Lunch with Oh Joy! and a Pip Studio Giveaway

One of my favorite columns on Oh Joy! is Lunch Lady where different artists share their lunch fares. So fun. So when Joy asked me if I would be interested in sharing one of my typical lunch meals, I jumped on the idea.

And here it is, one of my usual suspects. Mushroom and walnut quinoa with eggs and watercress. Creamy, crunchy and peppery.

One of the questions she posed was “dessert with lunch?” and my answer, “always a little something”. In this case a quick pear, cranberry and hazelnut crumble. Why not.

When I make crumble topping, I always make a large batch so I can freeze some and that way I can have crumble whenever I want to. just toss some fruit together with a bit of sugar, spices, cornstarch and topped with the frozen crumble. Super easy. You can read the post here.

On another note, I wanted to tell you a little bit about Pip Studio. First I have to disclose that I have not been paid to write about them or have this giveaway.

Pip Studio is the work of Dutch artist Anke van der Endt, who happens to be one of my best friends’ sister in law. I was introduced to the line a couple of years ago and I loved the feminine and flirty touch. Her line is now sold in major shops like Liberty and many high end boutiques and specialty shops.

They were kind enough to send me an enormous package of tableware a couple of months ago and because it is the holiday season and because I love it, I thought I’d share some pieces with you dear readers. So what do you say? All you have to do is leave a comment between now and Monday December 13 at 5pm EST to enter this giveaway.

Thank you Joy and thank you Anke!

Mushroom, Walnut Quinoa with Fried Egg and Watercress Salad

2 Tbs olive oil
1 clove garlic, minced
1 cup mushrooms (shiitake, oyster and baby bella)
1 cup quinoa, rinsed
2 cups chicken stock
1/2 tsp salt
1 Tbs mascarpone
1 Tbs walnuts, chopped
1 Tbs fresh parsley, chopped
1 Tbs chives, chopped
Eggs, to fry
Watercress to garnish
Salt and pepper to taste

In a medium pot, heat the olive oil and saute the garlic and mushrooms on medium heat for about 2-3 minutes. Add the quinoa and stir for about a minute. Add the chicken stock and salt and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer, cover and cook for about 15 minutes.

Remove the pot from the heat and add the mascarpone, walnuts, parsley and chives. Adjust seasoning.

Gently cook the eggs in a little bit of olive oil and serve on top of the quinoa. Dress the watercress with olive oil and place on top of the egg.

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544 Responses to “Lunch with Oh Joy! and a Pip Studio Giveaway”

  1. Katrina says:

    Those tea cups are delicious! The horizontal bands are just adorable. I wish that things this cute were easier to find.

  2. RH says:

    Looks like a tasty meal. I’d love to win this contest!

  3. Sarah says:

    I just discovered your blog from AmazingRibs’ list of the best food/cooking websites. LOVE!

  4. It’s beautiful! I’d be thrilled to win some tableware.


  5. I’m constantly drooling over your food work!!! Now you throw these into the mix…I would so love to win these and surprise my wife with them!!!

    Yes this guy is really wanting to surprise his wife with this! Please help me win some more hubby points this Christmas season :)

  6. Sreelu says:

    beautiful and lovely tableware.

  7. Danja says:

    Those dishes are beautiful.

    And the cranberry crumble looks amazing. I am going to make it this weekend. I’ve made twice the butternut squash soup with leaks and those gruyere apple muffins you posted a month or two ago. That combo has now become a part of my regular recipe rotation. So thank you for posting it.

  8. This is a very healthful, seasonal and beautiful lunch — three things I can never have enough of. Thanks for posting, and offering the giveaway!



  9. Rachel says:

    I wish I was eating this for lunch right now and on this gorgeous tableware!

  10. icicle says:

    Hm, makes my left-over lunches seem… well.. a little too much like left overs. I should try harder in the new year to make myself something yummy.

  11. Maria S says:

    I would love to win the tableware!

  12. intxaurtsu says:

    a ze kinoa gozoa!!! eta pip studiori buruz, aurreko uda Holandan egon nintzen eta ez dakit zenbat katilu, plater, tetera ekarri neuzen, I am delighted by them eta ez dira oraindik Bilbora ailegatu, zuk uste!!!

  13. Anonymous says:

    Oh what pretty pieces!
    I’m hoping I win.

    Thank you for the giveaway!


  14. Dawn says:

    Yummy food and beautiful tableware; great post as always.

  15. Those plate are beautiful. Simply beautiful!

  16. Silvia says:

    I love your blog. This recipe sounds delicious!
    Finger crossed for the giveaway!
    Have a nice evening!

    (from Como:)

  17. Cecilia says:

    The quinoa salad looks delicious! Thanks for sharing some tableware pieces with us!

  18. Veronika says:

    Oh my gosh! I am so going to try freezing my own crumble. Its a great idea and I ALWAYS have fruit!! Thanks for sharing. As always, your pictures are gorgeous.

  19. Charbon says:

    I want tableware!
    Lunch looked excellent by the way.

  20. Sarah says:

    dessert with lunch? yes please!

  21. Gazpacho says:

    Thanks for this lovely recipe!

  22. Now that’s lunch! Everything tastes a little better with a fried egg on top doesn’t it? Thanks for introducing me to Anke’s site. I love everything I saw!

  23. Kat says:

    Do those pretty little bowls and cups fill themselves up with your gorgeous food on command? That would be swell!
    Maybe if I had such pretty pieces I’d be tempted to cook prettier food for myself?

  24. tawnya says:

    Those teacups are gorgeous!

  25. conundrum says:

    The teacups are amazing, I hope to win!

  26. arteriole says:

    Such lovely little tea things! Just the right touch of whimsy (I love the red and white piping!!!)

  27. How beautiful! (Both the recipe and the tableware!)

  28. Adam O says:

    The crumble topping in the freezer is such a great idea!
    And that tableware is beautiful!

    I love the blog.

  29. Brit says:

    Gorgeous! The tableware is amazing!

  30. Anonymous says:

    Beautiful! I’d love to win!

  31. Dasa says:

    You are my absolutely favorite blog….I am not saying it for winning the cups:)). The pics are great (are you using the photoshop to blur your background?) but I love the food….healthy and tasty. I have been so inspired that I started a blog as well, just for my pleasure. Wish you all the best.

    Regards from Provence

  32. sarah says:

    I love finding new lunch recipes–and that tableware is adorable!

  33. juliaelmer at hotmail dot com says:

    of course dessert is OK with lunch – in fact, i feel better about eating it at lunch than dinner because i’m not going to bed soon after eating lunch! – the combination of walnuts and mushrooms in the quinoa is calling my name – thanks for this recipe!

  34. I feel so special to leave a comment here at ‘cannelle et vanille!’ I have been following you as well as Joy at ohjoy! daily, and I am delighted to see the two of you together for today’s posts. I am an artist at work, as well as in the kitchen at home, and both of you inspire me immensely – thank you for brightening life. Happy Holidays

  35. Sara says:

    Gorgeous tableware – what a great giveaway! :) That crumble looks fantastic, too.

  36. Caro Peguero says:

    oh my goodness, this looks so good! well, minus the mushrooms… i am not a fan. but i am a quinoa fiend.

    and that tableware is so gorgeous! i love love the colors and the detail in each piece. i’m obsessed!

    and one more thing- your photography… it’s so stunning! just dreamy.

  37. I am in love with the china from Pip! Thanks so much for sharing them. I’ll be on the lookout!

  38. Those tea cups are gorgeous, I hope I could find beautiful things like those around here!!! I sooo want them!!! =)

  39. Anonymous says:

    Your blog is wonderful and between my favorites! So inspirational, beautiful pictures and of course amazing food! Your giveaway is also gorgeous, maybe I’ll have luck!
    Greetings from Istanbul/Turkey,

  40. Sameer Vasta says:

    I have a very special friend who would melt if she were to receive those teacups, just like I melt every time I see all the delicious food on your blog. :)

  41. Intxaurtsu- eta zelan hainbeste denpora EHre heltzeko? Han itzi zenduzan?

    Dasa- no, the background blur (bokeh) is achieved through the lens and the distance to the subject.

    Thank you everyone and good luck! :)

  42. Shaina says:

    Wow. Those teacups are incredible, and the photography is gorgeous, as always!

  43. Looks delicious and with that perfect egg, nothing could be better in my opinion.

    Love Pip Studio, was just over there late last night looking. I would love to enter the giveaway!

  44. I always enjoy your writings and pictures! Would love to win this giveaway. Happy Holidays.

  45. Veronika says:

    Just out of curiousity, what is the recipe for you crumble that you freeze? Do you add the butter and then freeze it or only combine the flours?

  46. Oh Aran, these are beautiful porcelain pieces. Love them. Winning any of them would make me so happy, especially that I collect beautiful china. If I am not so lucky after all to win the set, please let me know if they sell them in Canada (Montreal)?

    Love the quinoa dish too. Will try it soon. Thanks.

  47. Nicole says:

    Your blog is always so beautiful. And that prize is absolutely beautiful, too!

