My new cookbook Cannelle et Vanille will be published on 9.24.19

Cannelle et Vanille Final Cover 650px

Well, hello!

It has been years (crazy to even hear myself say those words) since I have been on this space sharing recipes. Likely, most of you most continue to follow along on Instagram. In short, life accelerated quickly the last years and this blog took too long to maintain. Things have changed and the way we share has as well.

I am still trying to figure out how to create a platform where all my recipe content, video, books and my overall work can live. I need to spend some energy on consolidating it all, but I’m slow and trying to keep up with work and family life seems to make this process even slower.

But I have been well and I have kept up with many of you on Instagram.

Now, my new cookbook “Cannelle et Vanille – Nourishing, Gluten-Free recipes for Every Meal and Mood” will see the light of day in just a short couple of weeks. I am so proud of this book. Seriously. I poured everything I had into it. I love the recipes, which are as paired down as possible. I photographed it all trying to create a visual world you can escape to when you need solace. I love the paper. I love the design. I loved working with Sasquatch Books.

My friend Genevieve Pierson helped me create a short film for it and I have been sharing a lot of things from it already.

It’s available for pre-order from many big stores and small ones alike. I always prefer if we all support our independent bookstores because they create community and a safe space for us to flourish and learn. See the full list here.

Hope to be back soon again with hopefully an efficient and well-designed site for us to meet again.

Until then,

Much love – Aran

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