A Sunday Trip to the Farmers Market and Eggs for Brunch

A couple of days ago, I was thinking that if there is one single food item I could not live without, that must be eggs. I am a person of habits and my oatmeal and one egg every morning is one of those things I would not want to change.

Fresh farm eggs are a luxury these days. Even back home where we grew up eating my grandparents’ chickens’ eggs, it is difficult to find someone to buy eggs from. So when I went to our farmers market a couple of weeks ago and found a stand with fresh farm eggs, I almost started to cry. I was so excited. It’s crazy how our food culture has changed. The carton of eggs said “Fresh Farm Eggs – Not For Human Consumption”. If this is not crazy, I don’t know what is.

I love to discover new ingredients and to talk to the farmers about their qualities and how to cook them. Farmer Sal from Varri Green Farm had the most beautiful greens I have ever seen. Yu choy sum they are called. I had never tasted them and talked to him about his favorite way to prepare them. “Sauteed in olive oil and garlic”, he said.

I was carrying M. in the front carrier so I was limited with how much food I could buy, but I came home with the eggs, yu choy sum, Sicilian eggplants, shallots, beans, tomatoes, strawberries, rainbow chard and a pot of garlic chives. Next time, I am bringing the stroller so I can use it as a grocery cart.

I made a mid morning snack for all of us. Sauteed some of the greens with shallots and scrambled some eggs into them. Finished all with the yu choy sum flowers, garlic chives and served it on C’s toasted sourdough bread. I have to tell you, the man knows how to make a good loaf of bread. Now I just have to convince him to try his hand at a gluten free version.

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111 Responses to “A Sunday Trip to the Farmers Market and Eggs for Brunch”

  1. Hilda says:

    Finally! a picture of C’s sourdough. It does look fantastic. I totally did the same thing with K the first time we went to Borough Market with her and swore never to go to the market without the stroller again. In the end A. carries her and the stroller is full of food. It is crazy about farm fresh eggs being unavailable and they taste so insanely good, such a shame.

  2. cbaillie says:

    Beautiful post and beautiful photography. I know how you feel when discovering fresh eggs with yolks that are almost red.

  3. Mowie says:

    Such a great post – those eggs! And the photo of the bread with the scrambled eggs and flowers on them – stunning! I’m so lucky that I have a friend that lives on a farm and she always brings me fresh eggs when I meet her. One of the best and simplest pleasures in life.

  4. intxaurtsu says:

    Aran…zelako oroimenak…aititeren arrautza gorringo gorriarekin. Nik orain erriberako merkatuan erosten ditut lantzean behin, eta denak itxura eta kolore ezberdina hartzen du. Zein argazki politak egiten dozuzan, EHra udaberria heltzen ari dala emoten dau, ziur zure argazkietan primeran ikusiko zala.

  5. Kristin says:

    Beautiful photos as always! I am so jealous of seeing the farmer’s market, here in Canada we are still deep in winter and there will be no fresh produce for a while….

    Are you going to post the recipe for that lovely sourdough? I’ve been making pain au levain with my own starter that I started early in Januray and it’s great, but now I want to try some different things with my starter.

  6. Your pictures a so adorable! Feels like springtime – what a welcome chance from the rainy weather in germany.

  7. nadia says:

    Gorgeous post! i love the farmers market and can’t believe i can actually sell at this summer and hopefully my gray, black and blue duck eggs! C bread looks absolutely amazing my favorite hint hint- like a crumb would actually make it out of your house!

    aran the colors are stunning you make everything your own signature style and i recognize your work instantly because of it’s gorgeous and innovative take!

  8. Alelunetta says:

    Beautiful photos! I wonder what kind of eggs are the light blue ones, they have a lovely colour. I only have seen them once in Turin -at slow food’s salone del gusto- brought from Peru…

  9. Thanks for sharing! Your pictures are amazing!



  10. indosungod says:

    The fresh produce and the farm fresh eggs. Heaven.

