Chocolate, Hazelnut and Milk Skin Tea Cakes

One of my most vivid childhood memories is the smell of simmering milk or even burnt milk on the stove. Until about 25 years ago or maybe less, my grandparents had raw milk delivered to the pastry shop once a day from a farm just 3 km away. The milk came in large metal containers and it was my grandmother’s job to cook it and pasteurize it for everyone to use in the shop.

The cream that rose to the top after the milk was heated, the milk skin or esne natak, was later used to bake pound cakes for us to eat at home. I remember that like it was yesterday.

During this last trip, we visited my grandmother every afternoon. She is not doing so well and more than speaking herself, she listened to our conversations. My uncle J., who is a great storyteller, was remembering the times as kids when they ate the milk skin on bread sprinkled with sugar. I know it might sound odd to most, but it was also a snack I grew up eating and miss to this day.

This conversation is what got me thinking about the idea of baking with milk skin again, but getting my hands on good raw milk would proof to be a challenge.

When I arrived back in Florida, I went to Whole Foods inquiring about raw milk, which turns out is illegal in Florida. I did find out however, that it is sold for animal consumption and they do carry it right there in the store. So there I was buying pet food for baking purposes.

I pulled out an old recipe that my mom gave me for the milk skin pound cake (esne natazko opile) and adapted it incorporating chocolate and hazelnut flour into it. The final texture is very similar to a pound cake made with butter, so you could make the entire recipe with butter instead, but for me it was more than about making a chocolate cake. It was about a memory.

Milk Skin or Natas de Leche

Note: The original recipe only uses raw milk but because I heard that the milk here does not contain as much fat, I added heavy cream to it. Not necessary though.

1 liter of raw cow’s milk
500 ml heavy cream

Place the milk and cream in a shallow but wide pan. The more surface the better as we will be able to get more of the skin.

Heat the mixture on low heat until low simmer is achieved. A yellow skin will start to form. Gently spoon the skin into a clean glass container or ceramic bowl. Let it cool slightly and then cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 24 hours. I like to wait 2 days to use it so it acquires a bit of a sour flavor.

Chocolate, Hazelnut and Milk Skin Tea Cakes

Note: when I made the milk skin, I didn’t get enough quantity for the entire recipe so I used regular unsalted butter for the rest.

180 grams natas de leche
100 grams sugar
3 eggs
140 grams flour
50 grams hazelnut flour
30 grams cocoa powder, sifted
6 grams baking powder
pinch of salt
50 grams chocolate chunks

After the milk skin has been refrigerated, it will have similar consistency to cool butter but once it starts to soften, it might appear a bit broken. Because of this, I like to start creaming the butter and the sugar with the paddle attachment, but once I start adding the eggs, if the mixture looks a bit separated, I use a hand whisk to bring back the emulsion. Just whisk the eggs in a bit and it will be fine.

Combine the flour, hazelnut flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and salt. Add the dry ingredients to the base and mix until combined. Fold in the chocolate chunks.

Divide the batter between four mini loaf pans (mine are 3″x2″) and pipe the rest into mini muffin cups or silicon pan.

Bake at 350F until center done. insert a toothpick in the center and if it comes out clean, they are done.

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106 Responses to “Chocolate, Hazelnut and Milk Skin Tea Cakes”

  1. Tartelette says:

    In my family we call milk skin “the baker’s caviar”…kid you not.
    My dad used to get up and go get fresh milk everyday, boil it and we would eat the skin on toasted bread with a drizzle of artisan honey.
    I’t like what sourdough does to bread: brings another dimension to cakes. Yum!

  2. Deppified says:

    In India, we still use milk skin! It has its own name in Hindi, and we put on toast with some salt and pepper for breakfast. We get our milk from our neighbour one block over, who has her own cow and her business is supplying milk to our neighbourhood! I didn’t know you could even purchase the skin here. Do you think all Whole Foods would have it?

