Peach, Pineapple and Kiwi Sorbet Trio and Some Summer Songs

While it has been hot and muggy outside, my little one and I have been on a sorbet making spree these past few days. It all started as a way to distract his attention and keep him away from destroying the furniture. “Let’s make ice cream”, I told him. His eyes wide open, he smiled… and that’s all it took. Everyday after that, we have been making sorbet while listening to music.

It’s the strangest thing how kids can enjoy music that seems too adult for them. When he was born, I bought all the children’s music albums I could get my hands on and I played them in the car and at home. That’s what I thought I was supposed to do. So for the first year or so, I really stopped listening to “my” music.

But as he got a bit older and was able to communicate, he started requesting the oddest songs in my iPod’s playlist. It all started with The Beatles’ “Get Back”. “Get back Jo Jo”, he would repeat over and over again. Then on to The Jam’s “In the City”, TV On The Radio’s “Wolf Like Me” or Led Zeppelin’s “Rock n’ Roll“.

So this week, we have been listening to Yo La Tengo’s “Summer Sun” while making sorbet. Completely unexpected, but I have to admit that I love sharing music with him.

We had a bunch of fresh peaches, kiwis and a super ripe pineapple and that’s what we used to make the fruit purees. The sorbet recipes below use ingredients that might not be readily available, I know, but the resulting sorbet has such great texture that I keep going back to these recipes.

Go here for peach sorbet, pineapple sorbet and kiwi sorbet recipes that use solely water and sugar syrups.

Peach Sorbet

500 grams peach puree
75 grams atomized glucose
110 grams water
65 grams sugar
3 grams sorbet stabilizer

Pineapple Sorbet

500 grams pineapple puree
70 grams water
75 grams atomized glucose
60 grams sugar
1.5 grams sorbet stabilizer

Kiwi Sorbet

500 grams kiwi puree
225 grams water
65 grams atomized glucose
120 grams sugar
2 grams sorbet stabilizer

Method is the same for all of them

Start by making the sugar syrup. Place the water and the atomized glucose in a small saucepan. Bring to a simmer. In the meantime, whisk together the sugar and sorbet stabilizer in a separate bowl. When the water comes to a light boil, add the sugar and stabilizer mixture, whisk and bring to a boil. When it starts to boil, pour the syrup into a bowl and let it cool slightly before refrigerating. Refrigerate the sugar syrup overnight.

Add the fruit puree to the sugar syrup, mix really well and churn in ice cream machine. Freeze.

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84 Responses to “Peach, Pineapple and Kiwi Sorbet Trio and Some Summer Songs”

  1. cindy* says:

    aran those look like the perfect remedy for the humidity and heat… i love that jon requests “your” music, so cute! and thank you for the birthday wishes ;)

  2. Y says:

    I love listening to Yo La Tengo. Haven’t paired them with sorbet, but I’m sure it works a treat :D

  3. Anonymous says:

    Approximately how many kiwis make 500 grams?

  4. Dominique says:

    Ma sorbetière tourne tous les jours en ce moment. Après “fraise violette” “abricot-melon”, “myrtilles” et “tomate basilic”, voici de nouvelles recettes que j’essaierai bien! en ce moment j’écoute “charly Winston” et “Laurent Voulzy”. C’est si agréable de cuisiner en musique…

  5. Gala says:

    wow that looks really good…
    nothing like a ice cold treat at hot days like we have over here…

    P.S: love your blog!

  6. ibb says:

    Look great!
    Zelako suertea zure musikarekin bat egiten hastea. Umeak askotan sorpresas beteriko kutxak dira.
    Goxatu eta gorde momentu horiek.

  7. These are so refreshing and three flavors?? WOW!

  8. Daphne says:

    WOW!it’s very tasteful!I want to taste it!

  9. I Love listening to music with children. it seems that many children appreciate the beatles!

    aran the pictures looks great, refreshing! wait will elle & dylan see the sorbets they would take it over icre cream any day!

  10. Parita says:

    What a delicious trio, love the flavors, gorgeous clicks, makes me drool:)

  11. Aran says:

    Anonymous- that will depend on how big the kiwis are but I think I used about 5 or 6.

    Thanks everyone!

  12. sarah says:

    I love TV On The Radio!
    The sorbets looks divine…

  13. Kudos to your kid that he’s loving zeppelin – awesome! My dad did that to me though; I must have been one of the few kids who knew who Stevie Ray Vaughn was :) I haven’t been making sorbet, but now you’re making me wish I had churned my riesling i/c so I could have some when I get home tonight!

  14. Oh, Aran, we’ve been making a lot of sorbet lately, too! Cherry, lemon… I love the kiwi you made. I’ll have to try that!

