Archive for ingredient pecans

A basic granola bar recipe for autumn to come

Basic granola bar recipe | Cannelle et Vanille

School started last week. Morning fog returned. Leaves are changing and I can smell autumn in the air. My favorite time of year with the anticipation of coziness, gatherings and squash soup. Many mornings, after I drop off Jon and Miren at school, I take a walk through Discovery Park in Seattle. I particularly love it ...

My basic granola recipe

Gluten-free granola

This is a post about my basic granola recipe... ... or also, about a recipe to make when you have to empty your pantry. Empty your house. We are nearly finished packing. I actually love going through our things and sorting through the essentials. Looking through boxes of memories or small tokens from years past like the baby ...

A Flourless Chocolate Cake and Endless Possibilities

February has flown by and it's time again for another Daring Bakers challenge. This time, we were asked to make a chocolate Valentino, which is essentially a flourless chocolate cake. Dense, fudgy and super moist flourless chocolate cake. We were given free range on this one except for one rule, we had to make an ...