  11. My eyes are open in wonderment of the gorgeous food that is still available in the dead of winter. Gorgeous!

  12. Caitlin says:

    hi aran, this is caitlin i have a sister in jupiter. well we read about the farmers market on your blog and then went there this sunday!! i saw that guy, he did look like he had some nice greens. i got some smoke fish dip (for my boyfriend he loves that stuff) some olive and truffle oil, some marjoram and thai basil, and an oatmeal pie!! it was so much fun and such a perfect day to be outside

  13. Caitlin says:

    ps. can’t believe i missed the eggs!

  14. Beautiful pictures! I always thought I’m the only one who can’t live without eggs. It’s my favourite food

  15. Danielle says:

    I think eggs are the ultimate breakfast dish, especially when they’re all soft and thick on a freshly-baked slice of toast. I’d cry too if we had cute blue eggs at our Farmers’ Market!

  16. What a GORGEOUS trip! Oh, this post made me so happy, my spirits are lifted and I am inspired. :-)

  17. Anonymous says:

    I think your pictures are very nice, especially for a blog, but you use the same blue board as a background for everything. It is very Martha Stewart, except she wouldn’t repeat the same motif!

  18. Cee says:

    I’ve visited your site on and off for years. And when I noticed today’s picture, I thought, “that looks a LOT like choy sum. But it can’t be… But it REALLY looks like choy sum.”

    Then I read on in the article and was glad that it wasn’t just a photo prop, but a new food find for you :)!

    I don’t know if you want a second opinion to cooking, but: They cook fast (especially if you use choy sum tips, which are more tender and young). So sauteeing or a quick boil will do the job. Then, in Cantonese cooking just sprinkle some oil and add salt to taste and it’s good as it is.

  19. Nikki says:

    What a beautiful loaf of bread! I am in envy of the sourdough.. not something I have tried as of yet, but, I would say I am building to it! Oh to be able to purchase such delicious and beautiful produce!

  20. Nikki says:

    And to “anonymous” you seem to be going out of your way to be negative, especially over something so simple as the color and material of a surface. The photography is skilled and contemplative, fresh and alluring. The blue board could appear in every shot (which is most certainly does not) and Aran could make it look like something we have never seen! Perhaps you should look at the beauty in what she is sharing with her audience, rather then the issues you may have. Just a thought.

  21. jacqui says:

    I know exactly what you mean about eating fresh eggs, I was raised gathering them, still warm from the hens belly, they taste so much better. I’ve never tried choy sum, but have been really interested in trying some new plant varieties, so thank you for the inspiration!

  22. Yujai says:

    Those are very common Chinese vegetables. It’s either called “Choy Sum” or “Choy Yu”.(Not sure why they become one name XD)

    They are very common to go with soup noodles or pan fry with garlic and ginger.

    I am not sure about eating flowers though. As I can remember no one eats them. My parents taught me never pick the ones with flower, or remove the flower if there are any. I think it should be edible, but better not to eat them if they are not organic because all the pest spray will be inside the flower :)

  23. my spatula says:

    what a lovely day at the market, aran! we are spoiled here on our little Island, walking to get our fresh eggs from our neighbor and his gorgeous hens down the road. i grew up eating copious amounts of choy sum at the dinner table. a staple in our family – so delicious (and nutritious).

  24. J2Kfm says:

    I think we call them Choy sum fah here. The Chinese mustard greens wif flowers. Grandma’s fav as well.

  25. OK, maybe it’s all of that warm souther light that makes your photos so beautiful, but I think it’s really your incredible talant. Such lovely shots today! And your scramble totaly brings me back to a very old memory, of a babysitter I had when I was young. She used to make me scrambled eggs with sprouts and chives. I had completely forgotten how much I loved that as a kid, and this looks so similar. So fun to try new greens!

  26. Kristin- I have to say that the sourdough is all my husband. I have nothing to do with it :) He uses Peter Reinhart’s books for everything and I believe this recipe comes from him as well. I will let him know you want the recipe though.