  48. A great giveaway and salad! Love those tea cups.



  49. Ann says:

    I have learned two of my best ‘easy dessert’ tricks from you – keep logs of cookie dough in the freezer and, now, crumble topping, too.

    The teacups are lovely … here’s hoping!


  50. Melissa says:

    All so lovely as usual. I often have an egg for quick lunch, like the addition of the quinoa.

    I have a real soft spot for tea cups and have a small collection from my Grandma.

  51. Those are beautiful teacups (and saucers)! I would be delighted to have one of my own. Even if I don’t win, thanks for sharing!

  52. Veronika- any crumble recipe. you mix it as you would to bake it right away. Then place it on a baking sheet and freeze it. When it’s frozen solid, transfer it to a freezer bag, seal and it will stay for a couple of months. Then just take out as you need.


  53. Veronika- any crumble recipe. you mix it as you would to bake it right away. Then place it on a baking sheet and freeze it. When it’s frozen solid, transfer it to a freezer bag, seal and it will stay for a couple of months. Then just take out as you need.


  54. Suzanna H. says:

    Those are adorable! Sign me up!

  55. Ria Mathew says:

    I’m just like you, I love crumbles! Recently I made a Pear & chocolate crumble and I made some extra to freeze!

    Beautiful giveaway! They are so colourful! Lucky winner!

  56. Julia says:

    A refreshing take on quinoa! I can’t wait to try this. It looks delicious.

  57. sarae says:

    I love your blog! I would also love to win this giveaway….

  58. jovialjudi says:

    Beautiful tableware and I always enjoy your posts. Thanks for the chance to win! Hugs, Judi

  59. Definitely want to try to make both items!
    Love all your recipes and those dishes…

  60. dervla says:

    oh wow, these look like they belong at Anthropologie, so gorgeous!

  61. The crumble looks divine! My inlaws are bringing fresh eggs this weekend and I just restocked my quinoa–I think I know what I’ll be making for lunch! Love this dishes too!

  62. lilmuy says:

    with two small children, i just use ghetto old white tableware so i’m not devastated when something cracks or breaks. i’d love something pretty for myself.

    your photography breathes life. it’s very lovely.

  63. Catherine says:

    My quinoa never, ever comes out right. Always either overcooked or undercooked. Pathetic, since I’m normally a more than competent chef. But that grain is the one food that trumps me every time

  64. Ariana says:

    I just moved to Germany, and Pip Studio is very popular here. Very cute and cheerful! I just bought a stack of their special cards. What a fun giveaway!

  65. Jess says:

    This recipe looks so comforting, I can’t wait to try it! Anything with walnuts, mascarpone, and a fried egg will calm me down.

    Thank you.

  66. Jenna says:

    Oh, my goodness, her floral porcelain is adorable!

  67. Melani says:

    I love crumble, can’t wait to try this!

  68. jacqui says:

    I think I’ve found my lunch for today… and possibly even dessert!

  69. aurora132001 says:

    That crumble looks AMAZING! :) I am loving the tableware set as well, so beautiful.

  70. Abigail says:

    OH MY! Those dishes are INCREDIBLE. Love it! And great idea on the cobbler topping, as well… although my waist might not appreciate it!

    Thank you.

  71. Maggie says:

    Stunning. They remind me of living in Germany as a kid.

  72. audgbodge says:

    i love your photos!!.

    your blog is amazing! happy holidays!^^

  73. i found your blog from your beautiful Quinoa and egg lunch picture on flickr! I am eager to try your recipe, thanks for sharing! Also thanks for showing me the “ohjoy” blog, I found lots more yummy lunch ideas!

  74. Is Pip Studio the tableware you’ve been using in your photography recently?! Because I’ve absolutely fallen in love with your lovely dishes & quaint cups! They are just “flirty” enough without being overly feminine — look at those blocks & lace along the handle! — gorgeous. You just can’t find beautiful tableware like this easily in the states.

    Great tip about the crumble. Your food & photography always look so refreshing & beautiful.

  75. Fiona says:

    Wow, they’re so pretty! I just cam eacross your blog lately and I really love it!! The photos you take are so warming. Fi

  76. Rona says:

    I think the floral designs on the Pip Studio crockery is absolutely stunning.

    I’d love to enter the draw :-)

  77. I do love her pottery, always makes me smile. I own some myself, but not easy to find it, even here in Europe.

  78. Celine says:

    What a great recipe! I’m always looking for healthy salads involving grains. And that tableware is tres chic!

  79. Kelly says:

    That is wonderful. I love your pictures – how do you obtain such an ethereal effect? The dishes match the effect perfectly.

  80. wanderluck says:

    Gorgeous! Good luck to all!


  81. Nell says:

    I can’t decide what I love more. Mushroom quinoa and with fried egg or these tea cups.

    Even better would be the quiona IN the tea cups!

    Lovely :)

  82. Trish says:

    Both the lunch, and dessert look delicious (as always)! Pip Studio’s work is so lovely.

  83. Esther says:

    I adore Pip Studio! I’m Dutch and I know this brand, so seeing it on your blog is really cool. Unfortunately my student budget doesn’t allow me to own it, so I would love to win the contest :)

  84. Hungry Hill says:

    These are beautiful! Great pictures and great recipes as always!

  85. Kristi says:

    I would love the opportunity to win some of that gorgeous tableware!

  86. Irene La Zia says:

    I love the tea cups in the last picture and the recipe sounds delicious. I might give a try to the quinoa one of these days. :)

  87. Jen says:

    Such an amazing blog you have. I nearly drool every time I check it out. Thank you for the lovely recipes and the inspiring recipes and photos.

  88. Caitlin says:

    Those are the cutest cups. Liberty is such a guilty pleasure of mine :)

  89. what a fun giveaway, thank you! loving these recipes!

  90. myra phipps says:

    my mom collect tea cups, how beautiful1

  91. LeighAnne says:

    So beautiful, but really it’s the photos that are really special

  92. Huge fan of your work. You make it look so darn easy! Thanks for being such an inspiration!

  93. Anonymous says:

    WOW!!! I’m speachless…that’s so nice of you!
    Since I’ve got my first cup, it’s my abolute favourite tableware.

    Love the crumble pictures! Make me wanna eat it immediately! ;-))


  94. threeloops says:

    sweet cups, remind me of tea in the afternoon with my Aunt Ella as a child!

  95. Oh, i completely adore it!
    i have just begun my studies,
    i wish to be a pastrychef!
    and i love tablewear with colours
    and life! i have never seen
    such a beautiful tablewear before.
    but because of my studies i do not
    have the money to buy tablewear
    anywhere from but ikea.

    Love /an admirer.

  96. Juliana says:

    What a generous giveaway and beautiful cups! Thank you. I learned from you to make a big batch of crumble topping and freeze what I don’t need. Perfect for a quick dessert with fruit.

  97. those are lovely teacups!

    and I will definitely be trying that crumble recipe soon. :)

  98. Anna says:

    I have been following your blog for about a year now and am constantly amazed by your recipes. The food itself is amazing but combined with your photography and it all takes my breath away at times. Thank you for sharing your talent!

    This is such a fun giveaway – what a great idea!

  99. Samantha says:

    Those teacups are very pretty, thanks for the giveaway!

  100. Suzana says:


    I’ve switched from salads to soups since it’s getting chilly where I live but this would make me very happy at lunch time! The crumble sounds yummy. :)

    Love the tea cups shot. Awesome!

  101. Ohhhhh!!! I saw this tableware anywherelse in Brussels I think, and i fell in love with it!!! I just love the style!!! Thank you to introduce us to the artist.

    Besos Aran!!

  102. Katie Ring says:

    As always, beautiful photographs & great idea to freeze extra crumble! Those tea cups are adorable, and would be perfect for a girly afternoon of bookclub, cookies & tea!

  103. Vivian says:

    As always, your photos are so lovely! The salad looks so delicious and nutritious.

  104. IB says:

    The lunch looks incredible and at the same time so humble and simple. Inspiring. That dishware is beautiful with just the right touch of whimsy… reminds me of a cup set by Kenzo I had a long time ago that I broke and I almost cried! I really love cups and saucers, mugs not being my kind of thing maybe because if you are going to need that quantity might as well have a cafe au lait bowl? My quirk I’m sure!

  105. Jenn says:

    Your photos are gorgeous and the tea cups are so cute!

  106. Katie Rose says:

    Lunch is a totally appropriate time to have a sweet treat. Those dishes are so elegant, simply gorgeous!

  107. Koci says:

    Those tea cups are the cutest! I love that kind of whimsical style. :D

  108. beautiful pieces- and that crisp looks divine!

  109. marian says:

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE Pip Studio! I have one cup already, my favourite cup now of course. I’d love to enter this giveaway, the very best giveaway ever, I’m dying for some more Pip Studio on my table.

  110. Hannah Z says:

    Those teacups are beautiful! drinking from one of those would be sure to make me feel like I stepped out of a classic novel.

  111. sana says:

    SÃ¥ beautiful teacup! always love your blog ;)

  112. moowiesqrd says:

    I love crumble-topped desserts and gorgeous tableware. Your pictures are beautiful! And yes, dessert is always appropriate.