  3. Dominique says:

    You remember me when I was going to the farm with grand’ma to buy fresh milk! but she never transmitted me any recipe, unfortunately! Thank you for your… pictures are, as usually, so beautiful!!!

  4. Chris says:

    I remember as a child in Switzerland; going to the local milk hut in our village to buy a liter or 1 1/4 every evening. Taking the fresh milk home in a metal buket with lid and skimm off the skin and cream. How wonderful that was!
    Love you pictures and admire your stile of photography!
    Ciao from Dubai

  5. What an unusual recipe! These tea cakes look fantastic and must taste wonderful!



  6. chriesi says:

    Beautiful photos as always! I love milk skin and always ate it when I was a child, simply as it was.

  7. Inés says:

    Aran nire umealdiko garaian ere zuen dendako usaina zoratzn ninduen. Guraseoek igandero ematen zidaten pagarekin joaten nintzen: opil suizarra eta txokolatina bat erostera. Ez dut inoiz mantekilazko opilak jan inon zuenak baino gozoagoak.Benetazko esnegainaz egindak. Niretzako herriko marka dira Markinako kokoteak edota Bergarako rellenoak bezala.

  8. Mercè says:

    Aran, de pequeña yo también iba a buscar la leche en una granja cerca de casa, y me encantaba comerme la nata de la leche! :)
    Este pastel debe de estar delicioso!! Aquí en California, se puede encontrar Raw milk en Whole Foods. Lo provaré!
    Las fotos magníficas como siempre!
    Una artista! :)

  9. lise.charmel says:

    it’s sweeter when it has memories among the ingredients

  10. Joy says:

    i come here to your lovely blog….. sneaking in and out because i did not want to get addicted!
    now i think i am truly hooked!

  11. ibb says:

    Konturatu gabe topatu dut zure blogga.
    Eta bat batean konturatu gabe, amamak etxean izaten zituen usaiak etorri zaizkit gogora.Konturatu gabe, etxean zuten behia, esnearen usaia…
    Mila esker horrelakoak gogorarazteagatik. Fotoak izugarri politak dira.

    Agertuko naiz ahal dudanean usai eta kolore ahaztuak berrezkuratzera.


  12. Aran says:

    Ibabe- eskerrik asko!

    Ines- ni be ados nau. Ayarzaneko bollolakorik ez dau leku askotan!

    Deppified- I am not sure about all states since these things are managed on a state to state basis. I would think that if not for human consumption, they’d sell it for animals. Call around and see.

    Thank you!

  13. Christy says:

    I’ve never tasted raw milk, ever. It’s not allowed for sale in Australia, and being someone who grew up in the tropics, well, let’s just say that milk isn’t the region’s strongest point. I have to be satisfied with raw milk cheeses, which I consume at the expense of my pocket and my waistline. But now I’ll try asking for raw milk for animal consumption. Maybe I’ll do better. Wish me luck.

    These cakes look so scrumptious Aran!! I can’t wait to make my own milk skin. This is why I love visiting other food blogs; they are always full of surprises!

  14. lisa says:

    I’m glad you brought up the controversy of the selling of raw milk. It is only legal for human consumption in a few states, but many people buy it for pet consumption, or go straight to the farms that have the milk on hand. Check out
    this site for raw milk sources.

  15. Aran says:

    Lisa- thank you for that list!

  16. Y says:

    What a beautiful tribute to your childhood. I didn’t grow up with milk skin or milk skin products, but I recall Michel Bras being equally Proustian about milk skin memories, in his pastry book.

  17. Dragana says:

    This brings back memories of my visits to my homeland, Serbia. We ate milk skin, called ‘Kaymak’ every day as a spread on bread. It is the most delicious spread ever! It is slightly tangy. Unfortunately one cannot find anything even remotely similar to it here it Texas. I know the basic ‘recipe’ but now I know I need to begin with raw milk. Thanks Aran!

