Saying goodbye


We arrived in Florida approximately 11 years, 3 months and 8 days ago. Somewhere around there – give or take.

We left Denver in the dead of winter where the landscape was brown and bare. We drove for four days straight through the flatlands of Kansas, into the lush of Kentucky and Tennessee.

We arrived in South Florida on a sunny and cool afternoon. The sort of days that make it living here worth while. I noticed the “local strawberries for sale” stands on the side of the road and wonder where I had landed. It seemed like such contrast with the lush landscapes, the white beaches and sunny skies. Winter was flourishing and I was excited about what future held for us here.

It now seems like a lifetime away.

In the process, I enrolled in culinary school, worked at some of the best restaurants and hotels in the area, we had children, C. started experimenting with southern barbecue and I started this blog. I think the rest you know quite well.


During our time here, we met some wonderful people. My dear friends Karen, Jenny, Alex, Amy, Deena… all of which have been so important in our lives. We went fishing and camping, we picked citrus and strawberries in the middle of winter, we escaped the scorching summers and Jon and Miren ran around barefoot most of the time. There was lots here for us indeed, but in all honestly, it never felt like home. Perhaps no place will ever feel like home to me besides the Basque Country.

About two years ago we started really thinking about where it was that we wanted to live. What place would gather most of the attributes that we cannot live without. We knew it wasn’t here. I missed the seasons terribly and I realized I love a bit of rain and a bit less heat. Heat drains me. But our lives were very busy C. with work and I had the book to finish. So we waited.

After a few trips to Seattle in the last year, we realized we needed a combination of city life, nature, the forests that resemble those that I hiked as a child… It felt closer to the place I love and miss. C. was on board. After all he grew up in Northern California and his family is now in Montana.

So we settled on Seattle.

For the last year, we have been arranging our life to make this move possible and it is finally happening. In only a few days away, I will be writing this blog from about 3,000 miles away and a 3-hour time difference. It’s hard to imagine. But I am excited for spring in Seattle. Cherry blossom season, berries, camping and rain jackets.


So here is a little homage to our time in Florida. The beaches, the farms, the people we have visited. We will certainly miss them.

But needless to say, we are thrilled about what awaits us.

And the new light… ah, the new light.

Thank you.

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191 Responses to “Saying goodbye”

  1. Sarah M says:

    How wonderful and exciting! My family recently relocated to the Pacific Northwest (Blaine, WA 2.5 hours north of Seattle, right on the border) just 2 weeks ago to await my immigration into Canada. My husband (and two children) now have dual citizenship, and he got a job in Richmond across the border. We LOVE it up here. As someone who grew up in the Midwest (nary a hill to be seen, just corn and big sky), I am absolutely loving the coast and the weather, which is hot and humid for about 5 months of the year, too.
    Enjoy your trip, we had a 3 day drive, will you drive this one, too, or fly?
    Sarah M

    • Aran says:

      Well, congrats on your move as well. I will be flying with Jon and Miren and C will be driving across country with his brother. It’s about 7 days to get there so I don’t think the children would survive it… neither would i! All the best to you too!

  2. hollie says:

    Gorgeous photography! Can’t wait to see what you do with the Seattle landscape/light/vibe. :-) Good luck with your move.

  3. Giulia says:

    Ahhh, what an adventure. I really look forward to your new stories and I want to see how your photos change with the seasons and the light. Your homage is beautiful and I wish you good luck for your move and that you and your family settle in nicely.

  4. Imen says:

    Wow, Aran, I am thrilled for you………what a wonderful new adventure. I sense somehow that Seattle and its light will be the perfect fit…the perfect transition for you {despite the fact that we haven’t met!} Will you ever return to Spain to live? I look forward to being enveloped in your new stories, pictures, light… of everything and safe journey to you all. Imen x

  5. Sanda says: is happening!! I hope everything goes ok, wish you luck!!!

  6. Gaëlle B. says:

    Wow, that’s a wonderful choice and opportunity I think ! From what I sensed, Florida didn’t seem totally appropriate and fulfilling for you… Not that I’ve ever been, but Seattle seems to have a very good image in here, so that’s a good sign ! Almost all my friends would love to go there ! I can’t wait to see what you’ll cook up for us :-). All the best !!!!

  7. Julia says:

    Beautiful post Aran!! Wishing you a safe journey to your new home:) I look forward to reading all about your new delicious adventures.

  8. Sini says:

    This post made me so sentimental. I just moved back to my home town after studying in an other city for a few years. I really feel that where you settle down really has to feel like home. I feel great about the move now. At times it felt (and sometimes still feels) a bit scary but in the end it was a great decision to make. If something just doesn’t feel right you have to make a difference, a choice. Right?

    I wish you all the best in your new home. So excited for all of you! Seattle, wow.

  9. Melissa says:

    Good morning Aran,

    Soon we will be in the same time zone. I too am excited to see how the new location influences your photography and stories. Another exciting year ahead for you. Wishing you all the best for a smooth transition to your new home. xo

  10. Suerte con la mudanza, Aran! Espero que todo ira bien! No puedo esperar to SEE THE NEW LIGHT in your pictures! Besitos!

  11. Desiree says:

    What a lovely post! Good luck and safe travels! Can’t wait to see your gorgeous images from the west coast!

  12. Laura says:

    Te deseo toda la suerte del mundo en este cambio… ciudad, de vida, de entorno.
    Adoré tu libro……

    Abrazos desde Chile.