    Nadia- you are my unconditional supporter. I love you for that. :)

    Alelunetta- the blue eggs come from the Araucana chickens if I’m not mistaken.

    Caitlin- the eggs come from Farmer Sal of Varri Green Farm as well. He only has a small amount every Sunday so you really have to go early. Try again next time. Glad you enjoyed it!

    Anonymous- I don’t believe I have used that blue board over and over. Please check back in older posts. Plus that is besides the point. Martha Stewart is a magazine with prop rooms full of things, prop stylists, food stylists, photographers, assistants… This is my personal blog about my life with food. Has nothing to do with what you are talking about. I wish you could see past that. It is clear to me you are neither a stylist nor a photographer from your comment.

    Cee- thanks for the tip

    Nikki- thank you for seeing it that way.

    Yujai-Farmer Sal mentioned to me the flowers were edible and I know for certain that he does not use pesticides. His is a very small farm with all organic practices. But thank you!

    My Spatula- lucky you!

    Thanks so much all!

  27. Soma says:

    breathtaking!! your pictures make me relax, sit quite and enjoy the beauty of it all.

  28. nelly says:

    you make me dream of a different setting, Aran.
    Thank you!

  29. The veg hue is stunning! Spring is approaching soon :)

  30. El says:

    Warm weather and a farmers market! How lucky you are. Eat plenty of fresh, local veggies on behalf of those of us shivering up here in the north (while eating our tasteless tomatoes from the factory.) How many more months until spring? Thanks for the reminder of freshness and light!

  31. wow. I feel like I am right there with you! a friend linked me to your beautiful blog because my son has a wheat allergy. in the past few weeks, i’ve cut out all white sugar/flour, etc. and have been leaning more towards a gluten free diet myself… I, like you, have been struggling with health issues (autoimmune/hormonal) and I attribute it to my pregnancies!… not really, but that’s when things started going wonky!

    So, I wanted to tell you I sooo appreciate these wonderful recipes you’ve posted. I cannot wait to try some of them! My son thanks you too! :)

  32. 3 says:

    the choy sum is a very common vegetable used in chinese cooking here in singapore. my mum makes a superb clear soup using choy sum and ikan bilis (dried anchovies)

  33. Anonymous says:

    You do use the same painted blue board in many of your posts,and sometimes a grayer one, which is looks very similar. It seem like you are in a rut with your styling. Since you purport to be a food stylist and photographer, I thought you might like some honest feedback. Being compared to Martha Stewart is not necessarily a compliment, her aesthetic is very commercial as well as being ubiquitous. Overall, I think your blog is very sweet. And you are right, I am not a food stylist. I am a design historian with a PhD from the Royal College of Art in London.

  34. MeetaK says:

    Organic eggs are one of the true pleasures in life! Nothing but. Only you can take a simple everyday meal and make it look awesome. Lovely pictures! Sending you hugs!

  35. Anonymous says:

    I have been following you on facebook and twitter and your blog for a few months now and finally decided to comment. I love you style. So unique and just so you. I love that you express your style and character in your food, it’s so refreshing. Thanks for all your hard work, I get excited each time you have a new post!


  36. Ainhoa says:

    Aupa Aran, beti lez zoragarria, ez egin kasu aurpegia agertzen ez dabenei. Musu bat eta segi horrela.

    Anonymous: Constructive criticisms are always welcome but I think you should show your work for us to learn how to do a perfect work. Because I suppose your work it’s perfect, no? And It’s not polite make criticism without showing the face.

  37. Anushruti says:

    Absolutely gorgeous photos of the farmers market.

  38. Anonymous- wonderful! Lucky you! Just go back in my archives and look at how my work has evolved. This is my personal style because this is a personal blog. If you don’t enjoy it then no need to return.