  15. What wonderful sorbets! They all look delicious…



  16. i love those wooden spoons. super chouette.

    ahhahahahahaha. i know exactly what you mean (though i dont have a child) but the little girl i looked after in Paris, (5 years old) she had a lot of silly french childrens music she listened to, so one day i said “Florielle, why don’t you put on some music, you choose a cd” so she put one on–Nirvana. huhhhhh?!?!! and then she starts singing along to it! every word she knows! its strange to see a 5 year old little french girl singing “I love you – I’m not gonna crack I kill you – I’m not gonna crack” is just so weird!!!

  17. ButterYum says:

    Perfect timing… I just purchased an ice cream/sorbet maker. Do you happen to know if the sorbet stabilizer you have listed is like cobasan?

  18. Rebecca says:

    your photos are so beautiful and this sounds amazingly refreshing and sweet. thank you for sharing.

  19. Saucy says:

    I have also made kiwi sorbet but served it with watermelon sorbet and dropped pomegranate seeds on it with blueberries! So easy but people are very impressed with it.

    Once again, beautiful photos!

  20. Aran says:

    Mallory- That is hilarious!

    ButterYum- Cobasan is used to stabilize creams that have at least 30% fat content so it wouldn’t work for sorbet. I added a link to the sorbet stabilizer I use.

    saucy- that sounds delicious!

    Thank you everyone!

  21. avant garde says:

    i’m salivating for some of that beautiful sorbet! it’s finally warm and summery here on cape cod and that would be most refreshing for sure. i need to purchase an ice cream maker as nothing i purchase out is tasting worth the calories these days :) just found your blog and really love it. i love your layout too

  22. Claudia says:

    Pineapple sorbet can be a symbol of my life. Just to read the words and I immediately fill my mind with some of the best memories of my childhood when I couldn’t get enough of it. They were always home made, very sweet and very white and we loved it over the cheap cone. It used to be spooned over th cone, like a icy spread, it was never not scooped. I wish I had guts to make it at home, I never make ice creams as I don’t have machine.


  23. such a summer treat!! I love the combination of colors!

  24. bonvivant says:

    Yo La Tengo is a great accompaniment to dessert-making. Love that album and your pictures are amazing.

  25. Nicisme says:

    Hi Aran, I think music is the best thing on the planet, followed by chocolate of course!
    Your sorbets look grand, I particularly like the peach one. Thanks for linking to me, I don’t think I’ve seen the glucose or sorbet stabilizer before, I’ll check out the decorating shop next time I’m in town.

  26. mycookinghut says:

    I love sorbet very much! If I don’t have an ice cream maker, how do I do this?

  27. Aran says:

    Mycookinghut- you won’t get the same texture and lightness without an ice cream maker, but you could freeze the mixture in a container and every 2 hours or so, you could scrape it and fold it to get some air into it. You could also whip it by hand over an ice bath with rock salt for 15 to 20 minutes straight but it takes a lot of elbow strength to do that!

  28. simplesong says:

    this is perfect for summer!

  29. Vanille says:

    That trio of flavour and colour looks amazing !
    If only it wasn’t so cold here I would give it a go…
    And thanks to make me discover Yo La Tengo !

  30. Elk says:

    I just love your photographs, very inspiring and these ones just capture the cool crispness of sorbet

  31. Alicia says:

    My godchildren were bored by the kiddie music I bought but the minute I switched on my classical that was it & I was soo much happier. After that I played everything.
    the sorbet looks so refeshing. I made a cherry granita over the weekend & a blueberry sorbet for the good ole patriot colors. Pineapple will be next.
    As usual the images are perfection. Im serious you need to write a book. Chronicle Publishing out of San Fran would be a perfect match for you.

  32. Rahin says:

    looks refreshing n gorgeous

  33. I would like some now please! They look delicious. Today, I let my daughter make the salad so I could have a moment….. cooking holds her attention – Yay!

  34. Ria says:

    Aran, in the begining it was your pics…later it was ur recipe… then a combo of pics nd recipes BUT now! I come back to read about your son!!! :)

    Lovely looking sorbet! I love working with music on :)

  35. Just beautiful sorbets. I haven’t made too many in the past but these flavours seem divine! :)

  36. Sunshinemom says:

    I have gone through the music thing too! One day I was quite surprised when my son lined up songs and he had lined some really old Hindi songs I listened to only sometimes and never added it to ‘his’ list! It was such a happy moment:). It happened once more when I found my daughter enjoying an episode of ‘friends’ a year back when I thought I was the only one who liked it!! It was like a moment of realization:).

    And I love your sorbets and pictures as always!!

  37. idu says:

    Errezeta ezin hobea beroari aurre egiteko. Zihur izugarri gozatzen duzuela Jon eta biok sukaldean

  38. Marta says:

    Nothing like sorbet to quench summer’s thirst.
    Nothing like songs to evoke memories.
    Lovely job :)

  39. Seanna Lea says:

    Does the atomized glucose make that big a difference in the quality of the sugar syrup or is it more the sorbet stabilizer? I would love to make more of these for the ice cream party I have in a couple of weeks, so it would be good to know. Thanks!