  113. I’m loving the looks of that crumble, I’ll have to check out that old post. The dishes are sweet, I’d love to have those in my collection.

  114. H and H says:

    looks crumble incredible!

  115. Alex says:

    yum!! thanks for the recipe!

  116. Darla says:

    I always appreciate a fellow lady who sees the importance of dessert with lunch ;)
    Fabulous teacups!!!

  117. The tea cups look absolutely adorable! I’d love to win this!


  118. Zahra says:

    these teacups are so precious! I didn’t know I needed them so much….they are now on my wish list! :D

  119. livi says:

    you know how some people are foodies? i am a total tablewarie. like i have a serious addiction to anthropologie’s home section. these are gorgeous tho and i would happily break my loyalty to anthro for them!

  120. Courtney says:

    Those are the cutest little teacups! Very chic Alice in Wonderland kind of feel. :)

  121. Tyler says:

    I love how beautiful and easy you make everything feel. very insipring!
    Those saucers are gorgeous! ::fingers crossed!::

  122. That tableware is divine. The coupling of golden accents with varying sizes of florals is girly, traditional, and totally chic. Thanks for sharing!

  123. Preppy Mama says:

    First everything looks delicious!! And those teacups are gorgeous!! Thanks!

  124. Léa says:

    love love love pip studio’s freshness. I would love to win some tableware.
    also it’s a very good idea to freeze some crumble, might have to do that. thank you.
    your blog is very inspiring. L~

  125. Elizabeth says:

    I LOVE the teacups and saucers…so beautiful! And the food looks delicious, too!

  126. Shay says:

    Your Mushroom, Walnut Quinoa with Fried Egg and Watercress Salad recipe sounds just amazing. I think I’m going to try this tonight, but with arborio rice instead of quinoa.

    By the way, I love the floral porcelain. It’s so feminine and whimsical…yet, with a vintage flair. Just lovely. Definitely adding PiP Studio to my Christmas wish list. Oh, Santa…I’ve been a good girl this year. :)

  127. zhazha says:

    I just popped into their website, and now I’m in love!

  128. Jenna says:

    Those teacups are the perfect blend of vintage and contemporary! Love them. And love this blog!

  129. Edda says:

    As usual fresh and beautiful! You communicate soft feelings with your pics. And I love these props :-)

  130. Brittany says:


    Those cups are gorgeous!

    Thank you for doing this

  131. Hannah Joy says:

    Thanks so much for the recipe – looks like my kind of dish! And it would be so nice to win a teacup!!

  132. Laura says:

    That is the most appetizing lunch I could think to make right now! Thanks for sharing, it was a wonderful inspiration :)

  133. silvana says:

    these cups are absolutely darling! i’d love to have them in my kitchen and sip tea out of them during cold winter months.

  134. Misty says:

    Those teacups are adorable!

    ..and thanks for the quinoa recipe. I’m always looking for new ways to cook it, although I still never tire of it plain with just salt and pepper! I’ll give it a try.

  135. Flora. says:

    I doubt you could ship those delicate porcelains for a reader in Brazil, though I absolutely fell in love with them. :)

    And it’s really nice to see the two of you together (you and Joy) since I always read you both!

  136. lourdes says:

    Delicious food, delicious plates, delicious photography!

  137. Aliena says:

    Mascarpone? I would have never thought of it!

    I’ll try to follow closely your instructions because the times I’ve tried to use quionoa it turned out as a tasteless paste.

    I knew already Pip Studio. Cute and femenine, no doubt. A bit expensive though. But I love how good to combine are the different colours and patterns, so they don’t have to be all the same.

  138. Rebecca says:

    Your eggs look delicious, are they just photo pretty or do they taste as good as they look? The cups are pretty too, they’d look delicious on my dresser.

  139. HeatherClark says:

    I just found your blog and I absolutely love it…going to make this recipe this weekend!

    would love to win those beautiful cups :)

  140. smorigerata says:

    Beautiful post, beautiful cups! Fingers crossed! ☺

  141. So beautiful! I love feminine dishware. I just made your risotto – so good!

  142. bea m says:

    so pretty! i love the quinoa and freezing crumble topping is a great idea! i would love to win so i can surprise my mom for christmas!

  143. Anonymous says:

    et moi de Suisse ?? can I participate too ? :)
    merci, as usual your blog is just so inspiring !
    belle journee,

  144. Lindsay says:

    I always am grateful for giveaways and filled with hope as I await the winner! Pip Studio does some beautiful work and I’d love to adorn my table with even one of their pieces!

  145. Alyssa D says:

    A roommate used to tell me that I put too many eggs on top of overflowing bowls of vegetables and called it dinner. One night she was pressed for time and succumbed to my idea of a fast and delicious dinner. She’s been a convert ever since!

  146. I was directed to your blog through a tumblr link… and I am grateful to my luck! thank you for sharing all those wonderful things with us!

  147. Dee D. says:

    the quinoa looks so good, and also the crumble! The dinner ware is pretty too, i’d love to win it ;)

  148. Sarah says:

    Beautiful cups, and your lunch looks delicious.

  149. Chiara says:

    The cups are adorable. Also, Oh Joy is another blog I read!

  150. Olciam222 says:

    Oh my.. I have never seen such beautiful cups before! Here, in Poland finding something like that is impossible :)

  151. Rebecca says:

    i’m crazy about eggs, and love the look of your Mushroom and walnut quinoa with eggs and watercress.

  152. I absolutely adore this tableware collection… so feminine and pretty! I am desperate need of an addition to my collection. Thank you so much for the constant inspiration and delicious recipes, this blog is part of my everyday routine, I just can’t get enough of it!

  153. Anja says:

    I would love some Pip!

  154. GORGEOUS!!! OMG I’d be so happy to win this!

  155. alice says:

    I recognise these from a shop that is just down the road from our restaurant. They are so pretty and I have been thinking for a while now how nice the lemon posset would look in them.

  156. Anna says:

    I definitely want to try that quinoa recipe. The tableware looks beautiful.

  157. mylinh says:

    Love your blog. I adore tableware so would like to be in a chance to win…

  158. Susan Mansur says:

    I love the dishes! Very pretty. I have a collection of teacups and saucers — all different — some from my husband’s grandmother and some from my own family and some I have collected along the way, just love them. The crumble sounds yummy and can’t wait to try as I just picked up some fresh hazelnuts! May have to search your site for more hazelnut recipes as its a big batch! thanks for the great recipes and wonderful pictures. Made your meyer lemon pistachio shortbreak cookies for Thanksgiving and they were a big hit. Thanks again. Susan Mansur

  159. JANE says:

    Oh, Aran! Divine photos, as always. Pip Studio is one of my favourites for online window shopping – what a marvellous giveaway! J x

  160. Hannah says:

    The tableware is so pretty!

  161. Hannah says:

    The tableware is so pretty!

  162. nicole says:

    i love that cute little fried egg!

  163. Hannah says:

    The tableware is so pretty!

  164. Terri-Lynn Hyatt says:

    Those cups are absolutely adorable! I’m currently dreaming of all the tea I’ll drink from them, ;)

  165. kat says:

    What a delicious looking lunch, and such beautiful tableware!

  166. Sue G says:

    Aran- the tableware is so beautiful. The teacup with the pink flowers reminds me of a cup my grandmother once had, I always wanted to drink out of it because it had gold around the rim!

  167. that is the best looking lunch! and love the idea of making lots of crumble ahead of time.

    love love love the dishware – so very beautiful!

  168. a.tu says:

    Oh adorable. I’ve discovered quinoa is great, the red nutty kind. I makes such a difference when it’s prepared well :) thanks!

  169. L.M. says:

    And here I just finished my afternoon tea… What a lovely giveaway!

  170. veron says:

    Those are gorgeous, thanks for introducing us to such lovely tableware!

  171. whitney says:

    yum! what a perfect lunch!

  172. Yum! One of my fave breakfasts is quinoa or brown rice flakes porridge, with scallions, eggs and white cheddar cheese.

  173. Darlene says:

    Love the tableware. It would look beautiful on my table.

  174. Jason says:

    Looks delicious, and the china is pretty!

  175. ~ Faith says:

    What beautiful tableware! Perfect for eclectic tea parties…


  176. Im addicted to nice china and so those ones realy tickled my fancy. So beautiful.Fiona

  177. Wanda Lopez says:

    Love the tableware and wish to win, thanks!

  178. Emily Rid says:

    Mmmm quinoa and crumble. Dreamy lunch combo.

  179. Angela says:

    I absolutely LOVE the different colors and patterns in that tea set! How nice of you to share with us. They would look fabulous on the set of my little food blog :)

  180. gheimburg says:

    Fantastic idea about freezing pre-made crumble. It should be a freezer staple for everyone.

  181. sandra says:

    that lunch looks perfect! i am definitely going to give it a go. and what a lovely, lovely giveaway. x

  182. ALIMENTA says:

    Preciosas fotografias y deliciosa receta!

  183. Jaimie says:

    definitely going to make the quinoa salad for lunch tomorrow and the tableware is simply beautiful.