    Ainhoa- holako susterbakoari kasurik bez. Arroputse dala emoten deu bere Doktoradoan kontuek esaten. Ai ama! Zelako jentea dauen munduen.

    And thank you to the rest of you!

  39. Heather says:

    Fresh eggs not fit for human consumption? You’re right what has our world come to. We have our own chickens and eat their eggs everyday. It’s great to support the local markets. Well done for posting about yours. Has inspired me to do the same with my local market.
    I love your blog. Keep doing what your doing. It works!

  40. Dajda says:

    Thank you for this post, so full of greenery and freshness – we’re waiting for spring here and looking at such pictures helps a lot! :)

  41. Inés says:

    Aran, arrazoi borobila duzu…etxeko arrautzak baino ezer hobeagorik?. Olio ona, gatza lodia eta berakatza (nahi duenarentzat). Benetan pribilejiatuak izan gara ezta?. Mux guztiei…

  42. Curra says:

    Impresionante reportaje como siempre.
    Gracias por compartir estas maravillas.

  43. ChichaJo says:

    Lovely market bounty you have! And such beautiful pictures of the eggs…I love their colors :) Yes, farm fresh is indeed hard to find nowadays…

    Lucky you! A bread baking husband! :)

  44. Anonymous says:

    pero el pan lo hace tu marido? la foto es genial….que nos de la receta !!!beso Carmen

  45. Anonymous says:

    Arantzazu: No hagas ni caso a quien no da la cara y además oculta frustraciones personales en una arrogancia desmedida. ´
    Si realmente supiese quién está detrás de este blog se sorprendería no sólo por tu saber hacer si no por tu sensibilidad y sencillez.
    Mozu haundi bat

  46. Anonymous says:

    Aran tu ni caso….hay gente envidiosa, no tendra otra cosa que hacer por muy design historian with a PhD from the Royal College of Art in London que sea…y a quien le importa?.
    A mi encanta tu blog por todo…por lo que escribes, por las fotos, por las recetas y por quien se adivina, me imagino que hay detras…..y el fondo azul es bien bonito!! bso Carmen ZH

  47. Nikki says:

    I think it goes without saying that you have inspired innumerable imaginations, whetted the appetite of countless readers and shared so much of your beautiful life without hesitation and this ability to create and share such beautiful photography and writing is reflected in the countless comments of adoring readers and appreciative home and veteran cooks. There is no arguing that you have evolved in everything you do to put this blog together, your photography is new, every time you post, your recipes and culinary creations are the likes many of us have never seen, and can’t wait to try, and your words are revealing, endearing and true to heart. You don’t need me to tell you this, but don’t ever stop what you’re doing, and I wouldn’t put any stock in the negative comments coming from an anonymous “design historian.” As I said, their is overwhelming evidence in your lists of comments to the contrary of anything negative that is said… you are an inspiration, and a breath of fresh air! Thank you for taking us along on the journey of your adventures! All the best!

  48. Farm Fresh Eggs – not for human consumption! What?! My mom (who lives in the city) recently built a small coop and has four chickens that lay four different colored eggs (green, blue, beige, dark brown). I’d rather eat their fresh, organic eggs than store bought any day. Lucky for me, at 4 eggs a day, there’s plenty to come my way.

  49. What a stunning photograph of eggs! Can I have a poster of it? We’ve just rediscovered the delight of fresh organic eggs from the farm. My mother always made omelets for us children on nights she was going out with our father, and so I was never a big fan of them. But after seeing Julie and Julia recently, and watching an old Julia Child video of how to make an omelet, it’s become one of our favorite fast meals – that and a good chunk of freshly baked bread!

  50. I’m confused about the eggs “not for consumption”- do they have to post that to get around some sort of government regulation? I’m assuming from the scrambled egg photo that you ate them anyway! :)

    I read a book called The Cheese Chronicles in which a cheesemaker was selling unpasteurized raw milk cheese at the farmer’s market, but labeled it as “Fish Bait” to get around the restrictions. I understand the need for some regulation to protect consumers from being sickened by contaminated food, but it’s a shame when it affects small purveyors and natural products.