  40. Aran says:

    Seanna Lee- The glucose and stabilizer play different roles in the recipe. The glucose is there to prevent crystallization and the stabilizer promotes even air bubble distribution throughout the product and also eliminate the formation of large ice crystals. You could make the recipe with the atomized glucose and eliminating the stabilizer (result won’t be quite the same) but you cannot make it without the atomized glucose because it adds solid content to the recipe. Does this make sense?

    Thanks everyone!

  41. Ana says:

    Con glucosa o sin glucosa atomizada tiene que estar alucinantes…. Es sorprendente lo que les gusta a los enanos la música, CArlos cuando vamos en el coche y antes de ponerse el cinturón de seguridad ya me está pidiendo que le encienda la radio, tiene sus canciones favoritas y se sabe multitud de ellas… Y Luis va por el mismo camino!!


  42. Eralda LT says:

    These look so refreshing and beautiful!

    My son also enjoys grown up music. he has a cd player in his room with a choice of children and grown up music. He always plays Arcade Fire et. al. in his quest to save the world through pretend action hero play.

    I had never heard of these ingredients for sorbet. My sorbet turns fine, but after a day in the freezer it starts to crystalize. Thanks for the tips.

  43. Juliana says:

    Great combination of color…just in time for the summer…very refreshing!

  44. anna says:

    Those all sound lovely! I love when kids are interested in “adult” music early on, too.

  45. Junglefrog says:

    What a beautiful selection of sorbets! Great that you can enjoy the music with your son too!

  46. fresh365 says:

    Wow- My mouth is watering! With photos like these, I will hunt down the ingredients!

  47. looks so delicious..i love them all together…
    what a cool mom you are a–(and i love that yo la tengo song…i am going to play it right now and think of you.)

  48. Hilda says:

    Aran, I love that you explained about the music. I have a 3 mo.-old little girl and my inclination would have been to play only childrens’ music to her, but I love all kinds of music and my husband gets her to sleep sometimes by playing Roy Orbison and some other singers to her, so I’ve stopped playing only childrens’ CDs to her and she seems to like all sorts of things from classical to Bowie. It certainly is a bigger treat for us in the car especially. And the sorbets all look delicious and so refreshing, of course.

  49. Mercè says:

    Hola Aran!!!
    Me encanta tu blog, tus fotos son sensacionales y tus recetas magnificas, aunque como no entiendo el inglés y uso traductor, a veces tengo problemillas para seguirlas.
    Hoy voy a hacer tus Lemon cream cookies.Tienen una pinta estupenda.

  50. Esti says:

    oh! la primeras palabras de In the city son mis favoritas de todos los tiempos!!

    mis hijas piden escuchar Careta Franklin, Tompetito… y ahora Catpagüer…


  51. Kitty M says:

    Great photos love the perfectly matching flowers!

  52. jonathan says:

    Wow, must be great to eat Kiwi ice cream, the other combination is also interesting and tempting. Great chef you are!

  53. Hi

    Just wanted to say that I’ve been following your gorgeous blog for a few months now and every time I visit, it’s like having the most delightful dream!

    Your stunning images fill me with a happy, joyous feeling and make my day! V. talented. I’ve recommended ur beautiful blog to all my twitter followers.

    Thank-you for sharing.

    Karen Phillips

  54. Elizabeth says:

    That pale green background against the citrusy colors of the sorbet makes it look so cool and refreshing. Perfect summer shot.

  55. Jena Murray says:

    I’ve been a big fan of your blog for a while now and I have to admit… the only reason why I have not actually attempted some of your recipes is because I am firmly established within my kitchen with the standard measurement system!! What is your advice for making the switch? Also, if a recipe states “grams”, does this mean I need to weigh the ingredients? Or do I need to get new measuring spoons and cups? I checked and my liquid measuring cup does denote ml, so I think I’m all set with that. Thanks for any tips you might have in this dept!

  56. Aran says:

    Jenna- I understand what you are saying, but you should definitely give a scale a chance! So much more accurate, consistent and easy. I have a scale that measure both grams and ounces and I got it for $20 at Target. Not expensive at all. There are conversion charts out there but not sure how accurate they are. here is one…


  57. This recipe makes me wish I’d paid attention when they taught us the Metric system in school. Oh well.

    It looks melt in your mouth delicious- and it perfectly illustrates the Summer Sun.

    You have a very lucky little boy!