  18. Shay says:

    I’ve never tried raw milk before but it’s always sparked my interest. Here in Ontario there’s and interesting case going on with a guy named Michael Schmidt, who fighting for the legalization of raw milk. It’s an interesting case if you ever get to look it up!

    BTW, you photos are stunning!!

  19. anna says:

    What a sweet tribute to a memory! I’ve never heard of eating the milk skin before but the smell of scalding milk or cream is one I really like – it reminds me of my mom making hot cocoa for me!

  20. Ayşe says:

    this is such a lovely story. I really love the skin of raw milk, it’s called kaymak in Turkey. We don’t really get raw milk in urban cities like Istanbul, but when we go out to the countryside, there are people who come every morning and evening to sell. I still love spreading the skin on a piece of bread with honey… mmm, and then there is the skin of milk from a water buffalo, which is more heavy, and used to accompany traditional desserts (and sometimes to eat with bread, in my case)!!! thanks for reminding me all this!!

  21. Miz.November says:

    Your blog has been such a ray of sunshine for me. The photos from your trip are breathtaking. Your food shots are amazing. And your new banner is absolutely darling. Thanks for sharing all the loveliness.

  22. I love the new look!

    What lovely memories you have. I enjoy reading them so much. Thank you for your wonderful writing and recipes. (I still wish I lived next door to you.)

  23. Rex Olaviaga says:

    Aran, is what you made with the milk skin similar to crème fraîche? Just curious. The process is different but the composition seems similar.


  24. Aran says:

    Rex- no it isn’t the same as creme fraiche because creme fraiche is a cultured products. This is just the milkfat of raw milk that rises to the top. Almost like cream (like clotted cream).

    Thank you!

  25. Rex Olaviaga says:

    Oh, wow! Aran, you are absolutely correct. It’s clotted cream. You should explain to people that it’s clotted cream. I’ll bet they will change their mind to milk skin, unless they are afraid of clogging their arteries. lol


  26. Aran says:

    Rex- well yes and no. I believe clotted cream is made from heavy cream that is over 40% milkfat and milk skin is made from whole milk. Maybe I’m wrong but I’d say clotted cream might be a bit fattier than this! :)

  27. Rex Olaviaga says:

    I don’t know if you can trust wikipedia, but clotted cream is made from heating unpasturized milk, similar to what you have done. Commercially, they do not use heavy cream, they just use unpasturized milk to make clotted cream.

    This is cool. I love learning about food. Most of the time, we only see and use the end product. It’s great to know how things are made;)

  28. Aran says:

    Rex- i’m no expert on this matter and not to argue back and forth but i’m pretty sure clotted cream is made from heavy cream. i think butterfat must be at least 55%. i did see some sites indicating to use milk but if you go to more specialized web sites, it says cream. i should look it up in the devonshire cream web site since they are basically the same just from Devon. I will look and make sure. just for our own knowledge right? thanks for looking it up!

  29. Gis says:

    OMG dear i get so hungry right now!
    this looks wonderful!!

  30. Aran says:

    Rex- i just read that it is made from whole milk but that it is milk that contains higher butterfat content than the whole milk found commercially here. so that makes sense and that is partly why i added heavy cream in my recipe to ensure there was a good amount of fat. so yes, from milk. sorry about that!

  31. cathy says:

    i really liked how you wrote that you were making a memory… it makes it so much nicer!

  32. Ana says:

    Que maravillas de bizcochos!!! desgraciadamente las granjas por las islas abundan cada vez menos pero recuerdo que de pequeña unos amigos tenían una granja de cabras y me encantaba que las ordeñases y tomarme un tazon de leche calentita con una cucharada de gofio por encima y, eso que la leche de cabra es más fuerte de sabor que la de vaca pero esra espesa, espesa de la cantidad de nata que contenía…

    Me han entrado unas ganas enorme s de volver a probarlo…


  33. Bertha says:

    you surely don’t waste any time, huh :D? you just got back and you baked already?? tsk tsk…. I salute you for the energy. Miss all your gorgeous baking :D

  34. Pinky says:

    I’ve always loved the smell of milk when pasteurizing it at home. We occasionally got raw milk when I was a kid, and when I spent a winter in Mexico all of our milk was delivered in tin jugs on horse back. I was the only one in the house that liked the taste of it, so I had plenty!