  51. red ticking says:

    i truly adore eggs and agree with you.. i love to eat them (anytime) in any preparation… even popping them (hard cooked) on the go…

    lovely post as always… xx

  52. I love the feather detail in the first picture. It makes me feel like you’re on the farm and the creator of the eggs just happened to stroll by. :)

    Funny that someone should mention the blue board, as I was just noticing that you use it often. But I don’t mean that in a negative way– if I could get my hands on a rustic-looking board in a soft/neutral color I’d use it a lot too! I think it’s fitting for the tone of the blog, as it gives the implication that you and your family are about to gather around a weathered picnic table to enjoy a casual meal.

  53. Dear Aran I agree with Nikki. You are an inspiration. Through your blog we got to meet you and know you a bit. And we feel a virtual friendship forming.
    You inspire me every day and you encourage me to endure and to go ahead with my future plans. So thank you for keeping this beautiful blog alive with your words, your amazing photography and your inspiring ideas and recipes.

    Yummmm, eggs. I adore eggs like you too. Thank God I have no food allergies to eggs. I would have been miserable. Wish in Canada we had all the cool varieties you have in the USA. I would love to see and try blue eggs.

  54. Bego- tu eres mi protectora feroz. ai nire izeko… cuanto te quiero. mosu handi bat!

    Carmen- te lo agrezco de verdad.

    Nikki- your words almost made me cry! :)

    Culinary Charlatan- that is wonderful!

    Noelle- next time i will ask them but i’m pretty sure it’s for liability reasons. when raw milk was being sold at whole foods (it is not anymore), the jugs had to sat for animal consumption only. i know, how sad isn’t it?

    Caroline DC- i know what you mean and i appreciate your words. i take that as a compliment.

    Karine- thank you very much. your words mean so much. i think i might be having a very emotional day today but your comment really touched me.

    Thank you very much to everyone. Even to the anonymous comment who I know meant nothing but a positive criticism. Sometimes written words don’t come across as intended.

    Thank you- Eskerrik asko!

  55. Kristin says:

    There’s even a little feather tucked in with the eggs… :)
    Lovely photos! Any tips for your techniques??
    Very unique slash technique on that loaf, too.

  56. m says:

    Wonderful pictures–the bread looks amazing. I love eggs, but I’m too scared to eat them because my family has a predisposition to high cholesterol!

    Hahaha, next time you bring the stroller as a grocery cart, you should take pictures of it–I’m sure it’d be a sight to see!

  57. Kristin- that feather did come in the carton. I swear it was perfect! what do you mean about tips? regarding cooking, styling, photos?

    thank you!

  58. Did the eggs really say “not for Human Consumption”? That boggles my mind! Did you ask the farmer why he put that on his label? Really interesting…

  59. Caviar and codfish- i did not ask but i assume is for liability reasons. we have been buying them from him for the last few weeks and they are perfect!

    Thank you!

  60. Junglefrog says:

    How can those eggs say ; not for human consumption?? Who is supposed to eat them then; the chickens..? Weird… I love those little flowers and they are really lovely to look at!

  61. prerna says:

    Wow! Love your photography gal..I feel like eating what ever u photograph..
    I’m also a biggg lover of eggs and ‘m not really sure how ppl live who don’t eat ‘em..
    Btw going to try your cookies this weekend..will let you know how it turns out.
    keep up the good work!

  62. Nice photos. The one that more I like is the first one, that of the eggs. The truth is that it is a luxury to be able to find fresh products and of great quality. I remember to go to the farm for eggs, to the dairy, to the garden … delicious recollections!

  63. eva says:

    There is no way “anonymous” has a PhD on anything. Unless, that is, they are giving phD’s on bad grammar and poor spelling.