  13. Amy says:

    How exciting and the PNW will be happy to welcome you and your family! My husband and I have lived in a number of cities of varying sizes and climates but for us Portland just feels like the right place. The weather may be a bit dismal sometimes, but the greens and blues and greys are just too gorgeous to begrudge the rain. I can’t wait to see what new things lie ahead for you in Seattle and hope you’ll be making some trips down to Portland too!

    • Aran says:

      I will definitely be down to Portland soon! I spent two summers in Oregon as an exchange student when I was in my early teens and then we hosted a boy from Portland in the Basque Country so I feel very close to Oregon. Thank you!

  14. Aran, me ha encantado tu post! Como te dije en Instagram, nosotros también vamos a mudarnos a la otra punta de España, después de 12 años juntos aquí en Sitges, por motivos de trabajo, a mi marido lo trasladan a La Coruña y nos hemos planteado el cambio con mucha ilusión…jajajja yo también pasaré del sol radiante del mediterráneo a los campos verdes y los días mas grises de Galicia, pero estoy feliz, necesitaba un cambio yo también, ya que no soy de aquí, y de alguna manera, como dices tu tampoco era mi sitio (yo soy Gaditana). Sé que algún día volveremos pues a él le tira mucho su tierra..pero por ahora estoy encantada con el cambio!!

    Te deseo todo lo mejor y me encantará ver esa nueva luz en tus fotos…muy parecida a la que tendré yo a partir de septiembre cuando me instale allí! jajajja!
    Un besote

    • Aran says:

      Pues vosotros tambien teneis un gran cambio, de clima, cultura, de gente… pero seguro que lo apreciaras. Galicia es espectacular. Buena suerte con todo!

  15. Such a lovely post – a beautiful tribute to your time in Florida! I am so happy you are following your hearts to a new place to call home. I can’t wait to hear all about it, and I hope it brings you all the joy you deserve :) Wishing you safe travels and wonderful new discoveries xoxo

  16. Noel McNeil says:

    Ah, so exciting to hear your coming to the West! Most of the bloggers I read live on the East coast. I live in Northern, CA. Curious to know where your hubby is from? I understand if you choose not to disclose. :)

    Looking forward to your new move and adventure. Change is good…and fun.

  17. Katherine says:

    Aran, what a beautiful post! And as a native Seattleite, I hope you and your family come to love my city as much as I do. Have you decided on a part of the city to live in yet? Sometimes it seems so big that it never ends, but all the different neighborhoods are like tiny cities in themselves, and they all have their own personalities. I grew up and still live in West Seattle, across the bridge. Best wishes on your move and I hope you don’t mind the rain :) Let me know if you have any questions about Seattle or what to do, where to go…I would love to help you if you need it!

    • Aran says:

      We will be in Queen Anne to start with. We have come to know the different neighborhoods fairly well and West Seattle is gorgeous. I am looking forward to our life there!

  18. Patricia says:

    Welcome the the Northwest.
    23 years ago we opened a map of the US, made a list of pros and cons of various places and chose the Puget Sound area. This is where we are suppose to be. We have never wished we had picked somewhere else. It is a place to heal your soul.
    A couple of suggestions as someone who moved from a warm, sunny climate – warm interior colors and some east and/or south light.
    Please keep us posted on any local events.

  19. Rosa says:

    A wonderful post and tribute to Florida! The photos are exceptional.

    Seattle , another great place. The Weast Coast is so beautiful.



  20. Dana says:

    Good Luck, Aran! Will be looking forward to seeing Seattle through your lens and reading more about living there on this space.

  21. Sebastian says:

    Having just returned your book to the Seattle Public Library (and decided that I need to buy it for my own bookshelf), I am excited to hear that we will be neighbors. It’s funny, after flipping through your book, I actually looked up in your blog where you are located and where your classes are, and thought to myself “go figure, exact opposite side of the country”. Less than week later I am learning that you are moving to Seattle.
    You come at the right time. Yesterday was the nicest day this year thus far and you can definitely tell it’s spring now. There is no place in the world like Seattle on a sunny day. You will love living here. Welcome, I hope to meet you here sometime.

    • Aran says:

      So glad that you liked the book and yes, I heard that yesterday was gorgeous. Funny thing is that I have only been to Seattle once when the weather was gorgeous. Every other time it has been misty and cloudy, but I still enjoyed it. Thank you!

    • Stephanie says:

      I can’t agree more! On a clear sunny day, you see the water, the mountains and all the greenery. It is breathtaking! I can’t wait to see what you do. I too am hoping to be able to attend classes with you.


  22. Jessica says:

    I can totally understand you, I could never live in a place like Florida, the heat makes me uncomfortable and my favorite seasons are spring and autumn ! I hope you will finally feel at home. We are planning to visit the West Coast one day, I’m sure reading your posts will make us want to visit even more. By the way, I just bought the Lonely Planet for the Basque Country and I’m already in love with your homeland !

  23. We will miss you here in Florida, Aran! Cheers to a new life and a new place, making wonderful memories with the family :)

  24. Does this mean that you will be putting on seminars/workshops/anything in Seattle???? YAY!!!! I live outside Vancouver, BC, and Seattle is one of my favourite weekend destinations. You’re going to love it.