  35. Jayme Duke says:

    I am so intrigued by this milk skin! I really want to know what it tastes like! I’m fairly certain raw milk is illegal in my state as well (Washington) as I’ve heard my sister talk about it before – she’s big on organic everything and I recall the topic coming up once.

    Did you find the raw milk in the pet section somewhere at Whole Foods, or did you have to ask specifically for it?

    And your photos are stunning as usual! I love the one with the milk pitchers – the slight blue tinge to the glass and the blue napkin underneath set against white and your new light blue background color – I LOVE IT! That pale blue is one of my favorite colors.

    You really are an inspriation Aran :)

  36. Aran says:

    Jayme- They had it in a refrigerated case next to the eggs. The one I bought is from Golden Fleece and it says “for pet for only. not for human consumption”. I’m pretty sure you will be able to find some.

    Thank you!

  37. LOVE, love, love!!!! gorgeous shade of blue- so soft and pure

  38. Hayley says:

    What great memories. I’ve never heard of milk skin, but the tea cakes look fabulous nonetheless.

  39. Aran, I have never tried milk skin, but I know my mom used to eat it on the bread as a kid (her mother was German).
    I absolutely love your photos and the way you used the milk skin!

  40. Jayme Duke says:

    Thanks Aran for the tip! I guess I was wrong about it not being legal here as I just found some raw milk quite easily at the health food store right down the street! I’ll be giving this a try this weekend. Can’t wait :)

  41. Anonymous says:

    mmmm la nata de la leche con azucar…delicioso!!tambien es mi infancia. Aqui donde vivo (Zúrich) a 20m hay un establo con una maquina automatica que vende leche fresca!!increible pero cierto. Saludos

  42. It has always fascinated me, the way foods, there tastes, smells and textures linger in our memories and how years later we are still shaped by those early culinary memories. Beautiful work.

  43. Roberto N. says:

    My dad’s always talking about “Nata” from his childhood. We don’t have much of a whole raw milk culture here in these days. So finding it is rare and prized. Nata cakes are also one of his great memories.

  44. It might take you awhile to get to my comment but must tell you I am in love with your blog! This si so gorgeous and inspiring! You are as good with a camera as you are with your recipes. You must have a book?
    If not, somebody should be contacting you! Can I share your blog, a few photos and links so my readers can get a stream of Cannelle et Vanille. Please let me know, Absolutely one of the best blogs!

  45. Tairay says:

    Aran, I stumbled on your site a while back and have found that I must visit every day. Everything you do is so beautiful! Each recipe wrapped in a memory is the most beautiful aspect (though your pictures and pastries come in a very close second) of your blog. It fills my heart with a warm sadness; the posts are so tender and personal that I feel as if your memories are my own, but then I realize they aren’t. I hope to one day have the same sentiments and attachments to everything I do as you have. You are truly an inspiration

  46. tea cakes have been on my mind a lot lately I may have to try these.

  47. Rachel says:

    I love your site. ty.

  48. Fuji Mama says:

    Oh yum! That sounds so good!

  49. Heather says:

    In Egypt the milk man used to bring us fresh milk every day, and my mom used to boil it then when it cools down she puts it in the fridge so in the morning we can collect the skin from the top of the milk and stuff it into soft rolls along with jam, my favorite breakfast yumm.BTW it’s called eshtaa in arabic.

  50. Using milk skin! Interesting. I always throw mine away..hehe…Looks awesome!

  51. Aran says:

    A Gift Wrapped Life- no book yet but maybe in the future. it’d be an interesting project for sure. you can share photos but please include a link back to my blog and indicate that all images are copyright of Aran Goyoaga. Thank you for your words!