  64. Stylizimo says:

    Wow! What a beautiful blog you have! I love your photography.
    It made me hungry too:)


  65. Lovely journey Aran! the type of adventure to make anyone hungry for healthy foods!

  66. GirlCook says:

    I’m practically weeping at all this beauty, the pale blue eggs, freshness of those greens, too-good-to-be-true farmer, thank you so much for sharing. I’m new to your blog, where are you from? Please keep showing us your travels, it gives us hope that summer is nearing, from your new fan in snowy, cold, far-from-farmers’-markets Buffalo!

  67. ThiliBlooms says:

    I love using the stroller as a grocery cart, I do it every week :)
    Beautiful post, lovely photos! Congrats.. specially the photo of the farmer with the greens.. stunning!
    Have a wonderful day!

  68. Koek! says:

    Sounds like an idyllic morning… I have just discovered your blog and am thrilled! It really is beautiful. I look forward to exploring it in more detail.

  69. Garance says:

    Hi Aran ,

    i love that post being fond of Organic Market places here in France too.
    I did post a recipe with that “Mustard green” last year on my own Food Blog :
    A great Soup with Home made Char sieu Porc & Noodles in a Broth of Mushrroom & green …
    here it is if you are interrested :
    Love your pictures …


  70. Y says:

    To the anonymous commenter, can it also not be argued that the background is merely a blank canvas onto which the true work of art is created. The art in this case, being Aran’s beautiful food and recipes.

    In any case, as it stands, there are many more interesting pictures in the post than just ones with boards, and the combination of pictures makes each post interesting and unique. Just my opinion.

  71. Enila says:

    i’m fascinated by white eggs, yes it’s weird but in France it’s hard to find them ! SO Pure :p
    Your lifestyle seems so quiet, and your fresh post is a “échappée belle” in my paris’s day. Thx

  72. I can’t think of a better way to start the day than with eggs. And to serve them with that loaf of bread would certainly be perfect.

  73. what a nice market! I love the photos.

  74. Susan says:

    I just love the blue Araucana eggs. We are fortunate in southeast Michigan to have a wonferful Farmer’s Market where we can get farm fresh eggs every week. The Araucana chicken will only produce for a few years and then they will stop so enjoy them while they last. I miss them.

    I was fortunate to find your wonderful blog through Bea’s site. Both of your blogs are an inspiration to me. Are you two sisters? If not, then you share a common eye for beautiful artwork and a taste for delicious pure unadultrated foods.

    Most of the GF sites use flours like potato, corn etc and gar gums which are a no no for me. How is it that you both can come up with recipes that use only healthy ingredients? I cried the first time I made a recipe from Bea’s site and now I still get emotional everytime you both post GF recipes that I can actually make and eat. I thought I was doomed to never eat muffins and cakes again.

    I just want to thank you for having such an inspirational blog. I truly believe you are a gifted nurturer.

  75. Susan – how lucky you have access to fresh eggs all the time. Bea’s blog and a photography have set a new standard and is an inspiration to so many of us. Her work is outstanding. Thank you for your words.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. btw, The blue board that has received so much attention and notoriety in the comments to this post is an object of good-hearted envy at my house. (If you could see my doors you’d know why.) I interpret the frequent use of it as a signature piece, which is a totally legitimate device in design—particularly in an ongoing work intended to reflect an individual personna. Please keep using it.

    This is my first time to see your blog. I left a comment around an hour ago but I haven’t seen it show up yet, so in case it doesn’t, I’ll ask again. Please give a link to “Bea’s” blog as well. I’m looking into GF. Thanks. Enjoyed!

  78. i wish my market was open! gosh, these photos are so beautiful.

  79. I too am taken aback by the “not for human consumption” label. It seems silly, but I can understand the need for a producer to protect themselves in this day & age.

    Thank you for the tour—I feel as though I experienced a mini-vacation. Now, if I just had some of that food to cook with!

  80. Juliana says:

    How can farm fresh eggs not be for human consumption?? They are the best!

