Pear and Hazelnut Tart and More Holiday Baking

I know sometimes I must sound like a broken record repeating over and over again how much I love this time of year. I really do. I believe this is a consequence of a childhood where the days leading up to Christmas were always full of excitement. The pastry shop shelves full of beautifully packaged marzipan figures, special orders being placed and a sea of people coming and going. The back of the house was the gathering place for many. My grandparents were loved and their doors were always open.

Even though my life here is much quieter, I still love to entertain. It just wouldn’t be the same without small dinners with the people I love.

This is a pear and hazelnut frangipane tart I made for one of those dinners a few days ago. Great with salted caramel ice cream, over tea and good conversation.

There are also the smaller version of the tarts, crustless. Pears and frangipane baked in baking cups and topped with pie dough cutouts, which make a great packaged gift.

Now, what some of you have been waiting for… The winner of the Pip Studio giveaway is Whisk the Pantry.

Thank you everyone for taking part and for your generous comments. Always fun.

Pear and Hazelnut Frangipane Tart

makes enough for a 9″ tart mold

Gluten Free Pie Dough

1 cup (140 grams) superfine brown rice flour

2 Tbs (20 grams) potato starch

2 Tbs (20 grams) tapioca starch

1/4 tsp xanthan gum

1/4 tsp salt

1/2 cup (115 grams) unsalted butter, cold and diced

3 to 4 Tbs (45 to 60 ml) ice cold water

Place the first five ingredients in the food processor and pulse a couple of times to combine. Add the cold, diced butter and pulse 10 times until the butter is cut into the flours. Add the ice water while pulsing. You might not need all of it so reserve a couple of Tbs until mixed. The dough should stick together when pressed but not be too wet.

Form the dough into a disk, wrap it in plastic wrap and flatten it a bit with your hand. Refrigerate the dough for about 1 hour.

Roll out the dough to about 1/4″-1/8″ thickness and fill the tart mold with it. If the dough cracks, don’t worry, just pinch it back together. It might happen if it’s too cold. Return the tart mold to the refrigerator for another 20 minutes or so while preparing the filling.

Roll the leftover scraps and cut shapes with star cookie cutters. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment and bake at 375F for about 8 minutes. Reserve.

Pear and Hazelnut Frangipane Filling

1/2 cup (115 grams) unsalted butter, room temperature

1/2 cup (110 grams) cane sugar

1 egg

1 cup (110 grams) hazelnut flour

1 Tbs (10 grams) tapioca starch

pinch of salt

1 Tbs dark rum, optional

7 forelle pears, halved and core removed

Cream the butter and the sugar together until light. Add the egg and mix. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix until combined.

Spread the frangipane inside the tart mold. Cut the pears and place them on top of the frangipane.

Bake in the middle of the oven at 350F for about 30-40 minutes until filling brown and the bottom of the tart cooked. Decorate with star cookies and powdered sugar.

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118 Responses to “Pear and Hazelnut Tart and More Holiday Baking”

  1. Jun Belen says:

    Beautifully delicious. Perfect for the holidays.

  2. Linsiloo says:

    This is THE cutest post ever. What a simple and yet so beautiful idea!! Yet again, your work amazes me!!

    Happy Holidays!

  3. What an inspired pear-ing with the hazels! It’s too pretty to eat, though (but somehow I’d manage).

  4. Aran, it sounds delightful. I love nut tarts and have experimented with pecans and almonds but not hazelnuts.

  5. Kelly says:

    I’m so happy to have found your blog! I’m trying to eat less gluten in my diet, so I can’t wait to try some of your recipes! Thank you for sharing your beautiful photographs, as well!

  6. Adorable..tres chic! I really do like the contrast in colors, the little cookies atop the cupcake/muffin… a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e.

    The tart looks decadent, just super delish. My 50mm lens is broke..hope to pick up a new one soon.. I do like the bokeh in some of your photos, always well done, nothing less than fabulous.

  7. Couldn’t agree more. I LOVE the holidays. The holidays and marzipan. So you can imagine the smile your post brought to my face.

    P.s. the cupcakes you posted on last week were such a hit: they have nearly caused riots in the streets of Boston. I am not kidding. Thank you!

  8. Krystina says:

    That is one of the most beautiful desserts I have ever seen.

  9. retro sweets says:

    The stars really make the tarts look perfectly attractive. Even if my family is on a tight budget this year it doesn’t diminish our excitement for Christmas. I’ll be making these as I love them with crust and my three year old is crazy about cupcake-sized baked goods.