    Tairay- For those of us who live away from home, memories are a great way to stay connected to who we are and where we come from. I come from a large, very close knit family and could never forget about that.

    Thank you very much!

  52. Donalyn says:

    I am certain it is illegal for stores to sell it here in NY, but our where we live, many farms sell raw milk. We have bought it off and on over the years, but when I was a kids, we always went to friend’s dairy for our milk. The the smell of the milk house was so heady and intense, that I can conjure it up by closing my eyes and thinking of it. I guess I will get to experience it again now, because I want to bake this!

  53. Milk skin, hmm… I could probably get good raw milk (it is Wisconsin, the dairy state, after all), but I’m impressed that you were able to find some in FL. The little cakes look wonderful, and sound like a great way to revisit some memories.

  54. Cakebrain says:

    I barely remember from my childhood in Vancouver where the milkman delivered glass-bottled milk to our door daily and I would be the lucky one to peel off the lid and lick the fatty deposits on the lid of the bottle. I don’t know if that was milk skin, but I imagine that’s the closest thing I’ll come to it! lovely story and delicious looking pics!

  55. cindy* says:

    i love hearing about your family…great post! gorgeous photos, are you doing something different? regardless, these are lovely as ever.

  56. Hi, I’m Ilaria and I’ve just opened my new own blog, about ideas for weddings. I’m Italian, so sorry for my english…I hope you come and visit my blog, even if at the moment is…ehm..ampty, with only a thing….yours is really wonderful,I love your recipes and picture!!
    See you soon,

  57. Aran, I am totally fascinated by this. Your results are so beautiful and I’m really curious about the taste. I will have to hunt down some raw milk and try it. I can imagine the aroma and the taste, having grown up on rice pudding that went through quite a boil on my grandmother’s stove. Thanks so much for sharing your family memories with all of us.

    I also really love peonies and those in your last post are lovely. Welcome home and again, thanks for sharing your wonderful memories and luxurious photos. Magnificent.

  58. Dajda says:

    Milk skin is probably the strangest baking ingredient I’ve heard of. Thank you so much for this very personal post. And the new banner is delicious!

  59. ladyironchef says:

    I-love-chocolate-&-hazelnut! the moment i saw yr title, i was like, oh dear. hahahaha. thanks for sharing the recipe :) but what is milk skin!

  60. Liska says:

    You are the queen of desserts and photos. You’ll never stop amaze me. I love every piece of it.

  61. LoveFeast says:

    What a wonderful story to go along with your beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing your memory with us!

  62. Maybe says:

    What an adventure to bake these little cakes ! It reminds me when I was a kid and went to ask our friend, a farmer, for milk… Nice recipe and good memories, thanks !

  63. Ria says:

    Amazing Idea! Looks stunning!! Aran,I have an award for you on my blog, please collect it :)

  64. oh oh ooooohh!! im in love with that photo!!! the cube cakes and the cheries–brilliant composition!!!!

  65. Marta says:

    Hahahaha very resourceful Aran! I like that you bought the raw milk no matter what! These look lovely and it’s got me thinking about many raw milk recipes that I haven’t made because of the restrictions here in Canada. I think I’ll need to visit the pet food stores soon :)

  66. Susie says:

    I love baking memories….I have never used the milk skin before, but I know that smell, always have loved it. I remember drinking raw milk as a child on a friends farm, truly a taste unlike the plastic jugs. I’m searching this week for raw milk…looks like a good recipe to try out.

  67. elizabeth says:

    You must be an amazing baker. everything looks wonderful.

    I am interested in your containers/jars the one above with the little spoon in it and also on Feb.28 lemon semifreddo. The jar also here with the peonies with the twisted wire handle. Do you mind sharing where you purchsed these? Thanks. elizabeth

  68. Aran says:

    Elizabeth- the small glass jars are recycled yogurt jars from Europe and the other one with the wire handle is a home warming gift that a friend brought me recently. It came with a candle inside and it’s supposed to be used an an outdoor lantern.