  184. kate says:

    oh yes crumble is a perfect lunchtime dessert…or anytime really. one of my favorite desserts. your friend’s dinnerware designs are lovely as well.
    thank you for letting us know about her!

  185. Hannah Marie says:

    Those teacups are so cute! I can just imagine cozying up with some warm tea on these cold winter days.

  186. For those of you who are vegan or cannot have dairy, you can omit the mascarpone in the quinoa and add a touch of coconut milk to make it a little bit creamy. I love coconut milk in everything these days!

    Thanks everyone and good luck! I love all the excitement!

  187. kms says:

    i’m a big fan of dessert at lunchtime too!! beautiful! xo.

  188. Pilar says:

    The plates are hermosos!

  189. Nikki says:

    I would love to eat some of that crumble out of one of those darling teacups. Love it!

  190. Aran! I love beautiful tableware! i would be so happy to win the giveaway.


  191. JL says:

    Incredible giveaway!

    How can I say no, the tableway looks beautiful.

  192. Beth says:

    I am an admirer of your beautiful work; I very much enjoy reading your wonderful and sweet stories about your recipes, family, vacation, etc. Your photographs are amazing & tantalizing! :-)
    And WOW! The tableware is fabulous and elegant. Surely makes me want to have an afternoon tea with my favorite cookies, Parisian Macaroons…Divine!! Thank you for the beautiful give-away! Such great gifts especially for the holidays!

  193. Monalisa says:

    I would love to win the tableware!

  194. Hi! I found out about your blog this week.
    Have to tell I’m loving your pictures!

  195. Miz.November says:

    Oh how pretty. I am always jealous of the pretty dishes in blog photos. I would love to have a few of these beauties.

  196. Ashley says:

    That sounds like a delicious lunch…mushrooms, walnuts, and quinoa–so hearty but not heavy. The teacups are absolutely gorgeous, with those drinking tea becomes stimulating to almost all the senses!

  197. Oh my goodness those teacups are darling! You always have the most creative recipes and beautiful photos.

  198. If I could be a teacup, I would be one of those teacups…Just made a quinoa soup tonight with a fried egg in it. Is there anything not made better with the addition of a fried egg? Your blog is beautiful, and inspiring on the days that I have “toddler parent dinner block” Thanks for the weekly morale boost.

  199. Heidi says:

    the teacups definitely caught my eye

  200. rosanna says:

    Pip Studio hace unas cosas verdaderamente PRECIOSAS, me encanta su estilo.
    Por cierto, qué apetitoso se ve el crumble!!!

  201. hawkbrwn says:

    I haven’t seen a dish make me crave an egg more quickly. The combination looks yum! Thank you for sharing this recipe. I like it as a lunch idea a lot.

    The tableware, as everyone has agreed, is so lovely.

    Thanks for having a giveaway! So much fun.

  202. Jas. says:

    oh delish quinoa – I just had red quinoa with preserved lemon & broad beans for dinner last night, so yummy and fresh. Love the walnut and those pretty pretty tea cups!

  203. Hale says:

    I would love to win the tableware

  204. Samantha says:

    This is such a generous giveaway idea, especially near the holidays! That tableware is beautiful and I’m sure would add a wonderful touch for my very own blog’s photos!

  205. Giovanna says:

    I’m in love with Pip Studio! I am one of your silent readers and now here I am! Love from Rome.

  206. Julie says:

    oh, how beautiful! your presentation is always so lovely, and part of that is your amazing collection of tableware.

  207. betsy says:

    So lovely and cheerful.

    betsy_349@hotmail dotcom

  208. Very refreshing, healthy, quick salad. Would love to have it right now for dinner :-)
    Felices Fiestas

  209. andi says:

    What a beautiful giveaway and lovely looking meal. I hope I’m lucky this time around.

  210. TAMARA says:

    Being a vegetarian can get so bland, so exciting recipes like this don’t make me feel left out! (I’ll sub veg-stock for the chicken though!) And the tableware is beautiful, perfect for my vintage-themed kitchen :-)

  211. Oh so pretty….my prop closet would welcome them with open doors! So nice of you to share!


  212. Shannon says:

    What a wonderful website. I have loved it for months now. And beautiful tableware..would look great in our little apartment on Capitol Hill, Washington!

  213. Beautiful and appetizing as always! And I love the tableware. Such a great idea!

  214. Lauren says:

    Beautiful (food and tableware)! I want your life :)

  215. Elizabeth says:

    Gorgeous! Both the food and the dishes!

  216. Allie says:

    Those tableware are amazingly gorgeous! I hope to win them :)

  217. Kate says:

    What beautiful tableware!!!! I’ve been wanting to find something like this for some time!!!! Is it available in Australia???
    I have no idea if this competition is open to everyone, but if you are happy to send to Sydney Australia, I’m in!

  218. Marcella says:

    These are beautiful. As always, your posts are lovely. Thanks for bringing so much joy to your readers’ lives. You always make me smile. :)

  219. Sarah says:

    Does your food come in the dishes? =)

  220. Those are absolutely beautiful! I’m obsessed with tea cups and coffee mugs!

  221. Len says:

    I just came across your blog today and really enjoy it. I like that tableware as well!

  222. Was just on their website – love love love!! Such beautiful pieces.

    Your recipe looks very tasty – I think I will have to give it a try soon. Thanks for sharing.

  223. Jessica says:

    The stuff at Pipstudios is so pretty. Also, now I want to make crumble.

  224. Christina says:

    I love the eclectic look of the teacups and saucers. And the colors are beautiful! I’m well on my way to becoming a teacup collector like my mother.

  225. Incredible giveaway!

    And your recipe sounds fantastic. I can never say no to mushrooms… yum!

  226. says:

    Those dishes look lovely. Great design, and I am copying your lunch tomorrow! Yummy.

  227. elra says:

    They are extremely pretty. It would be my Christmas present if I win this.

    Delicious as always.

  228. anne says:

    ‘love your blog, the recipes, the pictures, and … the dishes!

  229. Allison says:

    Yum…this sounds tasty. You think it would taste okay with water or veg stock instead of chicken stock?
    Cute dishes!

  230. Anita says:

    Thank you for sharing your lovely photography and delightful recipes with us. Your blog is a joy to read and savor!

  231. Laurie says:

    Oh, those pieces are just darling! I love dainty teacups…using them makes the day so much more lovely!

  232. Elise says:

    Pleeeaaase pick me, pick me! My B-day is on the 16th, that would be so lovely…

  233. Esther says:

    The tea cups are beautiful. This is a lovely give away. Thanks!

  234. Renata says:

    I can’t wait to try your quinoa recipe. My previous attempts at cooking this grain failed miserably.

  235. d eileen says:

    this recipe looks absolutely amazing! I can’t wait to try it out. Plus, those cups are so fabulous! Hope I win!!!

  236. Hannah says:

    Oh gosh, I love the idea of using a little marscapone to richen up the quinoa! And how I’d love some tableware… as a poor PhD sutdent who’s just moved out, I’m currently using the same bowl for almost every meal…

  237. Liz says:

    I love love love this blog. I just discovered it and am going to try the mushroom & walnut quinoa asap! If only there were a specialty grocery store in Champaign-Urbana…

    And I want adorable tea cups!!!!

  238. Anonymous says:

    Lovely, lovely dishes. Thank you for your blog.I am grateful for your delicious GF recipes and gorgeous photos.

  239. Jessica says:

    Amazing photos and amazing recipes! Thanks for sharing!

  240. These dishes are so gorgeous! And the recipes look delcious too…can’t wait to try them out!

  241. those are just gorgeous. And I missed the post about freezing crumble, such a good tip!

  242. Barbara says:

    Love the tableware! Quinoa looks good too.

  243. CindyRex says:

    Those tea cups are positively lovely!

  244. Vanille says:

    All Kiwis would agree with me that you are welcome down here for a fresh picnic on the pasture !

  245. Jaz says:

    The egg looks yummy. Also, lovely dishes.

  246. Simply Mel says:

    Absolutely love the gorgeous designs and colors of this tableware!

  247. jenbern says:

    beautiful presentation as usual! and I love those tea cups!!

  248. mrs.donut says:

    thank you for all the gluten-free inspiration!i’m not much of a cook, i’ll admit, but your recipes and pictures have gotten my apron out many times. have 2 kids that are gluten intolerant and my husband and i are relieved to find delicious alternatives. found you through and i have visited daily since. please keep up all your hard work. brava!

  249. mirjam says:

    oh, is it possible to win if you’re living in europe? if so, i’d love to participate!


  250. Ellen says:

    i can’t get over how delicate and beautiful those dishes are! lovely.

    the lunch looks like just my kind of thing too. i keep batches of cooked grains in my fridge for quick lunches. i’ll have to try this one!

  251. jyc says:

    those teacups are so cute! ^_^

  252. Fuat Gencal says:

    Ellerinize, emeklerinize sağlık. Çok güzel ve leziz görünüyor.


  253. Arabela says:

    The color combination of this tableware is just awsome. I would love to have such a nice tea cup :)

  254. Josie says:

    The crumble bowl caught my eye right away, but then your sweet treat recipe distracted me… beautiful both.