  10. Thank you so much, Aran for the giveaway and for all wonderful things that you have been giving to everyone through your lovely blog. I still can’t believe that I won! :D

  11. So inspired! I love all your awesome ideas!

  12. Monique says:

    Seriously amazing. I see your posts and I’m like I have to try this. Perhaps I will for real this time. This looks so so yummy!!

  13. Wow these are toooo beautiful… looks yummy and gorgeous!

  14. A pretty tart! That combo is just irresistible.



  15. Christmassy and delightful! And you are such a talented photographer, your pictures always put a smile on my face. :-)

  16. lucy says:

    chi mi conosce sa che amo le monoparzioni ma la ricetta è strepitosa!bellissima e buonissima

  17. Stefania says:

    Bellissimi così fanno veramente ..festa! ciao

  18. Oh my goodness..these are so darling! Love the pie crust star cut-outs :)

  19. Venetia says:

    Hi Aran, would love to know where you can find the paper baking cases online, as I haven’t been able to find any of the thicker paper kind, only the flimsy type!

  20. Claudia says:

    wowwww!!!Beautiful!!! i love this blog

  21. Anonymous says:

    I love the look of this tart but, as a gluten eater, I don’t have things like rice flour, starch and xanthan gum in my store cupboard – could you suggest what flour to use instead? Really handy though when I am catering for gluten-free friends! Thanks.

  22. Te han quedado preciosos!

  23. Oh my god !
    Your photo is so beautiful and your recipe… Thank you for this greedy moment :)

  24. Anonymous says:

    Hola Aran!
    Las fotos preciosas como siempre.
    Acabo de comer tu receta de quinoa de ayer…mmm muy rica y rapida perfecta para lunch. (una amiga peruana me ha dichoq eu tambien se le puede añadir celery….pero a mi no me va mucho….el huevo frito nos encanta!a mi y a mi pulga a punto de salir :D

  25. Noelani says:

    Your wonderful recipes and stunning photography are a continuous source of inspiration to me, in the kitchen and behind the camera. Thanks for such a lovely and delicious post!

  26. Venetia- I found those at a specialty cak decorating shop in NYC but you might be able to find online at Fancy Flours or Bake It Pretty.

    Carmen- no sabia que estabas embarazada! felicidades!

    Thanks all!

  27. Punto Reves says:

    You make it look so elegant and simple!!! Thanks for the inspiration.

  28. Fragolina says:

    Amazing stars!!! The photos are great.

  29. su says:

    son muy bonitos, muy navideños.

  30. Citron says:

    Simply beautiful. Just had to say it! Bravo!

  31. Very nice! Definitely must try it ;-)

  32. I love the cutouts on top. Tis right up my alley!

  33. Natasha says:

    This looks so good. Your photography is outstanding!!

  34. Iratxe says:


  35. Kimberley says:

    I’m curious, where did you find those little star cutouts? (I love them.) I have been on the hunt for tiny ones!

  36. Kimberley- it came in a set of mini aspic cutters. i got it at a cake decorating shop.

    thank you!

  37. God! what a great blog you have made. I spent hours and hours reading it. This recipe, I love it. I love everything you post for us. Thank you for inspiring me.

    Happy Holidays!


  38. itxasogoiko says:

    Aiii, zelango penea tazana, bueno oin sikeran badakigu non erosi ahal doguzen. Zelango idea ona izerrakaz dekoreteana, benetan gabonetako sentsazinoa emoten dau, ganera fazile emoten dau.Jo, ia asti gehio dekoten zure errezetan bat preparetako, gabonetan desde luego zure batenbat probau behot…Lehengoan irratiko saioa entzun gindun amak, aitek et ahizteak handik eta nik hemetik, danok adi-adi, emoteoan atxineko moduen radioko programa faboritoena entzuten ibili ginela jaja.Ondo egon zan eh.
    Ondo segidu eta ondo pasau gabonetan. Mosu handi bet!

  39. Aran, argazki zoragarriak!
    Noizko liburua? laster ezta?
    Beste egunean irribarreagaz entzun gindun zure elkarrizketa irratian, Miren txikia be asmau gindun inguruan. Oso ondo egon zan, asko gustau jakun.
    Gabon zoriontsuak ospatu! bazatoz honantza? gu, datorren apirilean joango gara Itxaso eta Colin ikusten.
    Besarkada bat.
    Miren B.

