Rainier Cherry and Pumpkin Seed Butter Financiers

It was a few days ago when I was browsing the pages of ELLE à Table that I found an article written by Clotilde about how to make financiers with nut and seed butters. “Brilliant!”, I thought. A great way to make a cake not only gluten free, but also dairy free.

I have been eating handfuls of pumpkin and sunflower seeds in between meals for extra protein and good fats. I carry little baby food containers with seeds, hummus, bags of cut vegetables and fruit wherever I go. Being on the go is the hardest thing on a strict diet if you are not organized, that is. So every morning, I think about all the places I must be and plan snacks accordingly. It is the only way I can survive, because, I’m always, always, hungry.

So when I read Clotilde’s article, I immediately pulled out my old Moleskine notebook with all my recipes and quickly started adapting my basic financier recipe to incorporate homemade pumpkin seed butter.

Cherry season has also arrived. I think stone fruits are one of my favorite fruits (although I tend to say that about every fruit when the season arrives). The first Florida peaches also showed up at the farmers’ market a couple of weeks ago. I must admit I paid an insane price for one peach, about $2. I had to have a taste of one and I considered it a treat, just like a cone of ice cream or a specialty coffee. A delicious, sweet peach.

The little cakes are perfectly moist and have wonderful texture. I love the cherry on top as it makes them that much more fun to eat. Rainiers have the most beautiful color, don’t they?

Before, I go, I want to let you know I will be teaching a food styling and photography workshop in Seattle on Saturday, July 3rd from 10am to 12pm. It will be a review about my philosophy, how I work, my process, my inspiration with some hands on practice. As of now, the workshop is sold out, but if you are interested, you can email me to be added on to the waiting list.

It should be a fun one and I really have to thank Viv for organizing it and Jeanne who will be baking her famous gluten free breads and desserts for all of us to shoot and of course, eat. Can’t wait!

Rainier Cherry and Pumpkin Seed Butter Financiers

Makes about 12 small cakes

4 egg whites
115 grams sugar
80 grams almond flour
30 grams quinoa flour
pinch of salt
50 grams pumpkin seeds, toasted
30 grams olive oil
Rainier Cherries

Toast the pumpkin seeds and when cool, grind them to a fine powder in a food processor. Add the olive oil while processor running to form a paste. Set aside.

Whisk together the egg whites and the sugar. Add the almond and quinoa flours and the salt. Whisk to incorporate. Add the pumpkin seed butter.

Pipe the batter into the baking cups and bake at 350F for about 10 minutes. Place a cherry on top of each financier and bake for another 15-18 minutes until lightly golden on top.

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90 Responses to “Rainier Cherry and Pumpkin Seed Butter Financiers”

  1. cornel says:

    You have a beautiful blog! Excellent photography!

  2. Rainier cherries are my favorite. This is a delicious financiers recipe. I will try it soon as I love baking gluten-free.

  3. Anonymous says:

    just found your blog and i’m delighted! i am a teaching chef in the cincinnati area. I’m not too familiar with fabulous desserts and I cook mostly vegetarian/ vegan meals. It looks like you also do dairy free/gluten free recipes.
    Your blog is beautiful. Thank you.

    Could I please ask a pastry question of you..I am making Thai Fried Bananas for 10 people. Can I fry the wonton wrapped bananas ahead of time? Can I freeze them?
    How do I reheat in both cases?

    Thank you so much,

  4. Gosia says:

    Stunning! These cherries are my childhood fruit and you only make them justice with your images.
    I’m so envious of all of the participants of your workshop. Unfortunately, I will be away at the time, though Seattle is so close. Is there a chance you might consider giving one in Vancouver, B.C.?

  5. Lisa says:

    These look incredible and like a bite of heaven. Love the stem still attached to the cherry – nice touch! Thank you for sharing!

  6. m says:

    Beautiful! Mmm, I’m so glad cherries are in season!

  7. Dajda says:

    I just can’t wait for cherries (and strawberries) to come, though I’m enjoying rhubarb for now, especially in your financiers version.

    Lovely photos, as always!