  255. That crumble looks great,I have to try it and Pip Studio..I have some of there products and love it!!!

  256. mungilandia says:

    wow, supercute! can you put in some of your crumble shall I win? ;-)

  257. Baking Soda says:

    Ooh what’s not to like? She’s Dutch! ;-0

    I love pip’s work, sorry to see so much me-too’s appear at the moment. Love the colors and the whimsical use of patterns. Great give-away!

  258. Bluebelle says:

    PIP is fantastic. I love it!
    I am fortunate to live in The Netherlands, we even have PIP holiday stamps now, so cute!

  259. Amazing work! It looks so delicate and vintage! And the colors are so perfect! Here’s to hoping I win some…

  260. Ooh! Gorgeous teacups!! yes, please!

    PS. you wouldn’t have to send them to Australia – I’m coming to the States in a couple of weeks :)

  261. The tableware is gorgeous, of course, but I think I might be even more excited about the recipe. It sounds delicious, and could be the perfect lunch in this season of overindulgence.

  262. Adi says:

    Thank you for the giveaway! These dishes are so feminine and pretty!

    adiluria [at] yahoo [dot] com

  263. ‘Cannelle et Vanille’
    wonderful for ma famille
    A recipe for everyday
    and heart and tongue are saying “yeay” :)

    Sorry, I am not good with that but tried to be a bit creative…

    Love, Alexandra

  264. Jeżykowo says:

    Beautiful tableware.
    I’ve got two gluten-free children.
    I read your blog for inspiration.

  265. Jeżykowo says:

    Love that. It’s georgeus.

  266. eshgheman says:

    It’s so beautiful, I would love to win! I would use them in some food blog post!! Thanks for sharing the beauty!

  267. Ivana says:

    Me encantan!!!! que monada! soy adicta a comprarme tazas! ja!
    además son super fotogenicas, las quiero!! je!
    y tu comida increible, tengo que ponerme ya con la quinoa, creo que empezaré con tu receta de Robim Food!

  268. Ann says:

    The colors are my absolute favorite!! SO fun!!

  269. Maria says:

    Beautiful food. Gorgeous photography. An exciting giveaway. Your blog is the best!!!

  270. Andrea says:

    A lovely lunch and beautiful tableware!!!

  271. so beautiful,
    i love your blog.

  272. Christine says:

    Wow – what a wonderful give away. These would look so pretty warming my hands with a nice cup of tea!
    Christine F

  273. Merce says:

    Como siempre delicioso tu post,con enlaces encantadores y muy buena practica para mi ingles…
    todavia me cuesta y tengo que ir traduciendo.
    Que monas las tazas !!
    Hasta pronto!

  274. That looks like the perfect, healthy lunch! i can’t wait to try it!

  275. A simple egg is one of my favorite lunches. It fits atop just about anything, and your quinoa is no exception. Looks lovely … and more importantly, tasty!

  276. Mystica says:

    Thank you for sharing.

    I am having my first giveaway on my blog – a gift card sponsored by CSN Stores. please do come over and enter

  277. Fiji75 says:

    Beautiful! Love the Pip Studio collection – I have some pieces, they are lovely!

  278. ioanna says:

    yam yam!!! <3 them!!!
    count me in ;)

  279. kita says:

    Those are beautiful tea cups. What a great thing to be able to share with people!

  280. kendra says:

    Wow, the lunch looks great as do the cute dishes!

  281. Serena says:

    “Thank you Joy and thank you Anke!”
    and thank YOU! :D

  282. Sarah says:

    I love them! They somehow make me think of a Jennifer Crusie book when I look at them.

  283. ingeborg says:

    Cool! I already knew Pip, more often seen in the Netherlands, were I live.

  284. What gorgeous tableware (and delicious-looking lunch)! I love your blog and check it every day. Thanks for another wonderful recipe and such a generous giveaway!

  285. Monica says:

    Great giveaway! And that crumble looks heavenly :)

  286. What a nice simple lunch! As always, beautiful pictures!

    And thanks for the tip on freezing the crumble… I’ll make a badge today, so I can enjoy some Christmas-Berry Crumbles (mixed berries, gingerbread spice and a hint of cinnamon) during the holidays.

    And of course, gorgeous porcelain!!

  287. what a lovely giveaway!! those are so adorable, oh you drive me crazy :)

  288. Delphine says:

    It would be soooo great to win, i love those tea cups ! <3<3

  289. Caffettiera says:

    What a treat for lunch. i love the tip about the frozen crumble topping. And the giveaway, well, these are too pretty to miss, aren’t they?

  290. tricia says:

    What a gorgeous lunch! I’m now planning to make the quinoa for dinner tonight. Thanks for the inspiration!

  291. lg says:

    We are moving and I would love to have some new tableware!

  292. Anonymous says:

    oh, i love pip studio, the articles are so lovely and wonderful! i do already sleep in pip bed wear, i would love to win those fabulous cups. :-)

    heres my email:


  293. Jenny says:

    I love your pictures! They are gorgeous, and the cups are beautiful! Even if I don’t win, I could buy tons of them and just use them for decorations:)

  294. Helen says:

    I shamelessly want these dishes.

  295. Ann T says:

    Simply beautiful tableware.

  296. Anonymous says:

    What a great idea to freeze the crumble! I use crumble lots and have never frozen it. Also, the tableware is beautiful!!

  297. Eeva says:

    Ah! So Pretty! Love them!

  298. Pin says:

    i just found your blog through oh joy! and i’m so glad i did. i’ve definitely bookmarked several of your recipes, and your pictures are so lovely.

    as are those cups. i’ll keep my fingers crossed!


  299. CRIS says:

    Love Pip Studio, it’s so cute all theirs products, espccially this those cups.

    Gran idea Aran,

  300. - Rachel - says:

    Beautiful! I’d love to be entered to win the tableware!

    Also, I tried your plum, oat, rosemary crumble recipe a few weeks ago and it was absolutely delicious! I love how you take a different route in sweet recipes by incorporating herbs!

  301. beautiful aran. i love the photograph of you holding the bowl it is lovely. you look lovely. and those cups are so delicate and beautiful.

  302. Anonymous says:

    Beautiful! Would love to take these friends home :)

  303. Deeba PAB says:

    I love the crumble, and absolutely love the idea of making a great stash of topping and storing it! WOW, makes life so much easier. That crumble looks gorgeous, as do those utterly charming cups & saucers. What a whimsical line of tableware!! Please throw my name into the hat Aran … now I shall sit with my fingers crossed!

  304. Bertha says:

    Oh how pretty those tablewares. Your photos are always great, always making me looking forward for the next post

  305. Layla says:

    Those are gorgeous!! They would go perfectly with our other dishes!! What a wonderful giveaway!!

  306. Jayme says:

    What beautiful tableware!

    And I’d never thought to make extra crumble and freeze it! I’m definitely going to do that :)

  307. Alyssa Frost says:

    When I was a little girl I loved going to antique stores, thrift shops and yard sales trying to find pretty tea pots and tea cups and old glass bottles. These remind me of them a little bit- I love old fashioned feminine looking things.

  308. Anonymous says:

    Why yes, I would love to sit down, fold a napkin over my lap and sip tea from one of those A d o r a b l e cups and read your blog. Thank you. Good luck to us all.

  309. idu says:

    mmm, quinoa, zenbat denora jan ez dudala,, gaur bertan noa bila. eta jarri dituzun loturak,, zeinen gauza politak!!

  310. Susan Burke says:

    Oh Yum! My mouth is happy for this recipe! Thank you! The give away is nice too!

  311. Your work and photography is inspiring. Absolutely charming table ware -I’m keeping my fingers crossed! All the best to you and your family this holiday season! Thanks for adding a little something to my day! -Bonnie

  312. Estelle says:

    It’s only 10am but I can’t wait for lunch now, seeing your inspiring pictures and recipes!
    The tea cups and plates look wonderful.

  313. Molly says:

    i love your blog…your food styling is so intriguing and dreamy.

    and the cups and saucers look amazing! i teach a lot of dinner party cooking classes and i love to complete the theme of each dinner with fun table wares.

  314. Webgrrl74 says:

    oooh…absolutely beautiful! Not to mention I love your idea of keeping crumble around for when you might need it! Great idea!

  315. Allison says:

    Those teacups are just precious… they remind me of going to my grandmother’s house for tea and crochet lessons. I still drink tea … but never caught on to crocheting.

  316. Hola Aran, beste agunean Itxasok deitu eban esaten, Euskadi irratian erderazko saioan, zuk berba egingo zindula, alegindu ginen, baina ez gindun lortu entzuterik. Ze pena! ia hurrengo baten posible dan.
    Zure argazkiak betiko moduan oso, oso politak, eta agertzen diren hontziak potxolada bat.
    Gabon zoriontsuak izan deizula.
    Besarkada bat, Miren Bego (Zeanuritik)

  317. laura says:

    The Quinoa looks delicious, I may have to make that this weekend! The tableware is gorgeous, I’ll have to see if it’s sold nearby, or start asking boutiques to bring it in.