  40. Itxaso eta Miren Bego- Eskerrik asko. Zuek be Gabon zoriontsu bat paseizue. Etxekoakaz pozik egongo ginen baina datorren urterarte itxaron behoku. Besarkada handi bet biori.

  41. Sini says:

    What a pretty tart! I love Christmas time as well and am enjoying this year especially because I spent last Christmas away from home, in warmer regions. So now I really enjoy the -20°C outside and the sound of snow under my feet :)

  42. Además de tener una pinta deliciosa, no puede ser más bonita la presentación, con esas galletas en formas de estrellas de diferentes tamaños… Me encanta!

  43. Siempre es un placer visitar tu blog, y disfrutar de las maravillas sin gluten que nos prepararas.

    Gracias por compartir con nosotros estas recetas.


    Ana y Víctor.

  44. The tarts are exquisitely beautiful! I can’t choose between the pie and cup ones. I like em both… They’re indeed perfect for teas with friends. i will have to try them with salted caramel ice cream like u recommended..

  45. dadá says:

    ¡Delicioso!, y las fotografías fantásticas.
    dadá flavors

  46. Coco Coterie says:

    A is for absolutely adorable ~ xox Alexandra

  47. That tart looks exquisite and I especially love the touch of the starts on top! I have a hard time believing that is is gluten-free! Wow!

  48. What a gorgeous tart – I love the combination of pear and hazelnut.

    And I know what you mean – I feel like a total broken record reminding everyone how much I love this time of year, but I can’t stop because it’s so true!

  49. Oh my gosh, that is the prettiest little tart I’ve seen! Such a good idea to use cookie cutters to decorate the top! Lovely!

  50. A hazelnut frangipane has to be the most delightful thing in the world! great idea!


  51. Kate says:

    Bonsoir, ton blog et tes recettes sont de toute beauté, une vraie source d’inspiration pour progresser, merci .

  52. Seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more beautiful dessert! I’m sure it tastes just as heavenly.

  53. Ashley says:

    Oh my goodness that is a stunning tart. I love the idea of baking it without a crust. Who wouldn’t love to receive that little package?!

  54. Nathalie says:

    This is so festive! I adore the lovely little details. I love the palette too–very elegant.

  55. Albota says:

    We do this cake with chocolatte in the frangipane. It’s really amazing!!! Taste it!
    Congratulations for your blog, I love it.

  56. idu says:

    Ooo, hauxe opari ona,, mimoz eginiko oparia baina gauza hoberik!

  57. itxasogoiko says:

    Aupa Aran, Colinen amak preguntau doste ia zuk erabilten dozun gluten free flour mix hori zuk egiten dozun ala paketean saltzean daurien. Zuk egiten bozu zelan iten dozu? Eta kanpoan erosten bozu ze markakoa da? Igual azalduko zindun post baten baina bueno, ahal badozu esan. Eskerrik asko!

  58. Agnese says:

    Hi! I’ve just opened a blog

    and I added you on my link page…I hope you’ll like it. Your blog is awesome!

  59. Itxaso- urun nahaste hori nik egiten dot. 4 cups superfine brown rice flour, 1 1/3 cup potato starch & 2/3 cup tapioca starch. Cybele Pascal-en nahastea da eta sarriten erabilten dot. Boltsako bat erosi gure badau, Bob’s Red Mill ondo dau edo Gluten Free Pantry be bai.


  60. this is so pretty!!!!! the amount of detail is amazing it is perfect!

  61. What beautiful photographs! I just found your blog and am looking forward to reading it.

    Allison @

  62. Hilda says:

    Impresionante, sin mas.
    Es un placer acercarme a tu cocina.


  63. Cakebrain says:

    Merry Christmas and thank you for the inspirational photography! These tarts look utterly delicious!

  64. Mglòria says:

    Mglòria de Gourmendeires

  65. Everything looks sooo beautiful!
    Can’t wait to try it :)

  66. I love the presentation, particularly the little individual tartes! I have just started making a tarte aux poires et à la crème amandine, based on David Lebovitz’s recipe (although, maybe it isn’t quite a “crème”?). I have been wondering whether fresh pears, not poached, would work well, too, and I’m glad to see yours! Thanks for the beautiful photos.

  67. Nora says:

    WOW! This looks amazing!

  68. Ma com’è bella questa torta “stellata”? Complimenti per la fantasia e come al solito per le splendide foto! :)

    Un bacione

  69. Verena says:

    Wow, these look soooo… delicious! Iḿ impressed! Thanks for sharing! You are awesome!