  25. Juliana says:

    Wishing safe travels and all the best for your move to the PNW. Your homage to Florida is beautiful and I look forward to reading about the light and food and about you in Seattle.

  26. Katie says:

    Thank goodness for us readers, we’ll still be able to connect with you right here at our desks on our computer screens. What an exciting journey you have had and are about to take. I am happy for you and the family.

  27. Jokin says:

    Mosu bat Arantzazu, zoriontsuak izan zaitezte!

  28. Elizabeth says:

    Aran – Best of luck with the big move. I’m sure it will be an exciting time ahead for you all. Can’t wait to see what your new life in Seattle brings to the posts on CV. I have never been to Seattle but is on my list of places to visit. I’ll be thinking of you when we are in the heat of the Florida summer and scorching!

  29. Liz says:

    How happy I am for you Aran. Your denouement on where you’re heading came on a day in my 19th year of living in Malta that I felt so low about not living where my heart is. I think you’re right, one has to make a move if it’s not ‘home’ in the soul, whatever that nebulous idea is. This is a year of change for me too, I feel. The energy of the change will release new artistic streaks in your work I am sure; and as others above have said, we’re eager to see your new paths take root and flourish. Funny how a sunny, southern climate isn’t the only reason to live somewhere!

  30. Britt says:

    Aran, I live outside Seattle and am so thrilled that you are moving here! You are such an inspiration to me! I look forward to watching the evolution of your style and your recipes based on the northwest ingredients and aesthetic. Best of luck with the move!

  31. Elisa says:

    Good luck on your new life!
    Even it will not feel like the Basque Country ( it never will, I think, as it’s rightful ), I hope you will feel more at ease in Seattle; you are so lucky to live in a country where you can move 3.000 miles away and still enjoy the ups of being in the same country, with the same tongue and the same laws, but with all the differences and peculiarities every place helds…
    When you said ” it never felt like home “, I couldn’t help but question myself about my own desire to quit my country to find work and feel more in my skin in another place; I know, however, I will dearly miss the blue skies, early spring and dry and luminous summers no matter what… It’s strange.
    However, hope you and your family will settle down easily! And, if I can say this, your photos really never showed that you didn’t enjoy Florida at heart, even if sometimes what you wrote did : they are just beautiful, full of light. I’ m curious to discover how they will look like in Seattle!

    • Aran says:

      I did enjoy some aspects of Florida. Very much so. The freedom, the beautiful winters… and I learned so much here. But it’s time for a change for us.

      • Elisa says:

        No doubts about it :); I meant that, at least from what I’ve understood, it was not your environment of choice. My english doesn’t permit me to express what I mean rightly.

  32. bego says:

    Mosu bat Arantzazu.
    Ten por seguro que te iremos a visitar

  33. Iratxe says:

    ¡Qué emoción Aran, qué aventura maravillosa!. Deseo lo mejor para ti y para tu hermosa familia. Buen viaje y mejor comienzo para este nuevo proyecto. Muxuak.

  34. Bee says:

    I met you briefly at Foodportunity Seattle when you were promoting your book. I love your photos and can’t wait to see your take on the PNW. Safe travel to you and your family. Hope to meet up with you again soon!

  35. trina says:

    so exciting! my husband and i are always trying to figure out where we could both agree upon to move. like, you, i like the seasons and heat completely drains me but he is from the south and likes the heat. it’s great to see that you have found a place that you both want to call home! can’t wait to see photos!

    xo . trina

    • Aran says:

      But he is from the south and that is what is in his heart. I believe at the end weather and other factors don’t matter as much as a sense of belonging or familiarity, so I totally understand him. Thank you!

  36. Diane says:


    Depuis que j’ai découvert votre blog, j’attends toujours avec impatience chaque nouvel article, j’apprécie beaucoup vos recettes. Mais par dessus tout c’est l’âme de vos photos, l’esprit qui se dégage de vos textes qui m’inspirent.
    J’ai donc une nouvelle fois hâte de lire vos nouvelles aventures et je vous souhaite Bon Vent pour ce nouveau départ !

  37. You are a true inspiration for food bloggers with your stunning images. I cannot wait to see what you will produce in Seattle. I recently moved across country myself (in Australia) and have been thrilled with the results of such a major change. Best of luck in your move and I hope it goes smoothly for you and your family.

  38. deena says:

    we will miss you guys dearly. can’t wait to plan our trip to visit you next summer and wish you all the best in this exciting new chapter.

  39. Nicole says:

    Aran, as a native Seattleite who spent five years in NYC and returned to my beautiful hometown in 2009, I understand the allure of the Pacific Northwest! :) On behalf of our fine city, may I say WELCOME to you and your family. We’re having a beautiful spring with a nice balance of gray, drizzly days and blues skies & sunshine – but never warmer than 57 degrees. You’ll love it. Yesterday, the Cascades, Olympics, and Mount Rainier were all out in their majestic glory. And of course you know the food scene….just incredible. I live in Ballard and frequent the farmers’ market almost every Sunday. I hope to see you there someday! Safe travels and again…welcome!

  40. Deborah says:

    Aran I wish you the best of luck with your move! We moved to Southern California 3 years ago and love it here! I am hoping that you will do some workshops on the west coast so I can attend :) I have been following your blog for years and look forward to meeting you one day!