  58. Inne says:

    Wonderful looking sorbets Aran! Love what you wrote about music – all we listen to here nowadays is baby versions of Elvis and The Cure (although we do like us some Billie Holiday and Django Reinhardt as well). Can’t wait for the day that Elsa is big enough so we can bake and cook together. Right now she just watches when I’m busy in the kitchen, I guess that’s a start…

    Inne (and baby Elsa)

  59. Victoria says:

    Aran I am loving you blog and photographs. Each picture is fresh and feels like a taste of Florida summer. One quick questions, for your photo grid/collages, can you tell me which program you use to have 4 or more photos together – I am new at this! Thank you. Victoria

  60. sylvie says:

    mon anglais est tellement nul, que je ne peut pas traduire vos recette s’il vous plait traduisez vos recettes en francais

    please translate your blog in french tank


  61. Aran says:

    Victoria- I use photoshop to create the collage and then upload it as one.

    Sylvie- Je suis basque mais d’Espagne et mes francaise est terrible! je parle basque, espagnol et anglais. I’m sorry!

    Thanks everyone!

  62. I’ve never used powdered glucose or sorbet stabilizer before. I’m so curious to taste the product! Your sorbets look delicious. I’m especially wondering about the kiwi.

    My nephew’s 9 month old girl is starting to really respond to music and it’s so much fun for all of us. Sweet moments!

  63. Inés says:

    Aran, gaur Zornotzara joan naiz eta zure ama eta zure izebarekin egin dut topo. Arazosasetik zetozen. Tomateak erostera joan dira. Ze ederki ezta?. Zure amari esan diot: “Zu Aranen ama zara ezta?”. Hemendik aurrera zure ama bihurtu da – Aran-en-a-ma- nahiz eta Ama eta Alaba egun berean izendatu zineten. Bizitaren korapilo borobilarra. Aran beti bezala: fin-fina. Eta ondo pasa NYen datorren asteburuan!

  64. Aran says:

    Ines- Orain dala ordu laurden bat egin dot amagaz berba eta berori esan doste, kalean alkartu zariela. Ai ze ondo… enbidie eta dana sartu jat. Hori da bizitza.

    Datorren asteburuen NY-era baina “ri-ra” izengo da. Joan eta etorri. Mosu bet eta ondo jarraitu!

  65. your posts are always so beautiful!

  66. Lamia says:

    what kind of camera are you using? can you suggest a good camera to take pictures for my blog??

  67. Aran says:

    Lamia- I am using a Canon 50D and I really like it. It all depends on how you will be using it and what your budget is. If you are ready to invest the time and learn more about a camera and photography ANd if you have the budget, I’d really go for a Canon 5D, but if you want an affordable SLR that performs well, I’d go for a Canon Rebel, which is what I had until early this year. It worked great. So it all depends on budget and your use.

  68. Thanks for a wonderful dessert idea. I also love how you brought music into the mix. I am going to make a strawberry nectarine granita (only because I don’t own an ice cream machine). I am going to make it a point to listen to some classic Bob Marley to pump up the summer feeling in the kitchen! Thanks again, Aran!

  69. These recipes sounds delicious and these photographs are devine…thank you for both!

  70. Sarah says:


    Would you mind telling me where you got those cute little cups and adorable wood spoons/scoops from?? They’re simple but so elegant :)

  71. Aran says:

    Sarah- thanks! they are from anthropologie!

  72. Melvin says:

    wow that looks really good…
    nothing like a ice cold treat at hot days like we have over here…

    Get instant cash

  73. Wow all your photos are breath-taking. true pieces of art! I love the colours of the sorbets. So soothing, you can practically taste the smoothness…Definitely going to be trying to make these! Thanks for the recipes!

  74. madelaine says:

    Lovely Aran! I have tried several of your sorbet recipes and they always turn out beautifully. :)

    Could you tell me, though, how do you know how much sugar and water to use for each fruit? Do you have a general rule that you follow, taking into account the consistency and sweetness of the fruit, or do you judge just by sight/taste?

  75. Aran says:

    Madeleine- Sorbets and ice creams are a perfect balance of solids and water content. Each fruit has a difference sweetness and water content that’s why all amounts are different for all sorbets. There are different equations to achieve the perfect balance. Also, you must know the amount of solids and water of each type of fruit which is not always easy especially if using fresh fruit vs frozen purees.

    Thank you!

  76. madelaine says:

    That’s really interesting, Aran.

    Do you know where I can find out more information about these equations?


  77. Aran says:

    Madeleine- I took a class with Sebastien Cannone from the French Pastry School a few years ago and that’s where I learned all the technicalities. There is a great professional book by L’Ecole Lenotre that goes into it extensively but I don’t think it’s available anymore.ées-Creams-Iced-Desserts/dp/B001I47DTI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1252321888&sr=8-1

    I love that one!

    Thank you!

  78. […] 5. Peach sorbet is delicious, but this peach, pineapple and kiwi trio is triple for your tastebuds! Recipe at cannelle et vanille. […]

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