  8. Coco says:

    What a beautiful post Aran! My husband and I just recently cut out all grains from our diet so I have been baking with almond and coconut flours. Nut flours are surprisingly delicious! This week Im going to try making a pie crust with almond flour…fingers crossed :)

  9. Jo- I would flash fry them and then freeze them. Then fry them again right before serving. or you can crisp them up in the oven. I wouldn’t freeze them raw just because bananas kind of turn. Thanks and I hope it works.

    Gosia- Not sure when. This one was a bit of a last minute thing but I’d love to make it up to Vancouver soon!

    Coco- I love coconut flour as well and have been using it in pancakes a few times a week for my little boy. He loves them!

    Thank you all and hope you are enjoying the weekend!

  10. What else to say but, beautiful.

  11. These are so cute! So excited for cherry season.

  12. Those are my very favorite cherries. Wonderful pictures. Thanks.

  13. These look super yummy!

    Hope you had a great weekend!

  14. mp says:

    Beautiful blog, beautiful pictures! ***** cinco estrelas!

  15. They look splendid! A very good idea, indeed. And your shots are awesome!



  16. Paula says:

    how sweet are these! yummy!

  17. pity says:

    que monada! me encantan las rainier, pero aqui llegan con cuentagotas y supercaras aun asi las tengo que comprar porque me encantan las cerezas. Una idea fantastica este dulce y con la pumpkin seed butter, una delicia. Avisa si vienes a Londres a dar un curso, porfa! besitos

  18. Emma says:

    Wonderful photography! I really enjoy read your blog :)


  19. su says:

    Hace tiempo que no te visitaba.. como siempre un PLACER!

  20. Rosa says:

    Es un placer visitarte. Tus recetas, fotografías… adorables!!!!!

  21. Whitney says:

    I love your blog! Your pictures are so beautiful…I love food photography as well. I wish your workshop wasn’t sold out! It sounds amazing


  22. Those are awesome! Another winner.

  23. I use to eat pumpkin and sunflower seeds too. I put them everywhere especially on salads. I’ll try this recipe. Thank you very much!!!

  24. Valerie says:

    I can’t thank you enough for all the gluten-free recipes !
    (I have to be GF for medical reasons – diagnosed last year)
    And the beautiful photos always make my day !

  25. So so sad I don’t live in Seattle … your photography is my absolute favorite. If you ever come to Australia, I’m in!

  26. Onde99 says:

    Looking at your photos I do regret you do not teach food styling and photography workshops here in Italy!

  27. Curra says:

    Excelente receta y las cerezas dan ganas de comerlas inmediatamente viendo la maravillosa foto.

  28. Holigan says:

    Pumpkin Seeds with cherries … It looks really good !

  29. maria says:

    Great photos. looks very delicious. we can also use wheat flour instead, for the same quantity??? thank you

  30. Maria- Financiers are always made with some kind of nut flour, normally almond. So you should use the same amount of almond flour and substitute the whole wheat flour for the quinoa. Omitting the almond flour all together will result in a completely different texture.

    Thank you!

  31. great photos they’re amazing..:)

  32. What fantastic photos! You really are talented!
    The Design Dish

  33. The French says:

    Love this!!! And the fact that it only uses egg whites, perfect. Sounds pretty healthy. Thanks!

  34. El says:

    Congrats and good luck on the class. How I wish I could be there… I know it’s going to be wonderful!

  35. I have never baked gluten-free so this one would be a good start; i think financiers lend themselves well to this type of baking. Love looking at the photos and would love to take a class next time.

  36. Tammie says:

    Not only do these sound wonderful and healthy, I found your post to be a great read and beautiful to look at. It is fun to hear how you plan your snacks and stay with a diet that makes you feel good and healthy!

  37. Alaina says:

    love that pop of chartreuse!

  38. Gaëlle says:

    I really need sweets now…

  39. Tara says:

    I love Rainier cherries! They haven’t shown up in our markets yet, but we’ve been gorging on Bings. I keep meaning to make financiers, but I think my almond flour is too coarse – do you have a brand you’d recommend? (Or should I just grind it finer myself?) Great photos, as always!

  40. Tara- I like Bob’s Red Mill finely ground almond meal. For certain things when I really need to be picky about the size of the almond flour, I sift it, but for financiers I use it as it comes and I think it works great.