    Have a great Christmas time!

  70. onewetfoot says:

    The recipe sounds fantastic and the star cutouts are so beautiful. I’ve got to get some more cookie cutters, clearly.

    I’m so happy that there are so many wonderful gluten-free holiday recipes out there this year.

  71. You are going to parbake your shell, so, you will line the tart shell with parchment paper or foil and fill with pie with beans or rice or anything to keep the pie dough from rising. This helps to keep your pie from having a soggy bottom.

  72. katie kirby says:

    They look incredibly delicious!

  73. Iris says:

    Love this post! I added the recipe to my top ten list for the week.

  74. Very pretty food Aran, hope you guys have a wonderful Xmas break. Katie x

  75. beautiful! I’ve enjoyed your blog this year so much and I’ve especially enjoyed getting to know you.
    So glad we met.

  76. beautiful! I’ve enjoyed your blog this year so much and I’ve especially enjoyed getting to know you.
    So glad we met.

  77. Rachel says:

    this is seriously so beautiful! i am definitely going to try to make this :)

  78. Beth says:

    So much whimsy in the look of this recipe. Congrats on your cookbook. Love the post as usual B:)

  79. pixelant says:

    Hi! I love this post! Where did you get the cupcake liners in that shape?

  80. Jennie S says:

    Excellent Recipe! I just finished baking mine for Christmas Eve, turned out really well! Easy to follow, I just used a store bought crust as I didn’t have all the different flours. I found though that I only need 3-4 Forelle pears to cover the 9″ tart.

    Can’t wait to try it! Thanks for the recipe, keep up the good work!

  81. dana says:

    wow these look soo delicious and the pictuers are soo cute.
    Merry christmas!!

  82. dana says:

    these cookies are so great the stars look cute.
    Happy holidays!!

  83. tam says:

    They look delightful! Just found your blog and fell a little bit in love, fabulous pictures and foods x x

  84. Excellent Recipe! I just finished baking mine for Christmas Eve, turned out really well! Easy to follow, I just used a store bought crust as I didn’t have all the different flours

  85. heather says:

    These are wonderful! I made this tart for Christmas dinner and it turned out lovely. I could not find (nor have time to make) hazelnut flour so I used almond flour instead. We served it with persimmon ice cream. It was both beautiful and delicious. I made a recipe and a half so I could make some small ones to send to my grandmother, I’m sure she’ll love them. My family was gracious enough to feed my addiction to lovely baking supplies this Christmas, so I will be looking for more wonderful recipes from you to try! Happy Holidays!

  86. Shuku says:

    Belated Christmas and happy new year, Aran! I’ve been studying so have been kind of absent for a bit, but oooh that TART. It looks spectacular. I might even make it in the next few days!

  87. AnaVar says:

    That’s what I’m making for next holidays. You have a real gift for decorating. Thanks for sharing.


  88. Anonymous says:

    Hi Aran,

    I was looking for a lovely gluten free tart recipe and of course went right to your site for it.

    Just one question, do you find you need to parbake the tart shell before adding the filling? And if so, how long for and at what temperature?


  89. Anonymous- when it comes to frangipane filled tarts, I find that there is no need to parbake the crust. Frangipane takes a long time to bake as well and if you place the tart towards the bottom of the oven, it should bake well. Best- A

  90. It is a beauty magic tart!

  91. Phoo-D says:

    I have had some epic gluten free crust failures and was beyond thrilled when this recipe, rolled, baked, and tasted like an actual pie crust. Thank you, thank you! I can’t eat dairy so I substituted earth balance buttery sticks for the butter and it still turned out beautifully.

  92. Karen says:

    These sound incredible and your photography is gorgeous! I stumbled across it on Pinterest and will now be pinning it to my gluten free board. Thank you so much for posting! :-)

  93. Holly says:

    Oh my goodness, this is actually the prettiest tart i’ve ever seen. TOTALLY BAKING FOR MY EIGHTEENTH! thank you thank you C:C:


  95. […] 9. Pear and hazelnut tart from Canille Vanille […]

  96. […] This gluten-free blueberry galette is a no-fuss, rustic tart. Packed with strawberries and topped with vanilla ice cream, it's red, white and blue bliss! The crust is adapted from Canelle e Vanille. […]

  97. […] This gluten-free blueberry galette is a no-fuss, rustic tart. Packed with strawberries and topped with vanilla ice cream, it's red, white and blue bliss! The crust is adapted from Canelle e Vanille. […]

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