  41. Safe travels! Hope you come back to visit Florida soon!

  42. Jenifer Smith says:


    Congrats on your move to the PNW….You are going to love it!!! I lived there for 3 years and I haven’t been whole since I left…Longing for the time when I too can move back (hopefully soon too). Are you going to be at the IFBC conference this year in Seattle? It would be lovely to meet you there.

    Can’t wait to see what you have to write about around town!!!



  43. Katy Noelle says:

    Oh, my…. how wonderful!!! I’ve been quite curious where it might be that you were moving to and thinking about you, now and then, and wondering how all of the packing was going. And, now, here it is! The moment! Very best wishes!!! I grew up in Southern California, which is a beautiful place but, now, I don’t want to miss a drop of the subtle shifting of the seasons in Vermont! and the light… (huge smile!) The light is different from month to month. Do you know, this is the first year that I’ve wanted March to slow down and the sun to go away… it’s been beautifully diffused with the light spring clouds! and, oh dear, will you have lots and lots of clouds in Seattle, too, all year long? But it is a BEAUTIFUL place…. and fresh fish, too. =D And, oh dear, my thoughts are flowing so freely, it’s bedtime and my sleepy brain is just musing on and on. =] But I’m awake enough to wish you the very best in your transitions. What an exciting adventure!


    and, oooooh, the berries!!! They’re so beautiful in that part of the country! =]

  44. I know how long you’ve been waiting for this day my friend and I am happy that it’s finally come for you. You’re a bit further now but I’m so excited for you all! I hope your new place comes with a guest bedroom or a comfy sofa because I will be visiting for sure! ;)

  45. Kim Grey says:

    I wish you and your family all the very best, in your new adventure!

    Having moved to Australia from Ohio in the U.S., I can definitely relate to your feelings of missing the seasons, and not quite feeling at home.

    I hope Seattle will bring you all many gifts, and you will enjoy many happy years there.

  46. Ginger says:

    What a big move, Aran. I know there will be loads of new experiences just waiting for you and your family. What an adventure! On a personal note, I am thrilled at the prospect of perhaps having one of your amazing workshops in the area. And when you venture further, Walla Walla can be a pretty lovely weekend trip on a spring weekend.

  47. Peabody says:

    I moved from Phoenix to the Seattle area 8 1/2 years ago. I love it here. I enjoy the rain. I look forward to see how you adjust to our lack of sun for photographs.

  48. Kamila says:

    My husband & I are moving to Seattle, too, in a few short weeks, so I look forward to your posts + pictures and learning about our new city together!

  49. What a delightful post – love the photos, as always! I know what you mean by missing the seasons… I am from Sweden and we lived in Asia/China for five years,and what we missed most about our home country was – the four seasons.

    Wishing you all the best in Seattle and looking forward to all new impressions and for you to share them on the blog!


  50. Teresa says:

    Creo que habéis hecho una buena elección. Soy de Asturias y viví en Seattle 13 años. Allí siempre me sentí como en casa. Ahora que estoy de nuevo en Asturias lo echo mucho de menos. Sigo encantada con tu libro y tu blog. !Buena suerte! Os deseo todo lo mejor en esta nueva etapa de vuestra vida.

  51. Good luck for the big move. It sounds like you have really though it through. I hope you find what you are looking for in Seattle. May you be happy and successful there.

  52. A beautiful résumé of your time in FL! Happy moving!
    Can’t wait to see on here what will come next in your new digs.

  53. Karine says:

    Moving is hard and exciting at the same time. Wish you the best in all your new endeavours. Hope you have a safe and easy move.
    Bon Voyage!

  54. Valérie says:

    Best of luck… new is exciting…
    And it is important to be somewhere that feels somewhat like home when you have chosen to live abroad…

  55. Philie says:

    enjoy the new light or should I say life?!

  56. Marion says:

    To you and yours…safe trip, happy life. As long as you’re somewhere with those you love, you’ll love and be comfortable there. Sounds like leaving an awesome adventurous time for a new wonderful life. Savor the moments!

  57. Jessie Aller says:

    I just recently visited Seattle for the first time and it was love, just as I knew it would be. I would love to be where you are some day. Wishing all the very best in you move, and I cannot wait to see the lovely new colors your photography will take on.

  58. Cindy says:

    That is amazing! Congrats on the move and welcome to the west coast where I was born and grew up (just north of you in Vancouver)! I hope that means we will see more of you in Canada (in particular Toronto)?

    Best wishes

  59. Oh my goodness! I think you and your family will love it here! We moved here to Seattle, well about 20 minutes east of Seattle, a year ago for my husband’s job. In fact, I met you when you were here for your book signing at the Palace Kitchen Ballroom. Anyway, aside from the weather, (which you may love) it is such a beautiful place to live . . but you already know this! I am so excited for you and your family . . and selfishly, I hope this means some LOCAL workshops here in Seattle! safe travels!

  60. Wonderful post! I’m so thrilled that you are moving to Seattle because it’s where I happen to live! I relocated here 5 years ago from Boston and my husband and I are absolutely in love with it. I live in Belltown and I’d love to meet up with you for coffee (hope you enjoy it, coffee here is engrained in the culture and better than anywhere in the country) and show you around town and help you get acclimated! I work part-time at Salumi Cured Meats, a private cook for 8 Brothers at St. James Cathedral, Creative Director for a local pizza company and blogger, so needless to say, I adore the Seattle food scene and I think it’s one of the best. You will love it here and the grey and rainy days aren’t bad at all. Seattle weather is so managable because it doesn’t restrain much. We are such an active community here with the mountains, water and lush woods. We have so much to offer and I know you will fall madly in love with this city like so many before you. Please give me a call if you’d like to meet us. Best wishes for a successful move!