    Thank you!

  41. I’ve been enjoying cherries like candy lately…they are so yummy! These are such beautiful photos! :) And the peach sounds delicious!

  42. Jas. says:

    oh my these sounds delicious, I don’t like cherries but I think blueberries would still be delicious!

  43. Seanna Lea says:

    Beautiful. I don’t have quinoa flour, but I do have a huge number of egg whites left over from my last batch of ice cream. I love the idea of a bread or cake that could use most of them up.

  44. a. maren says:

    those rainier cherries are beautiful! so excited for cherry season. thanks for the lovely post!

  45. bigjobsboard says:

    Did the cherries pop or anything. Coz the time I tried doing this, the cherries kinda popped a little.

  46. These are the cutest little things I’ve ever seen. Thank you for the recipe!

  47. Bigjobsboard- they didn’t pop because I didn’t put them on the cake until the cakes were already a bit baked.

    Thank you!

  48. why is it that i spent practically my whole life in seattle, and then once i leave everyone decides to visit!!!?? aiai :P

    you didn’t use xanthan gum, great! i still can’t find it here. but i have been glutened so many times in the past four months that i feel like i am a walking stomach pain. i was actually betrayed by yogurt. it’s made me afraid of food :(

    enjoy seattle!!!

  49. Esti says:

    Aran, gracias por pasarte. Soy totalmente consciente de que estas superocupada. El dia no tiene suficientes horas. Por aqui es igual. Ya me gustaria visitarte mas a menudo. Bueno, todo llegara.
    (Mi amama ya esta mejor, gracias)

    Espero que los peques esten bien y que las pipas te mantengan en pie por muchos años!

  50. yay! i have egg whites and I really didn’t want to make more macaroons! these look delicious. your photography is art.

  51. Mallory- oh no! you should really give up gluten and dairy then for a while to see how it makes you feel. I bet it will help!

    Esti- las pipas de aqui no saben tan bien como las pipas que comiamos en el portal de casa. Horas muertas! Me alegro de que tu amama este bien. A ver si estamos este verano. Mosus!

    Thank you everyone!

  52. dosvegans says:

    I am gluten free, but also vegan. Have you experimented with baking without eggs? This has been a challenge for me. If so, what replacement would you recommend?

    And I agree with everyone here, your fotos are just lovely.


  53. Stephanie- Unfortunately I have not experimented much with egg-free baking. I have to tell you… I just love eggs. I know many people cannot have them and I have heard of a egg replacer that is mixed with rice milk to achieve the same binding effect of eggs in baked goods. http://www.ener-g.com/

    I do eat chia seeds and I have heard that chia seed meal mixed with water can also be used to substitute eggs.

    Hope that helps! Thank you!

  54. Thank you for creating such a lovely space : )

    I’d like to invite you to win a piece of my fine art through a giveaway on my blog.


    I wish you all my best.


  55. Marinka says:

    this recipe seems good and easy…And those cherries mmmm.lol..nice photos btw ^^

  56. Hola Aran! Te deseo una feliz mañana sin gluten desde España porque hoy es el Día Nacional del Celíaco. Por fin me he lanzado a estrenar una sección de mi blog para el gluten-free titulada “Dear Breakfast”. Espero que sea de ayuda o por lo menos que la gente disfrute tanto como disfruto yo con blogs como el tuyo ya que en España no hay muchos blogs “apetitosos” para celiacos. Un saludo con cariño

  57. What a sensuous culinary journey you have here. I love this post. Found you via Dawn’s charming blog. I, too, carry pumpkin seeds around with me – they are very high in iron and good fats. When in need of a change I carry walnuts around, but only a handful.
    So delicious and healthy, too;-)

  58. So beautiful. And the photography says it all

  59. Mas alla de…- Pues no sabia que hoy era el dia nacional del celiaco! A ver si la gente empieza a entender un poco mas sobre los celiacos y tambie no-celiacos como yo que tenemos una intolerancia al gluten. Cuando vaya a Bilbao este verano os contare a ver como esta el panorama y como me las he arreglado para comer fuera. Un abrazo!