    Thank you!

  69. elizabeth says:

    Thank you ever so much for a very quick reply to my question. If I ever make it back to England or France, I will seek out the little yogurt jars – they are just too cute! Thanks again, elizabeth

  70. Can you imagine my glee when I find some right illegal stuff in my kitchen every single morning. We still get milk in the kitchen which is boiled everyday, & left to cool in the frdige 24hours for the cream to rise. I make fresh white butter with it every week. YAY Aran, finally something native that I can totally relate to. Can’t wait for my next batch of cream or the more exotic sounding ‘natas de leche’. Thank you for adding glammer to my everyday life…LOL!

  71. Katie says:

    Wow looks fabulous and wonderfuly moist.

  72. Anita says:

    Such a soothing blog to savour. Thanks for all the work you put into it :)

  73. Monique says:

    En un instante me has hecho volver lavistaami infancia.Todoslosdias recogia la leche en lavaqueria y al dia siguiente merendabamos rebanadas de pan con nata y azucar.Una lastima q ya no este la vaqueria jejejej

  74. Monique says:

    En un instante he vuelto a mi infancia,la merienda de mi niñez con las rebanadas de pan llenas de nata y azucar.una lastima q ya no exixta la vaqueria cercana a micasa jejejej

  75. Akuka says:

    Hooola!! Acabo de descubrir tu blog, me encanta. Qué fotos tan bonitas, esos bizcochitos y la leche… yo de pequeña iba a la lechería con mi abuela a comprarla, recién ordeñada, me encantaba!!
    Guardo la lechera como un tesoro.
    Encantada de conocerte. Feliz semana.

  76. Milk Skin, such a blast from my childhood past!

  77. red ticking says:

    you have such a lovely blog… thoroughly enjoying it…
    have a wonderful day… pam

  78. Yoli says:

    OMG! This is such a stunning blog!

  79. Vanille says:

    That’s a very interesting recipe to use milk skin. It makes me want to try…
    I guess your gorgeous pictures do help too !

  80. morgana says:

    Aran, qué recuerdos me has traído…

    Cuando era pequeña, en el pueblo de mi padre, íbamos todos los días a comprar la leche a la vaquería. Y claro, había que hervirla y después se quedaba la capa de nata arriba. La quitábamos con una cuchara, la íbamos dejando en un vaso de esos de cristal en el congelador y, cuando teníamos el vaso llevo ¡¡¡ yo hacía un bizcocho con ella !!! Era laborioso ir guardando la nata día a día y apartarla de los que se pirraban por comérsela como dices, sobre una buena rebanada de pan y con un poco de azúcar por encima, pero merecía la pena el esfuerzo.

    Gracias por traerme a la memoria mis primeros pasos con los bizcocchos.

    Un beso muy fuerte.

  81. Baking Fiend says:

    Milk-skin… hmm this is very new to me! I’m definately gg to try this recipe out, but with butter instead.

    Lovely photos!

  82. what a beautiful memory–i love how hard you worked to fulfill it…so sweet.

  83. idu says:

    Aiii, esnegaina!! txikitan, larunbatero esne mordo bat ekartzen zuen amak azokatik, eta igandean esnegainezko bizkotxoa egiten genuen,,ummm!
    badakizu? Elizondon makina bat jarri zuten, esne freskoa saltzen duena, baserritik zuzenean eramandakoa, euro bat litroa,, eta oso ondo funtzionatzen ari da. Ea zabaltzen den eta herri gehiagotan jartzen dituzten! ez dago esne freskoa bezalakorik!

  84. Really lovely photos! If your banner gives blog envy, these photos give “I wish I lived in an apartment with good light” envy. But at least I can enjoy yours. :)

  85. simplesong says:

    wowza, lots of comment on this one … and rightfully so … this looks amazing, aran!