  61. Samantha says:

    Welcome to the PNW! As a native Seattleite and long time reader, I am delighted that you’re coming to the Emerald City. Looking forward to seeing you around the QA hill. Good luck with the move and would be happy to be a local resource if you need one!

  62. Debbie says:

    Hello Aran! I was worried for a minute that you were saying “goodbye to the blog” — glad to hear the blog will continue , and from wonderful Seattle! Best of luck to you and family for a happy move.

  63. Joana Brito says:

    Good luck to you and your family at this exciting times. I still remember when 23 years ago I left Portugal to come to Toronto, Canada. The excitment … a new life on the horrizon. It’s so fulfilling. All the best to you and your family … I can’t wait to get some new recipes from “Sleepless in Seatle” :) one of my favorite movies. Enjoy!!!

  64. Hannah says:

    Hi Aran – what happy news! Seattle has been my home for 20 years and I’ve been very happy raising my family here. I wish the same for you! All the best to you and safe travels.

  65. Dena says:

    Congratulations. Seattle is one of my most favorite cities in the world. I know you and your family will be happy there! May the transition go smoothly, may you create a loving and light-filled home, and may all of your family’s dreams come true in that magical city.

  66. Oh Aran!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I’m so thrilled for you. I live just outside of Seattle, and I was CRUSHED that I was unable to attend your event at The Book Larder.

    Please have an event of some kind after you get settled in. I would so love to come and say hello!!

    The cherry blossoms…..oh they really make up for the grey winters! They’re divine! And Queen Anne is the loveliest neighborhood :)

  67. Caroline says:

    The PNW welcomes you and you will love Queen Anne!

  68. Adrienne says:

    Seattle is thrilled to have you!

  69. Kay Johnston Tucker says:

    Good Morning Aran, my name is Kay Tucker. I am a retired chef and retired blogger. Now at the age of 71, I am progressing into an almost full time painter. Your photographs have always made my heart beat faster, but then today when I read your latest posting, Saying Goodbye, I saw the photograph of the green tomatoes on the vine….and immediately knew I needed to paint it! I would like your permission to do so, and would like to be able to download the photograph for a print to reference as I am painting. I usually tape a photo, sketch, etc. to my easel.

    I would be so pleased to receive your permission!

    Hope to hear from you soon, and thank you!

    Kay Tucker

    Overland Park, Kansas

  70. ainara elgoibar says:

    Seattle! Niretzako beti izengo da Comercialean ikaste gendueneko grunge-aren kapitala, leku mitiko baten antzekoa. Zein hurrun ha dana ezta? Zorte on ta mosu handi bat :)

    • Aran says:

      Ainara! Pero donde estas? Sabes cuantas veces he intentado contactarte? Cual es tu email mas reciente? Email bat bialdu mesedez ia nondik ibili zaren eta zelan zagozan jakiteko. Eta ahal badozu Seattlera etorri bisitetan :)) Mosu handi bet eta ia laster ikusten garen.

  71. Angela says:

    Best wishes for your move, Aran! If the Seattle winters get too grey, take a flight — or long drive — down to Santa Barbara. Our winters are sunny and in the high 60’s-70’s with no humidity.
    We have exquisite Mediterranean light, exceptional local organic produce and wines year-round, and many enthusiastic cooks! Fantastic light for photography workshops.
    Seattle is a terrific city, and I’m sure you will add to its treasures!

  72. Oh you will loooove the PNW climate and ALL the seasons we have! I have lived in the Portland OR area all my life, and with all mu travels I’ve done, I always love returning home. I love our Summer and Fall seasons, and all the produce we have hear, and the fish, oh the fish! I can’t wait to see your new adventures come across the screen! Cheers~

  73. Marta says:

    Acabo de recibir tu libro. Me encantó tu página y no dudé en pedirlo. Desde luego se nota que está hecho con mucho cariño. Muchas gracias por compartir tus historias, fotografías y recetas, y hacerme más feliz descubriendo nuevos sabores.

  74. Jules says:

    I was so pleased to hear you are moving to Seattle. I am in Los Angeles now but was born in Seattle and raised in the NW. Your blog is one of my favorites because your photos are so incredible. They are truly inspiring and I can’t wait to see what pictures you post from my hometown. It is such a wonderful city! Good luck on your move.

  75. Juliet P. says:

    Welcome to the West Coast! You’ll love it here! (posted from No. California). :-D

  76. Caprice Cardinal says:

    Oh my gosh, do you know how much it rains here?

    It’s funny because most of us who live here want to live somewhere sunnier!

    Summers are beautiful but they typically don’t start until after July 4th and come September it’s already getting cold.

    Good luck to you and your family.

  77. Stacy ~ Sweet Life Farm says:

    Oh, so excited for you Aran! I returned home last night from Seattle, a quick trip up to visit my mom. I look forward to seeing the place that will always feel like home to me (though I moved to southern Oregon many years ago) through your eyes and lens. Safe travel.

  78. I could not imagine blogging from any other place other than the beautiful Pacific Northwest. You will love it here!

  79. Leah D. says:

    Congrats on your move and welcome to Seattle!!