  318. Gulmohar says:

    That is my kind of salad and the crumble looks so tempting too. I am in love with your blog :-)
    What a wonderful giveaway !

  319. Rachelle says:

    That looks like a delicious lunch, and I love quinoa! I like the idea of topping it with a fried egg. Those plates and teacups are beautiful, and I would be delighted to win your give away. Thank you for sharing!

  320. Dajda says:

    How do you do that – post something I’d never think of making if I’d read the recipe, and make it look like the most delicious thing ever? :)

    The cups look very pretty, I wonder if they also come in green…

  321. mycookinghut says:

    I love pip studio tableware!

  322. Miren Bego- azkenean irratiko alkarrizketa domeka honetan emongo deurie arrastiko 3etatik 4etara. Orduen entzun ahalko dozue. eskerrik asko eta besarkada handi bet!

    Thanks all!

  323. Gaia says:

    This tableware is amazing! the cups in the last picture have the same design of my kitchen walls, they’d look wonderful in it!

  324. I’m excited to have a new quinoa recipe to try…I’m never quite sure what to do with it! Thanks for introducing us to such beautiful tableware design!


  325. Sarah says:

    I love crumbles at any time during the year, but especially during the winter months. Served war with a scoop of ice cream — cozy and tasty!

    And what a giveaway, I have to comment :)

  326. Carla says:

    I love the joy of this tableware.
    Please send me some joy!

  327. Kepa says:

    I wish I coul dhave some crumble for lunch today, yours look delicious.

  328. That is such a great giveaway. fabulous!!!

  329. lo81 says:

    Those cups are so cute!!!I love them!

  330. Victoria says:

    Lovely giveaway. Keeping my fingers crossed.

  331. Rebecca says:

    Anyone could always use more china, especially with ones as pretty as these!

  332. Molly says:

    crumble in a bowl – ingenious!
    Ooh th etableware is lovley, its going on my christmas wish list!

  333. Sara F says:

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful blog & this wonderful giveaway.

  334. They’re beautiful!

    I love your idea for having crumble mix just ready to go whenever the mood strikes. For my family of 8 that means an awfully large bag in the freezer, but, that’s what gallon-size freezer bags are for, right ? :)

  335. Terri. says:

    Great giveaaway! Beautiful tableware!

  336. Elena says:

    Beautiful photos and lovely giveaway!

  337. so beautiful. i would love some new tableware!

  338. T and T says:

    Beautiful tableware! I always love seeing the different tableware you have in your pictures and they are all lovely.

  339. Chloe M. says:


    I have been following your blog for several years now -it’s one of my favorites. I especially appreciate the gluten free recipes as my beautiful daughter in law must now go gluten free since the birth of her baby.

    Chloe M.

  340. cpwatt says:

    Pick me! Pick me! It’s gorgeous!! I have just the antique tablecloth in a perfect blue to match… :)

  341. Gorgeous dishes!! Whata wonderful giveaway! Shulie

  342. Misty says:

    I love pears and cranberry together! Beautiful!

  343. Andrea says:

    Oh my goodness, these are so pretty!! I really hope I’m the LUCKY wee-ner…

    …And the quinoa looks awesome, I love eggs for lunch!

  344. Ivanka says:

    Beautiful dishes and a great post!

  345. Amanda says:

    This recipe sounds delicious. I can’t wait to try it!

  346. i really like your crumble-freezing idea, very handy! thanks for sharing, and thanks for the chance to have such lovely things!

  347. BEAUTIFUL! what an amazing giveaway!!! :)

  348. Artemis says:

    That tableware is GORGEOUS! Like your beautiful food :) Thank-you for this holiday giveaway!

  349. Sunshinemom says:

    I shy away from using floral patterned wares in pictures but these do look pretty! The crumble looks nice as well.

  350. K. Glass says:

    the cups have such pretty colors…

  351. Anna says:

    Such charming porcelain! I would love to have my morning tea in those.


  352. Bekah says:

    enter me please! Thank you!

  353. Anonymous says:

    This looks delicious! Thank you so much for sharing!

  354. Emily says:

    Aran, you have a way of capturing the beauty in life through your images and recipes; not to mention that freezing crumble topping is simple and genius! Thank you!

  355. I just love gorgeous crockery, I always think it makes a girl feel luxurious, even if she is just having a nice cup of tea & a tomato sandwich! I just Love the Quinoa dish with egg, how unusual too.

  356. Charlotte says:

    The cups are the cutest! And your photos are always stunning but the ones of your crumbles always make me yearn to run downstairs and make one up on the spot – yum!

  357. Katie says:

    Gorgeous tableware and yes! Always a little something with lunch! (:

  358. Grass says:

    Her tableware is absolutely gorgeous. I love how there is always a different embellishment that catches your eye and I LOVE mix-n-match dishes. They’re perfectly lovely.

  359. tincha says:

    your cuisine always looks so delicious…
    and I would love to have some of that tableware :)

  360. Thanks for the tip for the crumble. That will make thing faster! Lovely giveaway. Thank you!

  361. Thank you for the tip on the crumble. Love the giveaway. They’re beautiful!

  362. Katarzyna says:

    Beautiful fotos as always:) And ofcourse I’d love to win the tableware!

  363. Joyce says:

    What a lovely dish and delicious recipe to use it with. Perhaps, when I get to be chosen. Yay! :)

  364. Adelaida says:

    Together with my mum we love cups like this :) They always make a tea time break so much more enjoyable.

  365. Sharnel says:

    I adore Pip Studios and you too!

  366. katek says:

    so beautiful!..thanks for sharing!

  367. su says:

    Son preciosísimas!!!

  368. Natasha says:

    What lovely tableware! Delicate and pretty without being too frou-frou.

    Quinoa is one of my winter go-to foods; I would never have thought to put an egg on top for lunch, but will have to try that some time!

  369. Michelle says:

    The tea cups are beautiful!

  370. Stephanie says:

    love the teacups!!!

    stephanie.i.kuo [at]

  371. Jenny says:

    The china is so very lovely. I would be thrilled to have it make my table look lovely!

  372. pippirose says:

    I’d love the chance to enter.
    pippirose59 at gmail dot com

  373. MajaTa says:

    Lovely pictures and recipes. I’d like to enter the giveaway if it is international :)

  374. amanda says:

    Absolutely gorgeous. Thank you for sharing!

  375. Susan says:

    Oh those are lovely. Thanks.

  376. Adorable cups and saucers! I’m so in love with Quinoa and it’s versatility!!! Can’t wait to try this recipe. Thanks for sharing and inspiring!!

  377. cheap drinks says:

    So pretty! I’d love to have a teacup :)

  378. Katie says:

    What lovely tableware! Very nice.

  379. Lisa says:

    I love the cups! How beautiful they are!

  380. Wonderful stuff! I wish I’m lucky enough to get one piece!

  381. Hannah says:

    Those teacups are lovely! I would like them very much . . . :)

    I truly enjoy your blog and read it pretty much all the time. Your photos are so beautiful, and while I don’t cook gluten-free, your recipes sound delicious.

    Thank you for your gorgeous addition to cyberspace!

  382. Nicole says:

    The tableware is soooo beautiful. I’ll have to see if it’s sold in Italy (unless I win :))

    Your idea of freezing the crumble topping is an excellent one!

  383. Margaret M. says:

    This tableware is really beautiful. I would love to add it to my mismatched collection.
    - Margaret M

  384. LEO says:

    The colors on that pip studio dishwear are just fantastic!

  385. Kara says:

    Such cute cups and plates!

    I’ve never had quinoa…I’d like to try it one day, though

  386. Sara says:

    I love fruit crumbles.
    Your pear, cranberry and hazelnut crumble sounds and looks sooo delicious!

    I like this cheerful design of PiP Studio, just looking at it makes you feel better and makes one happy.

  387. Vanessa says:

    this is by far some of the prettiest tableware i’ve ever seen! what a beautiful gift it would make for my mom

  388. Nicki says:

    Beautiful! I’d love to have them.

  389. Sarah says:

    I love the idea of making extra crumble topping and storing it in the freezer. Brilliant! I also love those dishes . . . so beautiful.

  390. Thanks for this blog- beautiful photos, delicious recipes, and now gorgeous tableware. It’s a joy!

  391. dana says:

    there is just nothing but happiness in those cups! : )

  392. Mary says:

    I like to have dessert after lunch too, well actually, after every meal! Your almond-buckwheat crumble is one of my favourites. Great teacups!

  393. Maïlys says:

    this crumble looks so yummy!

  394. I’ve been “secretly” reading your posts along with some other gorgeous food blogs like yours, learning from the best because I’ve just begun to write my own…

    Thanks for being such an inspiration!

    I like the idea of the impromptu crumble because I have to bring my lunch to work everyday and am always looking for something sweet and warm to have in the afternoons that isn’t absolutely terribly unhealthy.

  395. Tammie says:

    oh my goodness, do you see how many comments you have!
    This dish sounds wonderful and grounding, very high in protein. Thank you.