  86. Jen Yu says:

    I’ve never heard of milk skin before, but you make it sound heavenly. You certainly make it look like a dream! :) Great to have you back.

  87. linda says:

    Lovely story :)
    How funny you had to get the raw milk from the pet department ;)

  88. Céline says:

    ton blog est MAGNIFIQUE !!!
    I love !!

  89. Claire says:

    This sounds like clotted cream to me!

    Clotted cream is made in a similar but not identical way, using the same ingredients (it’s not MADE from cream – it’s made from MILK, from which, eventually, you produce cream). You take fresh, untreated milk (ideally, straight from the cow!) and leave it to stand for about 10 hours, then heat it gently until the milk fat, which will have separated out during standing, begins to thicken on the surface. However, you don’t boil the milk, which seems to be the way you make milk skin. With clotted cream, the slower and more gently you heat the milk, the better. The thick creamy layer that forms on the top of the heated milk is clotted cream!

  90. Claire says:

    PS: perhaps the confusion comes from British terminology? In British English, ‘full cream’ refers not to cream, but to milk from which none of the fat has been removed. We have skimmed, semi-skimmed or full-cream milk. Then we have single, double, whipping or clotted cream – all kinds of cream, in order of ascending fat levels!

  91. Aran says:

    Thanks for the great info Claire!

  92. Des says:

    This looks so delicious. I also have very strong milk memories and my grandparents. In Spanish we call the skin on top of the milk, “Nata.” Thanks for this post and all of the great food on your blog.

  93. Gavin says:

    I’m trying this today. I think I’ll try to shoot it, but I don’t think it will be as pretty as your picture!

  94. Anonymous says:

    Delicious Chocolate cakes.. Beautique Vouchers

  95. Anonymous says:

    Hola Aran,
    Acabo de encontrar tu blog y me encanta! Soy de Espana pero tambien vivo en la Florida y cuando pasaba los veranos en Galicia, en casa de mis abuelos, siempre me traian la leche recien ordenada porque me encantaba! Como tu, nuestra merienda favorita (bueno, en realidad, a todas horas!) era comer pan con la nata y azucar. Me acuerdo de revisar a cada rato a ver cuanta nata se habia formado ya para “robarmela” con pan….ja, ja, ja! No sabes los buenos recuerdos que me ha traido tu historia….
    Un abrazo y felicidades por tu precioso blog!!!!
    Susana :)
    p.s. te dejo el mensaje como anonimo porque no tengo blog…

  96. Aran says:

    Susana- que coincidencia que vivas en FL! Donde exactamente?

  97. unit625 says:

    Vivo en Miami, bueno, mejor dicho, en Hollywood (cerca de Ft. Lauderdale). Tu en que parte estas?

  98. Aran says:

    Susana- Yo vivo en Jupiter, north palm beach asi que a una hora o asi de ahi. tengo una amiga de madrid que vive en hollywood tambien.

  99. unit625 says:

    Que casualidad! Si, conozco Jupiter porque soy profesora en FAU de Boca :) Aqui te mando mi correo

  100. Really very tasty food. While Seeing these dishes i remembered my days to New york. We booked our hotel through ECt and stayed in hotel for 3 days. They provided us very tasty food. I still rememered the taste of food.

  101. Sarah says:

    That seems to be very yummy and delicious. i’ll definitely give it a try!

  102. Fran says:

    wow, i just read the title and was like “oh my good i have to do this”

  103. […] reading the Guardian article, I confess that I was intrigued. Some years ago, I came across a blog post about baking with milk skin and was keen to try it out.  The author claimed that unpasteurised milk was the best product to […]

  104. […] Dolce al cioccolato, nocciola e tè alla pelle di latte […]

  105. […] the Guardian article, I confess that I was intrigued.  A couple of years ago I came across a blog post about baking with milk skin and was keen to try it out.  The author claimed that unpasteurised milk was the best product to […]

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