Archive for ingredient chocolate

Chocolate Hazelnut Mousse and Baked Eggs for a Weekend of Comfort Food

This past weekend was the first time since we came back from our trip that I didn't have to work and I took full advantage of it. Friday I finished shooting a cookbook (no, not mine) and I was looking forward to a relaxing weekend with my family and my kitchen. Books to read, movies ...

Butterscotch Smoked Almond, Raspberry Vanilla and Peach Basil… A Trio of Frozen Treats

Summers are always full of activity and hassle around here. I have been meaning to write about these ice creams and sorbets for days now, but something always seemed to come up. And aren't summers about relaxing and not rushing anyway?The oven has been turned off for the most part. This heat and humidity deserve ...

Baking with Kumquats: a Pistachio Pavlova, Chocolate Financiers and a Pot of Jam

Winter in Florida makes me happy. Bright blue skies, the possibility to wear my favorite purple scarf, lush landscape, cold breeze coming in through the windows and lots of citrus. Oh the citrus! I told you about my friend N.'s citrus trees and how I usually take the longer route to the mail box just ...