  81. vickys says:

    Oh if you do convince him to try his hand at a gluten free loaf, perhaps you can convince him to ship it to Singapore too! I will be eternally happy and grateful~ :)

  82. Zara says:

    Hi, just recently discovered your blog and have to say that I enjoy and admire your photos so much, the style and colors are mind-blowing! And these photos from the market are very inspiring! Yes, eggs are all times favourite treat;) Best regards! Zara

  83. maybemayest says:

    beautiful sunday :)
    i’m falling with your blog !

  84. again.. more inspiration.. lovely, lovely. thank you

  85. I don’t get it, why weren’t the farm fresh eggs for human consumption? What a tease!

    I also adore eggs, as much as I adored reading this beautiful post.

  86. Ah..eggs. One of the biggest reasons I am just an admirer of your food, rather than an active participant: I don’t do eggs, and they are such an INTEGRAL part of your cooking! lol But it’s still worth coming, just for the inspiration. And I’ve never even noticed the blue board..it’s not the important part!

    Re the choy sum, my fave, aside from a simple stir fry with tofu, is quickly sauteed with a little butter and garlic, and sprinkled with salt. Amazing. Though, ung choy, another green, has actually taken place as my top green right next to spinach. Noodle soup just wouldn’t be complete without it.

  87. Rachel- Bea from la Tartine Gourmande. The most beautiful food blog. http://www.latartinegourmande.com

    Ivorypomegranate- of course the eggs are edible. delicious in fact and the farmer sells them as edible but i believe that label must be there for legal reasons because they haven’t gone through standard FDA procedures.. and thank god for that! :)

  88. Rachel- Bea from la Tartine Gourmande. The most beautiful food blog. http://www.latartinegourmande.com

    Ivorypomegranate- of course the eggs are edible. delicious in fact and the farmer sells them as edible but i believe that label must be there for legal reasons because they haven’t gone through standard FDA procedures.. and thank god for that! :)

  89. Rachel- Bea from la Tartine Gourmande. The most beautiful food blog. http://www.latartinegourmande.com

    Ivorypomegranate- of course the eggs are edible. delicious in fact and the farmer sells them as edible but i believe that label must be there for legal reasons because they haven’t gone through standard FDA procedures.. and thank god for that! :)

  90. Deeba PAB says:

    Absolutely gorgeous post Aran. As always, it makes my life complete whenever I stop by, to see so much beauty in the world through your lens! The yellow edible flowers and greens resemble the mustard greens and flowers we get here over winter. That bread in the last shot is a winner…WOW!!

  91. laura says:

    Aran, your work is beautiful and continually inspiring. It is as if each of your photos is marked with your breath – many seem to almost float within a dream from which one wishes never to wake. Your work etches into my soul and draws me effortlessly inside. I feel certain that even with the same styling, settings, lighting and all of the technical mastery you have achieved, that no other could take the exact same photos, because it is you as a person that permeates your photography and makes it so utterly unique and distinguished. It is not just for your photography that I return to your site, it is because you have a way of making yourself tangible here in this space, and it is beautiful. Thank you.

  92. Angela KL says:

    Hi Aran,

    Beautiful post and photographs. How you can turn the simple into great art/photography!

    The “yu choy sum” flowers can be eaten.. no worries about that. We call them “choy sum fa” here in Malaysia. Fa means flower and so, choy sum fa literally means the flower(s) from the choy sum plant. We have a wide variety of the choy sum veg here.. and choy sum fa is one of them for those who like the flower/young shoot choy sum. We fry it with roasted pork or plain with just garlic or blanched and then seasoned with fried onions and oyster sauce (yau choy sum).

    Cheers, Angela KL

  93. agaw says:

    so beautiful :) I love tahat delicate colours :)

  94. Alexandra says:

    Gorgeous pictures and the food looks so tempting. That sourdough bread is crying for some salted butter and jam. :)

  95. Jamie says:

    Fabulous market! But eggs not for human consumption? Then for whose? Am I right in assuming that you ate them anyway? And that bread is so perfect! Wow! And a great egg dish over that wonderful bread. And I’d love to try whatever that woman is adding Tabasco to. Fresh conch? Wow!