  80. Ainho says:

    Animo Aran, ikusiko dozu ze ondo joango jatzuen. Ez dakit zegaitik pentsetan neuen aldaketa maiatzean zala…
    Moxu haundi-haundi bet!

  81. Lovely post. Safe travels and best wishes on your new adventure. I have spent time in British Columbia but never Seattle. I can only imagine how beautiful it must be. I can not wait to read about your journey.

  82. Hola Aran,
    Zelako aldaketa emoten zoazien! espero dan-dana ondo joatea. Suertea opa dotsuet ibilbide barri honetan.
    Patxu handi bat eta ondo segi.

  83. A beautiful post, I love your photography and sincerely hope to one day be able to take part in one of your courses! Meanwhile best of luck with your exciting move and I look forward to your Seattle posts. Bon Courage x

  84. Carmen says:

    Que post tan tan bonito! Hace como cuatro años estuvimos de viaje en algunos ciudades de USA y en la costa oeste de Canadá….y yo casi siempre quiero vivir alla donde voy pero en USA solo me imaginé en Seatle, me encantó.
    bss y mucha suerte.

  85. Jane says:

    Aran, I love your book. I gave it to my best friend’s daughter, Sarah for her wedding, along with some lovely carved wooden spoons. She loves your book and sent me photographs of the leek soup and the frittata that she made. I keep your book on the table in my living room right now. So many things in my life are tough right now, and your book, as well as your blog, just fill me with joy. I think you have a book in you that is simply about living a life filled with beauty. It would have recipes and food photos, but I think your sensibility reaches beyond food. You seem to understand how to live life, how to create a story that is sustaining, sensual, and utterly lovely. Thank you.

  86. Vy says:

    Welcome to the West Coast! You’ll fall in love with Seattle over and over again! So many things to do and places to explore not to mention Vancouver and Oregon only hours away. Good luck with your move and can’t wait to see your post about your new adventures!

  87. Maria says:

    Bonne chance, Aran . I know you’re going to love the light and seasons in Seattle, I look forward to seeing your pictures and what wonderful new food discoveries you have in store for us.

  88. Agnes says:

    Welcome to Seattle! I moved here from Northern California in 1994 and still love it. I hope you will be happy here and you are coming just at the right time to see Spring blossom, to enjoy the mildest summers ever and collect up all the sunshine you can before we head back into the dark days of fall and winter.
    You will enjoy the farmer’s markets and the best of all, the Pike Place Market!

    Welcome, welcome, welcome!

  89. Y says:

    Very excited for you! I can’t wait to see Seattle through your lens!

  90. Kelli says:

    Welcome, neighbor! I live in Olympia, WA {one hour south of Seattle), and am a big fan! I am excited you will be writing a little about our region {soon to be YOUR region!}, and I am hopeful to attend some of your local events and say hello. Gorgeous pics today; how bittersweet for you. Happy moving! Hope it goes well. xoxo from WA!

  91. Kirsten says:

    Very exciting! Welcome to Seattle! I’ve been here since 1982, it’s a great place and I hope you will be very happy.

  92. Angie R says:

    Welcome to the Pacific Northwest!! I live in Portland and welcome you to my beautiful city any time! I admire your beautiful blog and pray I can attend one of your photography clinics in the future. You’re a spot of true beauty in my life!! Thank you! I can’t wait to see how our coast influences your photography.

  93. Kathy says:

    We are nearly neighbors (I live in Jupiter) and now I feel like you’re leaving me – lol! Thank goodness for the internet :-) Best wishes on your new adventure! And thanks for posting the beach photos, especially the pier.We arewe

  94. Jenn says:

    wow what a move! i’m excited for you and your family. I live in Vancouver, BC (just 2 hours north of Seattle), very similar vibe and environment. There is such incredible camping North and South of Seattle, that you and your family will love + lots of great farmers markets and coops. Enjoy and best luck with the move!!

  95. I can’t wait to see how Seattle inspires your cooking and photography! We spent some time there last summer and I love the quality of the light there for photography! Here’s to new adventures!

  96. julia says:

    What a great posti I can understand that you love seasons. I live in Paris and I love the seasons there. We are now waiting for spring to come, because winter has been a bit too long I think!
    I think Seattle is a great city. I heard of it, but never had the chance to visit it.
    Good luck for your new life there!

  97. Yael says:

    Wishing you all the best for a smooth and enjoyable move. I have visited Seattle a few times and just love it. If there was any place in the world I would choose to live, other than where I am now, it would definitely be Seattle. Maybe someday….
    Best of luck and looking forward to your posts from the Pacific Northwest!

  98. Christine says:

    What a wonderful post. When I read your blog the first time (1 or 2 years ago) I couldn’t believe that you really live in Florida. I was confused because I pictured you in another part of the U.S. (Seattle, Boston or San Francisco). I never made it to Seattle but I think it must be a gorgeous place.

    I wish you a safe trip and all the best. Can’t wait for new pictures and stories!

  99. How very exciting Miss Aran…
    I wish you a wonderful new start in your new home.
    I think it will also bring in a different influence to your photography – looking forward to that ;)
    xo Ella

  100. ibabe says:

    Iparralderuntz, euri eta edur bila. Urtaro bila esaten zendun modun…eta gainera udaberrian…
    Espero diat gauzak oso ondo joatea eta argi berriz jantziriko argazkiak ikustea.
    Sorte ona izan dezazuela opa dizut.