    This dishware is gorgeous, overflowing with a lovely spirit of spring and summer and femininity. I would love it if you include me.

  396. Such a fantastic idea to freeze crumble for later use! Thank you so much for this giveaway!

  397. mayssam says:

    Gorgeous post Aran, I was looking for a recipe to make with cranberries and I think I found it, easy and delicious! :)

  398. Jen says:

    I am enamored with Dutch designs and Pip Studio has now been added to my list of favorites. Such bright and cheerful colors! i wish i could find more designs like these in the US…


    P.S And thank you so very much for sharing all of your wonderful recipes with the rest of us!

  399. Monique says:

    Sounds delicious, as always!

  400. Yas says:

    Hi Aran,

    You have the most beautiful blog that has shaped my life in ways you cannot imagine.
    I completed university last year and jumped into a position in the food industry that turned out to not best suit my natural talents.
    Coming across your blog has given me a new sense of direction and excitement in my life.
    I now dream of creating my own cookbook one day :)
    Thankyou for being so giving and sharing your talents with the world

  401. Denise says:

    This collection would make my morning tea ritual even more uplifting.

  402. emily says:

    LOVE these! so much.

    seriously cute and begging for a tea party of some sorts!

  403. The quinoa recipe looks fantastic – and so does the tableware. Thanks for sharing the wealth!

  404. Madelyn says:

    These tea cups and saucers are perfect. I can just see my 4 yr old daughter and I sipping tea from them in the cool morning. Your blog is a delight to the eyes and to the taste!

  405. amber says:

    delicate, dainty, yet created with such heart to hold nourishing meals.

    this line is dish ware is inspiring.

  406. larissah says:

    What gorgeous teacups! I don’t have a present yet for my aunt and they’d be perfect … although I’d probably end up keeping them myself :)

  407. As a celiac sufferer, I really love your gluten free recipes. I get so tired of my old standbys. You have such a lovely, piquant touch to your recipes. And mouth watering photography to boot!

  408. sat kaur says:

    the dishware is beautiful! and the quinoa looks soooo yummy and easy to make. i know i will be trying it soon.

  409. Viv says:

    The salad looks so perfect for weekday solo lunches. I just bought a bag of quinoa. Must try on Monday. =)


  410. Anonymous says:

    Lovely giveaway :) And again, beautiful photos.


  411. r says:

    Gracias Aran!!!!!!!!

  412. Ruth says:

    Gracias Aran!!!!!!

  413. I love those dishes…and everything else they have on their site! Wicked style

  414. Itxaso says:

    Nik be ahal dot parte hartu?? Espero baietz, oso politek dire tazak. Ondo segidu.


  415. Anna says:

    Love the PIP Studio tableware! I’m giving some to a good friend for Christmas.

  416. Marialuisa says:

    It would be a pleasure to have such beautiful cups from you and enjoy them here in San Sebastián for me to remember there´s another basque doing so well across the Atlantic!!!. The pictures are awesome!!, well done.

  417. Marialuisa says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  418. Meg says:

    I love your blog and find your gluten free recipes so delicious and inspiring. Your sage, apple and gruyere bread is now a favorite of mine. I love these beautiful tea cups and would so love to enjoy your scrumptious recipes with a spot of tea!

  419. Always looking for a new way to serve poached eggs, and eggs and mushrooms are an excellent combo. Thanks! Also ,drooling over the teacups, too bad you can’t buy them here very easily!

  420. Madelon Kaye says:

    Wow that looks delicious! Love your blog, thanks for the consideration.

  421. Sarah Lyons says:

    I follow your blog each and every week. As a college student, it is sometimes hard to experiment with some of these recipes due to lack of time or resources, but the ones I have tried have been AMAZING and am always thirsty for more. Thank you!!!

    LOVE the dishware. So dainty and lovely!

  422. angelique says:

    Beautiful blog. Thanks so much.

  423. I’ll take them off your hands for you:) Fingers crossed and holding my breath….

  424. Carin says:

    Your blog is so beautiful, and the recipes are wonderful. Love the dinnerware–it reminds me of tea at my grandmother’s house :) Thanks for all the good inspiration!

  425. Andie says:

    Those are some gorgeous dishes!

    Your blog reminds me why I fell in love with cooking in the first place. Thanks.

  426. Sarah says:

    Simple elegance :: divine!

    *I recently tried your recipe for Chocolate and Peanut Butter Macarons ~ SOOO delicious and surprisingly easy! They were the hit of the night at the party I brought them to, thank you!!!

  427. Kay says:

    Tablewear looks amazing and I am going to try your quinoa recipe soon. I’m always on the look out for quinoa recipes as it’s not a grain that I’m massively familiar with. Thanks!

  428. Beth says:

    The crumble looks delicious! and the tea cups are lovely.

  429. Lisa says:

    OH, wow, just in the nick of time for that beautiful tableware! If I beg for it, will it increase my chances? LOL Speaking of GIVEAWAYS, I have one currently going on my blog. It’s not as awesome as tableware, but it’s yummy, as in icing cupcake decals and lots of nuts, chocolates and dried fruits. Come see and enter!

    On another note, the quinoa and the hazelnut crumble look phenomenal! That’s a lunch I would have loved to have been at. Your photos are phenomenal as always!

  430. Maryellen ( says:

    I adore their things and wish I’d bought more while we lived in the Netherlands! I do hope I win.

  431. Kate says:

    These pieces are pure loveliness. I can promise them a good home. The coconut milk substitution also sounds fantastic.

  432. Cherish says:

    The crumble looks so delicious. The tableware has such beautiful colors and patterns.

  433. lovely tableware… with its precious and poetic design it would magic to wake up on christams day and find this pottery under the christmas tree… Love your recipies and your photos, thank you for sharing!

  434. Michelle says:

    How pretty! I’m moving into a new apartment and have to furnish my whole kitchen, so I’d love these to be my first pieces!

  435. Michelle says:

    How pretty! I’m moving into a brand new apartment and have been looking for nice pieces to fill my kitchen with. I’d love these!

  436. Jessica says:

    Those dishes are beautiful. Would love to include them at a dinner party soon!

  437. Rahma says:

    Hello Aran!

    I was wondering where you purchased the bowl the crumble is in as I’m loving the detail on the inside of the bowl! It’s so pretty :)

  438. Esme says:

    These teacups are beautiful-just perfect for an afternoon cup of tea.

  439. Jacquie says:

    First of all, your blog is beautiful. Secondly, that patterns on that tea cup and those plates are equally as beautiful. Finally, thanks for making me want crumble more than anything in the world right now, except maybe for the want of one of those beautiful teacups! :)

  440. Heidi says:

    Really lovely tableware. It would look great on my tea table. Thanks for hosting the giveaway.

  441. Esti says:

    a ver si tengo suerte, que últimamente he estado buscando algo de vajilla y utensilios para hacerme con props para las fotos de mi tienda, y estos pintan muy bien. I hope I am lucky!

  442. Emma says:

    My favorite meal idea of late is definitely putting a fried egg over anything – pasta, toast, soup, polenta, whatever. Love the mushroom walnut quinoa – will have to try that. Bookmarked!

  443. Katrin says:

    Oh I love the PIP designs! Actually I got two neckrolls from it and am searching for a sofa for the neckrolls- not so easy, especially with a small budget after having moved into a new apartment with student budget. Therefore I would be so happy to win something from Pip Design!
    Bye, Katrin (

  444. sugaylord says:

    I can imagine itting quietly, contemplating life drinking the perfect cup of tea! In the perfect tea cup, of course!

  445. UltraFox says:

    everything looks so delicious and amazing yet doable! so glad to have your posts to read when i need something beautiful and cheery:)

  446. totallychibi says:

    Thank you for sharing Pip Studio. The pieces look beautiful. I came across your blog looking for opera cake. The lemon matcha opera is fantastic! Thank you for sharing your creations.

  447. These are lovely! And I’m glad I’m not the only one who has a bit of dessert with lunch from time to time. Thanks for the tip … I have celiac and have never thought to attempt freezing crumble for quick desserts!!

  448. Kat says:

    The tableware looks gorgeous! Somehow, eating out of beautiful dishes makes the meal so much more lovely. Thanks for doing this giveaway!

  449. life is like a cup of tea~ its all in how you make it! i’d love to win this – add to my tea cup collection!!
    ps – i was looking for a nice quinoa recipe over the weekend – will have to try this AND the yummy crumble!

  450. Love the tableware. Love the recipes. Love love the photos. Thank you for posting.

  451. This dish looks really good and different. I like your crumble idea.

  452. Anonymous says:

    Sooo Cute! Would Love to have them!

  453. alison says:

    those are so delightful! a perfect distraction from the blustery outdoors.

  454. Rebecca says:

    Mmmm, quinoa and egg–what a delicious combination. I love all your gluten-free options (unfortunately it runs in the family). Adorable tableware (crossing my fingers!).

  455. Zoë says:

    I love your table design and always want to know where you get a lot of the dishes and linens you use, so this is quite a treat!

  456. Beth says:

    I’m making this for dinner tomorrow night. No joke, it looks amazing.