  96. molly says:

    oh, my, every last shot, a stunner (as always). i needed that wee little dose of fresh.

  97. It’s great to see a broad view of your farmer’s market. Beautiful pictures and such great variety of available produce and foods. Thank you!

  98. Jade Sheldon says:

    I just wanted to say congrats for the nom over at Saveur!! I voted for you :D

  99. Jenious says:

    The warmth of your photos and words fill me with thoughtful wanderings of farmer’s market visits to come. Something to look forward to!

  100. Anonymous says:

    I am not jealous of you, that’s just silly. I like your work and thought you’d be able to take some constructive criticism. When you put your work out in public and want to be paid for it, it will be criticized. I think you (and your readers) know the criticism is legitimate and that is why you are overreacting to it. Take it, leave it, but if you are doing something professionally you need to develop a thicker hide. Photograph everything against that blue board if you want, it’s your blog, but I guarantee magazine editors will notice the repetition and lack of originality. As for my PhD, it’s in design history, not typo editing ;)

  101. idu says:

    aiii, tostadatxo hori, hortzakada bat emnago nioke ba! Zure senarrak egina da ogi hori?? Kriston itxura du, bion artean a zer pintxoa osatu duzuen!
    Beti bezala, zoragarria1
    Muxu haundi bat!

  102. Anonymous- i’ve never said you are jealous of me or that you had any typos. i even said on a previous comment that i understand you are trying to give constructive criticism. but from now on, i’d really appreciate that all comments of this nature were signed with a name, preferably a real one. this blog is like my home and you cannot just storm in here unannounced, with your face covered and start shooting all kinds of “i don’t like this, you are in a rut…”. It’d be the decent and courteous thing to do. Thank you.

    And thanks to all my fierce supporters. Wow… who knew just a little comment could spark such enthusiasm. It’s great to see and I truly appreciate it.

  103. nadia says:

    i think it is hard to take an anonymous comments seriously but this is not to get confused on how hurtful they can be. i think that any person writing anonymously takes digs and if that person wanted to give constructive criticism they would introduce themselves. Shouting that you have a PHD seems out of place. your knowledge of what an editor is looking for is mind boggling considering that aran always brings things that we have not been seen in the food styling world( if you have seen it before it is because there seems to be many admires/copycats of her work) and that you would “guarantee” what they are looking for well that is also a sign that what you are dishing out is not constructive criticism but a spoon of ugliness.

    also if you have a degree is design history, you must know that art of any king follows some sort of trend whether you set the trend( as aran has) or you follow it it, either way it last a while. an artist of any kind explore with a color a texture till they move on to something new.

  104. Anonymous- and i also wanted to add something to my last comment. when i get paid for my work, my clients always have a specific art direction that i follow. they seem to like it as they keep coming back and i tend not to use and reuse my props for their work. for example, i would never use these surfaces for my clients. this blog on the other hand is my own personal experiment where i can do whatever i please and as nadia said, i might be experimenting with this texture and this color for a while just like other artists do.

  105. That sourdough bread reminds me of San Francisco and clam chowder! Yummy.

  106. Your walk through that farmers market is inspriational, you have me longing for the days when our markets start again.
    My mother has chickens that lay blue eggs, I loved seeing some alternate foods that are available.

    BTW I love the board ;)

  107. graceandivy says:

    Beautiful post. I also LOVE fresh eggs. I am lucky enough to get them from a friend who raises chickens. They are the best! Can’t wait to start going to the Spring Farmers markets again! So much fun!

  108. That breakfast looks divine! I love going to the farmers’ markets on the weekend.

  109. Ann says:

    Wow! Those are amazing pictures. That bread looks so appetizing!

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