  101. All the best for settling in Seattle! What an adventure – I am sure you’ll enjoy it despite the three more hours that separate you from your family back home in Spain!

    Can’t wait to read more about Seattle – have not been there yet, so I’ll get to know the city through your eyes.

    Happy unpacking!

  102. Your post is so beautiful I can imagine how the 11 years passed so fast, and how much you learned during the years. I wish you all the best for you and your family. And I am so looking forward to your new home and new plans. Best of luck and success xoxo

  103. Jennifer says:

    Congratulations on your new adventure and welcome to the Pacific Northwest! I started following your blog when I lived in West Palm Beach and you were featured in the Palm Beach Post. Your blog has since become my favorite and I always look forward to your new photographs and recipes. I too felt that Florida was never home and finally settled in Portland, OR about 6 months ago! Enjoy exploring your new city and I look forward to seeing how Seattle influences your awesome photography!

  104. Donna Sand says:

    Wow! How exciting for your family , I feel Seattle is gong to be full of wonderful for you . I too am completely excited to see what becomes of your move . Seattle is number 2 on my list of places to move if I ever leave the Nj . Number 1 is upstate Ny to my husbands home town .

    Safe travels

  105. Jill Douglas says:


    Just found your blog through an issue of Whole Living. Fantastic! I will look forward to exploring it more.
    We live in Portland (moved here a couple years ago from Colorado) and I must say, you are coming to a fun place. You will be in food heaven!


  106. Itxaso says:

    Ze polite Floridako azkenengo posta! Eta zelango ilusinoa oin leku barrien. Egunen baten joango gara Seattlera eta ingo jatzu bisita bat. Mosu handi bet danori!

  107. Jacque-Lynne says:

    I’ve been following your blog for a few years (since finding your pumpkin ice cream sandwiches online). I look forward to reading about your adventures in Seattle. I am currently in Vancouver, Canada, so I’m excited to see/read/eat along with you and your Pacific Northwest adventures.
    Best wishes

  108. sara forte says:

    what a sweet post. A very best of luck with the move!! It’s tough adjusting, but you are going to be surrounded by so many lovely people. I am jealous of the community you’re walking into. Thinking of you guys – hoping it feels more like home. xo

  109. peggy says:

    My heart was full and my eyes in love with all your photos from your deliciously delightful life in Florida. Aran, your new adventure is going to be amazing! My sister lived on Whidbey Island for 10 years, and you and your camera will love it! So much wonder and delight in the beautiful farms, islands, and magical forests of the Pacific Northwest! Here’s blessings for an easy transition and safe travels. Peggy

  110. Katy says:

    May God bless you Aran and your family with strength,peace,unity,wonderful new friends,and fun new adventures in your new homeland ! If you come to California ,Carmel Valley and Santa Barbara are two beautiful places to vacation……or to
    do a workshop. They are like Provence on the West Coast ! :-))

  111. How exciting, good luck with your move! Your photos are so beautiful, as always.

  112. How exciting, Aran! Wishing you and the family all the best with the move! :)

  113. Chan says:

    Yaaay! I am a huge fan of yours and am so glad to hear you will be moving to my city! :)

    Welcome to the neighborhood!

  114. Isabel says:

    Welcome to Seattle! I’ve grown up here and it is certainly one of the best places to live. It is so lush and the rain makes the summers so vibrant and gorgeous. You’ll love the sparkling lakes and Sound. Have fun hopping to all the farmers markets and settling in!

  115. Ana Maria says:

    We just moved from South Florida to Southern California and the change has been wonderful! I can’t wait to see all of your beautiful Seattle photos. Good luck and safe travels!

  116. Aran says:

    Hello all,

    Thank you very much for your kind words and welcome notes. We are slowly settling in and loving being in Seattle. Can’t wait to share more soon.


  117. Katie says:

    Seattle is an amazing place and I absolutely love it here. However, during the winter when the rain comes for months on end we make plans to move to southern Florida. I suppose the key is to just have two houses, right?


  118. Kaluz says:

    Hello Aran,
    Just wanted to let you know that I wrote a review of your book in my blog. Here is the link in case you are interested in giving it a look.

    I love your pictures and recipes!

  119. Mikey F. says:

    Muchísisisima suerte en Seattle. Siempre he oído maravillas de esa ciudad y qué ganas tengo de ver las fotografías que nos enseñarás de allí.

    Tu blog es uno de mis favoritos. Seguramente, porque ver a una vasca por el mundo, nos lleva a los demás vascos un poco con ella ;)

    Sorte Ona eta musu handi bat.


  120. Wishing you all kinds of wonderful in your move, and settling into the Pacific Northwest. We lived in Portland for 4 years, and something I loved there is the wild food culture. So many people know their edible plants, and there is a real celebration of regional food.

    All the best to you!

  121. Intxaurtsu says:

    Zelako inbidia, Seattle!!! Ni Bilbotik alde egiteko desiatzen nau …….ointxe berton aldatuko notsun………. Basque Country is nicer in our hearts than in real life, changes are too slow if there are any……

    Zorte on

  122. Greer Inez says:

    So exciting + brave!
    Can’t wait to hear all about the wonderful changes!

  123. Kathryn H says:

    Welcome to my neck of the woods. Hop a ferry and come see us in Bainbridge/Poulsbo/Olympic Peninsula. Have a safe trip.