  457. Caroline says:

    You’re the food stylist I aspire to be! And I’m always eyeing your props.

    This tableware is lovely.

  458. Carrie Corder says:

    That mix of patterns is always something I’m looking to create with vintage dishes, but never quite hit it. So lovely!

  459. Wow, it seems that I am comment number 468! It sure is stunning tablewear. Love the patterns! Please put my name in the hat :)

    food and everyday life in Spain

  460. Grace Wood says:

    Those are lovely! I especially like the “early bird” series.

    I’ve been meaning to make a seasonal crumble for a while – you’ve inspired me!

  461. Iratxe says:

    Oh my God!, ¡cuántos comentarios, qué bonito!, yo me apunto. Un abrazote.

  462. Sandy says:

    sounds like the perfect lunch! thank you for sharing!

  463. Julie says:

    You have such a great blog and the tableware is so beautiful! I would love to win it.

  464. Hi Aran,
    What a nice giveaway, I like this ‘servies’ (as it’s called in Dutch) :-) Again, I adore your photos, I am taking a ‘culinary photography’ course myself and I’ve discovered that it’s not easy at all to make food look delicious, lively and fresh! What kind of light/reflector equipment do you use?
    Have a lovely day!

  465. angel says:

    wow, those plates and tea cups are just adorable! What a great give away for the holiday season!=)

  466. Ana Martins says:

    Love your blog!
    Thanks for sharing so many nice things!

  467. Simple Simon says:

    You’re blog is as beautiful as the tableware!

  468. retro sweets says:

    Nice quinoa dish for lunch. Simple yet filling. And I love the idea of freezing crumble topping. Indeed it’s easy to come up with any combo of a crumble dessert so long as there’s frozen topping at a ready. :)))

  469. megan noonan says:

    Lovely tableware! Thanks for the quick crumble idea, dessert after lunch just became that much easier!

  470. Christy says:

    Really beautiful! Would love to win!

  471. tip says:

    lovely tableware. mine are all monochromatic, these would be a lovely change

  472. Stunning. Just stunning! Fingers crossed : )

  473. Luciana says:

    ¡Me encantan! Love all the colors, like modern vintage. :D

    Tu blog es genial.

  474. Laura says:

    The tableware is beautiful and the quinoa looks like the perfect lunch!

  475. leeksoup says:

    Beautiful. Just beautiful. Your work is always like a breath of fresh air.

  476. what an amazing giveaway! they are stunning.

  477. Georgie says:

    Wow! These are so beautiful! I collect dishes and these kinda put a smile on your heart they’re so pretty!

  478. ktb says:

    I LOVE pretty tea cups and saucers and plates and bowls, OH MY! Those look SO lovely! Great giveaway!

  479. bakeanything says:

    Can I be the 500th commenter? Coconut milk in everything sounds delicious. I vote for that. Especially when its getting so unexpectedly cold in South Florida. Lovely entry and as always, amazing pictures! I’m learning lots of photography skills from your pictures!

  480. JoAnn says:

    making the quinoa tonight!

  481. Carol Koford says:

    These would be the perfect compliment to tea time. My grandmother always had tea at 4 p.m every afternoon. Friends would drop by for half an hour and enjoy a cup of tea and a cookie or two. I’m more likely to go to tea on a Sunday afternoon. I love the variety of tea cups offered. I’m close to starting my grandmother’s tradition.

    Love your recipes and the photography is superb.

  482. Catherine says:

    Love your blog! Your pictures are incredible… the food looks so good… and these tableware pieces… just wow! ^-^

  483. Lauren says:

    I say dessert with lunch (and always want something after lunch). I am new to your blog and love it.

  484. I have been meaning to leave you a comment for some time. This seems like a great time. I love your work. It inspires me to make my blog better every day. Keep up the wonderful work!

  485. so pretty! I would love to win these!

  486. Anonymous says:

    Greetings from the Laurentians, here in Québec… I always need ideas for lunch. Many thanks! The photographs are amazing!


  487. Linsiloo says:


    You’re so lucky to have this many wonderful readers! I absolutely love your blog and think you sound like a really down-to-earth and interesting person.

    I wish you all the best!


    ps. Obvy the cups are sooo-oh cute! Love them!!

  488. Sal says:

    First I’d like to say how much I enjoy your blog. So clever and the photographs are both inspirational and beautiful in such a natural way. Second, I love, love, love this pattern of tableware and think the colors would suit anyone with a happy outlook on life. It is cheery and festive… This tableware makes me reminiscent of England and sipping tea out of delicate china. It doesn’t get much better!

  489. christina marie says:

    Love the quinoa idea. I was just looking for new ideas yesterday.

  490. So generous of you to share such great pieces! Yummy lunch too :)

  491. Mindy says:

    Those cups are beautiful…almost as beautiful as that egg up at top! :-)

  492. Anonymous says:

    I love these beautiful dishware pieces! Very feminine and girly, and french country-ish…I would host a tea party just to showcase these :)

  493. Regina Gelhaus says:

    Those teacups are beautiful!

  494. jenharold says:

    Oh my! I have just discovered your blog today. It is lovely and I cannot wait to try the mushroom and walnut quinoa with eggs and watercress. Counting down the moments until the workday is finished…

  495. Hannah says:

    Those teacups are beautiful. I’d love to put them on my table. :)

  496. This are lovely! I adore them and want them :)

  497. Susan says:

    I’m a dishaholic and would be thrilled to win these beauties.

  498. Janel says:

    I have never seen anything so lovely! Truly lovely. I would adore a treasure such as this!

    Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas!

  499. Letitia says:

    I like the addition of cranberries to the crumble. Makes the dish more seasonal!

  500. BoGDan says:

    Those really do look amazing. Good luck to me!

  501. su says:

    Que preciosidad de vajilla!!

  502. Meagan says:

    The tableware looks gorgeous, as does your crumble.

    Thanks so much for the opportunity!

  503. Sini says:

    Cute tableware and what a delicious sounding lunch! I have never eaten quinoa before so I’m really eager to try it out.

  504. susan says:

    Oh my goodness- those pieces are incredible!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!

  505. I am so addicted to tableware. I don’t really *need* anymore, but ohmigosh I want some!

  506. dana says:

    this is so beautiful and the tea cups are great.
    Happy holidays!!

  507. dana says:

    the tea cups are soo cute my family wwould love to have tea in these…the lunch too looks delicious.
    Merry christmas!!

  508. Brooke says:

    What a small world – I was in Liberty a few weeks back (I actually live in Hong Kong) and stumbled across the Pip Studios display. I instantly fell in love! I wanted to buy the whole range, but managed to settle for the pink and blue cups in the pic on your blog. So coincidental to now be reading your post:) Wish I had of known about your giveaway earlier!

  509. SimplyStated says:

    Nice lunch idea. I love the tableware it makes me think of spring with all the snow on ground. Having them would also be a great excuse to by a new tea tray and linens to match.

  510. Yummm.. this dish sounds and looks delicious. I will try it soon. I love Quinoa.

    Those dishes are so pretty. Love them.
    Do they deliver to Canada?

  511. juliaelmer at hotmail dot com says:

    This recipe looks as delicious as all your others. It combines so many of my favorite flavors, and the egg on top is the perfect final touch!

  512. Alyse says:

    The tableware is so lovely.

  513. Wanda Lopez says:

    WOW, not only do I love your blog, but this giveaway is just right for me. Love it! And of course you have so many followers & comments that what are the odds of me winning; but here I go… Wish me luck!

  514. babytogo says:

    Loooove this blog!!!!
    Thank you for this wonderful giveaway:)

  515. Lillian says:

    What a wonderful bowl, just large and deep enough with flowers peeking out of the bowl filled with a heavenly crumble. {sigh} Oh, and I love the combination of baby blue with pink. These charming pieces would make any meal more merrier!

  516. Deeba PAB says:

    I love your kinda lunch…crisp and wonderful. And that dessert. Why ever not! This is a dream meal – simple, beautiful and comforting! What a wonderful giveaway. I would love to be entered. That is indeed a beautiful line of tableware. Your pictures always take my breath away Aran!

  517. Lisa says:

    Good morning Aran,
    These are lovely and how nice to know the designer. I think a few of her pieces may have caught my eye in your photos.
    What a fun way to start collecting something new. Such a nice giveaway thank you!
    Also wanted to take this opportunity to wish you all the best on your latest ventures.
    I hope you will continue, as your schedule allows, to hold workshops both here and abroad. If you are ever headed down south I will be in the front row and you will have my full attention! Looking forward to the book too!
    All the best,

  518. Anonymous says:

    Those tea cups are the best I’ve seen!

  519. Freezing crumble topping? What a genius idea. I think I’m gonna gain 50 lbs with the idea of having crumble anytime! :)

  520. Yasemin says:

    Hey Aran,

    I just made this mushroom and walnut quinoa and it was AMAZING! The creaminess of the marscarpone, with the savoury flavour of the mushrooms and the crunch of the walnuts (which complemented perrrrfectly!) was divine. Thankyou very much for sharing!

  521. Toad Lily says:

    Lovely recipe and love Pip Studio China, so pretty.

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