    Thank you!

  60. Estoy segura de que tendrás posibilidades de comer sin gluten en P.Vasco pero tenemos que seguir luchando por tener muchas más.
    Un abrazo,

  61. NINA says:

    Its been a while since I follow your blog and you never stop surprising me with delicious recipes and so lovely photos.
    Stop by my Blog, you have an award waiting for you!

  62. argone says:

    I like cherries, but I like strawberrys best. My family always ask for my clafoutis limousin which is always a great success on the table !

  63. Sara says:

    Love ur blog! /www.bakeacake.se

  64. Anonymous says:

    Oh Aran, beyond divine and so irrestible! I had to make them without the cherries as we are coming into winter in Australia but they were still so yummy. I also made the lemon, pistachio and millet cakes which were also well received.

    As an aside, I used your galette pastry in a two different quiche recpes where I baked the pastry blind first. They were really successful. So successful that when I made another tart with a different gf pastry, my gluten intolerant husband asked if I’d made a mistake with recipe! I’ll be using your recipe from now on!

    Kind regards, Bronwyn

  65. Bronwyn- that makes me *so* happy. the lemon and pistachio millet cakes are my favorite so i’m glad you tried them. thank you for sharing.

    Thanks all!

  66. Sarah says:

    These look amazing!!! The bowl full of cherries photo is delightful!


  67. You’re right, ripe, juicy stone fruits are wonderful–they gush with flavor and are little bits of sunshine in every bite.

    I could have attended the food styling event. Do you expect to hold any others in the area soon?

  68. D @ Outside Oslo- do you mean in the Seattle area? No plans for that for right now. Sorry… Maybe soon again. Thank you!

  69. Waht a great thing to do with cherries. I love those little cakes.

  70. Yes, I’m in Seattle. That’s too bad. But have a great event!

  71. Caffettiera says:

    I am really intrigued by this recipe. I am just reading an extremely traditional Austrian cookbook, and there are many recipes using pumpkin seeds, including a delicious pesto. Is there a particular reason why you choose pumpkin vs other types of seeds or nuts? I’d like to start experimenting with seed/nut butters. Thanks!

  72. These are so beautiful and tasty-looking… I can’t wait for cherry season to arrive in the pacific northwest! I hear you about the stone fruit, too; there’s nothing quite like standing over the kitchen sink to eat a perfectly ripe, still-warm peach. Oh, summer.

  73. Caffetiera- I wanted to try something different from Clotilde’s version and I love seed butters so I thought, why not! I make pumpkin seed pesto all the time with watercress instead of basil. Delicious!

    Thank you very much everyone for taking the time to comment!

  74. I never would have though of all the different butters that could be used. Once again great post!

  75. Deeba PAB says:

    Seed butters are such a wonderful idea, and I am in love with stone fruit as well. Wish I could wing my way across to a photography shop hosted by you… a dream!! Everything you do is inspirational Aran!

  76. Karin says:

    There’s only one word: YUM!

  77. A napkin to wipe my mouth please!

  78. Isn’t it funny how we all sort of stop at paying a few bucks for a piece of fruit, but many of us won’t think twice about more than a few bucks for a brand name coffee or sugar drink.

  79. That looks very delicious. I can feel my mouth watering at the sight. Yum!

  80. Jane says:

    Your photos are breathtaking!

  81. Y says:

    See, this is why I love your blog. It’s a constant source of great ideas. I’m filing this one away for next time I need a dairy free bit of cake :)

  82. My favorite kind of cherries! These look delish!

  83. Jennifer says:

    I LOVE your blog. It is beautifully done and the recipes are amazing. I am a visually motivated person and I am truly inspired. Let me add, as a Celiac patient, I am grateful for so many wonderful gluten free recipes. Thanks so much for posting them.

  84. Hello,
    I’m dying to try this recipe out. I have one quick question, what are those lovely green crumbs on top of each cake? Are those the pumpkin seed? Sorry if it’s a dumb question. I just thought the green and the red of the cherries looks so great together.

  85. Carolin- those are chopped pistachios actually. Added them for texture. Thanks.

  86. […] {Sources clockwise: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5} […]

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