  124. Amanda says:

    Congratulations on the move. I grew up in the same area of Florida and now live on the west coast – although I love Florida- nothing compares to the Pacific Northwest.

    Can’t wait to hear about your new adventures.

  125. Hi Aran! Congrats on your new move to Seattle!
    My husband and I recently went out to Seattle for a weekend to meet up with old friends and we’ve always wanted to see what Seattle was like. Oh my goodness, My husband and I totally felt the way you did when you visited. We fell in love and kept thinking how perfect this city is – part city, part nature, and just so much more to do and appreciate than the midwest (we are in Chicago). We are also in the midst of trying to move there. Congrats again!!

  126. amy says:

    Congratulations! As an expat Seattlite, I can wholeheartedly say that you’ll love the city. There’s an abundance of people who truly care about great, beautiful, healthy food, the city is stunning, and the often overcast skies provide really phenomenal lighting for photography. Bon voyage!

  127. Penny F says:

    Best of luck! And all my best wishes for you and your family, is great that you can choose a dream place to live. That’s a blessing! . I can not wait to see your new work with the new light. I imagine there would be some time that you wont be able to post news here… So i’ll keep looking your past posts… Anyway they are allways fun to watch and read. Hope to read you soon… But take your time with all the arrangements, mooving is hard work!!! :)

  128. Heidi says:

    Welcome to Seattle!! I remember talking with you at the Makerie last year about you hoping to move here. You picked a lovely neighborhood ; ) Selfishly, I hope you’ll do some local photo workshops once you are settled. You’ll love it here.

  129. Francine says:

    All the best to you and your family.
    I was wondering on how you will have to adapt to much less sun and e very different quality of light.
    Can’t wait to see the results…

  130. flannery says:

    Welcome to Seattle, Aran! It is a great place to be and I can’t wait to see what you do with the Northwest’s beauty and bounty on your blog. Mucha suerte con la mudanza y hasta pronto ;)

  131. Constance Jones says:

    You will love Seattle. I move to Seattle almost 7 years ago from Santa Monica. Although, I do miss the sun… I LOVE Seattle. When you settle in, I would love to introduce you to my boss who runs Assisted Living buildings in Washington and who has an amazing GF wife who you would absolutely enjoy. Our President and his wife will also be people you would enjoy – he is on the board of an amazing not for profit called FareStart. It does culinary job training and placement for homeless and disadvantaged individuals and his wife is an art dealer. Congratulations on your move and let me know if you would like to make some new friends who are amazing individuals.

    • Constance Jones says:

      Oh, and another Seattle blogger you will love is Karista’s Kitchen. She is a wonderful person – also GF and just as amazing inside as she is outside. You will love her…..

  132. Hung Quach says:

    Your post pulled at the heartstrings and I wish you and your family all the very best with settling into your new home and life. Exciting times ahead. Your beautiful photos really captured your time in Florida really well.

  133. My two sons live in Seattle. I love it there. The farmer’s markets are especially fun. Be sure to check out the market near Freemont. I hope you will enjoy it there. Nothing is quite like a sunny day in Seattle!

  134. Tina/@teenbug says:

    This is SOOOO exciting! I had no idea. I was just cruising through my Google Reader for the first time in a LONG time. Are you here already? :)


  135. Ze gatza dan etxetik kanpo bizitzie, baina zenbat momentu aberasgarri ekartzen deuzen atzerriak. Hemendik ikusiko doguz zure abentura ta argazki barriak. All the best!

  136. Welcome to the Pacific Northwest! There is no shortage of ideas, producers, and those who love food here. If you find yourself on the eastern side of the Cascades walking along the boardwalk in the cowboy town of Winthrop/Methow Valley, please look us up we’d love to share our slice of paradise with you.

    all the best,
    Rachelle Weymuller

  137. Ashley says:

    This is by far one of the most beautiful blogs I’ve seen! As a woman who grew up in Miami, there’s a fondness in my heart.

    I live in Portland, and if you ever want to talk food, farms or the local bounty, just drop a line:)

    Congrats on the move!

  138. Jackie Rueda says:

    Aran, no se si leeras todos estos comments, pero aqui voy: Acabo de estar en Seattle y me enamoré de esa ciudad. Creo que lo tiene todo. Es tan humana, acogedora, hay tanta agua por todas partes y esos bosques! La naturaleza alli es increible. Y estas tan cerca de Vancouver, Victoria y Portland que son sitios preciosos (Victoria me robo el corazon). Creo que tu decision es maravillosa. Las estaciones son muy importantes para mi y el calor me apaga asi que te comprendo. Te deseo muchisima suerte. En Seattle vive una fotografa argentina que es un encanto y tiene dos nenas. Te dejo su link por si algun dia quieres hacer contacto:
    Mucha suerte.

  139. Helene says:

    Good Luck! I love Seattle a lot.

  140. Kendra says:

    So exciting to have many of my favorite bloggers in the same state of Washington. I look forward to seeing recipes from you with foods from my area! Yea.

  141. Style Maniac says:

    Funny, I’ve been dreaming of escaping these awful Northeast winters and moving to … Florida!

    Finding a place you connect to, that truly feels like home, is such a key part to being happy in life, I think. Wishing you all the best with your move and looking forward to the new bounty of the Northwest on these pages.

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