saucepan and cook over medium heat until it reduces to 1/2 cup (125 ml). It will take about 15 minutes or so. Let this reduced juice cool completely.

In a medium bowl, whisk the egg yolks and sugar together for a minute or so until slightly light.

In a medium saucepan, combine the heavy cream, whole milk, and vanilla bean. Heat over medium heat until it simmers. Pour a cup of the hot milk mixture over the egg yolks while whisking. Don’ty let the hot liquid sit on top of the eggs or they will curdle with the heat. Pour in the remainder of hot liquid and whisk. Pour the mixture back in the pan and cook over low heat stirring constantly with a wooden spoon or heatproof silicon spatula making sure to scrape bottom and sides and that the cream won’t curdle. It will begin to thicken but be patient because it’s best to do over over low heat and slowly. When the cream coats the back of the spoon, turn off heat and pour into a clean bowl. Remove vanilla bean. If you see there are some curds of coagulated egg, you could always strain the mixture to make it perfectly smooth.

Stir the cream every so often to cool it down faster and then chill in the refrigerator covered with plastic wrap. When the cream is completely chilled, whisk in the reduced apple juice and reserve.


4 egg whites, at room temperature
Pinch of salt
1/2 cup (100 g) superfine sugar (if you don’t have superfine sugar, simple plus regular sugar in food processor to make it finer)

Have a shallow pan with simmering water ready.

Place the egg whites in the bowl of a stand mixer and whisk on high spee with whip attachment. When they begin to turn frothy and light, add the salt. When the egg whites start to form peaks, gradually add in the superfine sugar until stiff peaks form. the meringue should be glossy.

Take large spoonfuls of meringue and drop them in the simmerimg water makig sure not to overcrowd the pan. Let cook for a 1 to 2 minutes to flip over with a skimmer. Cook for another minute. remove them from pan with skimmer and place them on paper towels to dry.

Pour the anglaise in six shallow dessert-bowls. Place some of the meringues on top and sprinkle with chopped pistachio and thinly sliced apples.

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38 Responses to “Candied-apple île flottante for a winter-inspired cooking class”

  1. Sarah M says:

    Your photos make the PNW winter look beautiful. We’re up north in Blaine (last exit before the border) and I find it beautiful, too, though the grey can feel oppressive at times.
    Sarah M

  2. Melissa says:

    The menu sounds amazing! Love the softness of the photos in the this post. Captures the weather perfectly right now.

  3. Itxaso says:

    Argazkiekaz bakarrik esplikau dozu horko neguko sentsazinoa… Lasaitasune emoten daurie. Hortik biziko banintzen faltau barik joango nintzen klasera… Egunen baten!!

  4. Will be a wonderful event. Even more excited for it now that I have seen the menu.

  5. Rosa says:

    I love winter food. This dessert is magnificent and divine sounding.

    I love that picture of the crow…



  6. Me parece super generoso q des la receta del postre de la cena en tu estudio…muchas muchas gracias. Yo lo he intentado hacer varias veces però se me corta la crema, lo volvere a intentar…es como unas natillas claras no?va

  7. Queridísima Aran,

    lamento tanto no vivir más cerca para poder unirme a esta cena estupenda! Tu trabajo es admirable, siempre te lo digo y no me cansaré de hacerlo.

    Con mucho cariño,


  8. I’m struck by the beauty of this post, Aran! Adorable colors and winter mood. I loved the Florida-based Cannelle et Vanille but I may like the Seattle-based even more.

    • Aran says:

      Thank you Sini. That means a lot as I feel so inspired by my surroundings always. It would be difficult to replicate the Florida light in many ways. It’s all about a sense of place and time for me. Thank you for noticing.

  9. Divine! I never knew poaching meringues were even possible! Must try :D

  10. Polly says:

    Ciao Aran

    Cannot wait to try the recipe and oh to be close to you to go to the cooking class you are hosting…Hope you can post some of those recipes too !

    All the best for 2014… now must get back to cooking !

  11. Lecia says:

    Your images of Discovery Park: perfection.

  12. Amber says:

    I made the candied-apple flottante tonight. Everyone liked it, so I think it was a success. It did take me two hours to make it. Is that typical or am I super slow?

    Your pictures are beautiful. Sounds like an awesome event. Wish I lived close enough to attend.

    • Aran says:

      It all depends. The anglaise can take anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes depending on how heat your flame is. Then poaching meringue, etc. If it tasted great that’s all that matters :)

  13. Lovely, as usual. My daughter is making your recipe — pistachio & vanilla bean shortbread cookies — for her High School English class (it is a demonstration project) from Small Plates and Sweet Treats. Her teacher enthusiastically approved it!! Happy New Year and Happy Friday!!

  14. Steph says:

    Hi, I have just found your blog and wanted to tell you that your photos look absolutely stunning! And of course delicious!

  15. Michi says:


    This dessert has me so curious: I’ve never heard of poaching meringue. I’ve only ever seen it baked. Could you tell me what the final texture is like; why poach it in the first place?

    Thank you for the lovely post and I wish you a wonderful new year!

    • Aran says:

      Hi michi, the texture is very light. Almost like uncooked meringue but imagine it to feel “set”. Harder yet still creamy and still melts In your mouth. You should try it!

  16. Susana says:

    As fotos são de uma beleza indescritível, bjs

  17. I am such a fan of your site and can thank you especially for this post, as I believe it has provided me with the perfect dessert inspiration for an impending dinner party :) Thank you!

  18. Eva says:

    Preciosas fotos Aran!

  19. Love the idea of seeing these cloudy days as moody and ghostly instead of drab. Makes them seem so much more interesting in their own way. Also love your use of apple in the iles flottante and the salad with speck and lentils. Sometimes I forget what a nice addition apples can be even though they are a little plain on their own.

  20. Gintare says:

    This post and your photos are so beautiful, full of light and joy!

  21. Jamie Sarner says:

    Oh the pictures! And the recipe too, of course! This is your first post I read, but I guess you have just won a new regular reader, looking forward for new posts!

  22. Dácil says:

    Unas imágenes espectaculares, como siempre Enhorabuena por un trabajo tan bien hecho!!!

  23. Andy says:

    You took beautiful photos!! Thank you for sharing it with us and I can’t wait to try the recipes that you shared.

  24. 2moiselles says:

    Your photos are beautiful, and the menu just delicious :-)

  25. God I really need this type of food to get us off from this freaking winter season.
    This is just simply amazing.

  26. C’est Magnifique

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